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nonlawyer t1_j2bs41o wrote

I can’t believe they’re going after the first openly gay Founding Father like this, he literally wrote the Constitution! On 9/11!


TheTeenageOldman t1_j2c8jes wrote

He also received the Torah on Mt. Sinai from, get this - god almightly himself. Guy's a legend!


RedditSkippy t1_j2bd406 wrote

From whom, is the question.


MDemon t1_j2d9ogx wrote

The article is referencing FEC records. You can go to the FEC website and see the list yourself lol


reignnyday t1_j2co1ke wrote

He looks so tacky with his Hermes bracelet and rolled up Burberry sleeves


earlymountainrain t1_j2dii2t wrote

Probably picked up at Canal Street along with his counterfeit degree and Goldman employee ID.


Rottimer t1_j2dyrfx wrote

Hey, they could also be very real. . . bought with a fraudulent check.


ctannr t1_j2etbxr wrote

he looks like Fred Armisen doing an SNL bit


burnshimself t1_j2dszr4 wrote

How anyone was convinced by his two but act I don’t know


gabeman t1_j2f86i6 wrote

"We can confirm that these items are not real" - Burberry and Hermes, probably


ChrisNYC70 t1_j2e1ng2 wrote

He is actual the physical manifestation of the Egyptian Prince email.


bittoxic00 t1_j2e0bg0 wrote

He got contributions from Nashville, it tracks people help the party but feels weird


The_CerealDefense t1_j2ejkrg wrote

Mods can you ban this poster - its a spam account, its been spamming all over reddit the last couple days.


Sad-Principle3781 t1_j2ctpxf wrote

Doesn't matter about his past or what he claimed about it. What matters is what he'll do for his constituents going forward


HDFlo t1_j2cwwrf wrote

Lie about it? Honestly I don’t know how anyone can trust what seems to be a compulsive liar.


bandlizard t1_j2ee0vu wrote

Everyone calm down. He’s right. Conservatives don’t care about what you do, only what you say you’ll do.

They say they hate abortions and men abandoning their children but vote for Herschel Walker.

Voting for a pathological liar and fraud is on-brand.


prisoner_007 t1_j2e3u1a wrote

This is article isn’t about his past, it’s about his present.


captainktainer t1_j2ecwor wrote

This is just about the saddest example of right-wing mouthbreather cope I've seen related to this guy, and that's saying something.