bittoxic00 t1_j08d9jm wrote
Her personal margin account was said to be negative 1.5 billion with a ‘B’. She 100% gambled with customer funds and likely has a couple cold storage wallets for the future. If she gets off scott free it’ll be insane
amsync t1_j0apxaq wrote
Kids playing with dad's toys is what all of this is. Just insane.
spicytoastaficionado t1_j0bl1k8 wrote
>likely has a couple cold storage wallets for the future
Same with SBF.
With the way these people were purposely (and admittedly) misusing billions in other people's money, it isn't hard to imagine the top players stashed some of it aside.
sanjsrik t1_j08zwaf wrote
Crocodile tears and a "he tricked me into doing bad things, I'm just a woman" defense.
Saladcitypig t1_j0b8cgs wrote
It's possible to want people to be held accountable for their misdeeds without being sexist. When you say things like this, as you can see from your responses, men are more than willing to add sticks to the fire of sexist bs.
spicytoastaficionado t1_j0bknak wrote
It isn't sexist to point out that this is a realistic defense strategy scenario should Ellison be indicted.
For one, we just saw literally the same strategy used by Elizabeth Holmes in one of the most high-profile fraud trials in recent history.
Secondly, that is basically the only defense Ellison would have, short of claiming complete and total ignorance (which wouldn't legally absolve her of guilt or blame).
Saladcitypig t1_j0bm3tz wrote
You are putting too much faith in the "I'm just a woman" commenter.
I don't believe that was good faith. I doubt your comment is to, considering you gloss over that. The defense strats are in themselves a product of sexism and defense law is nothing if not dirty, it uses bigotry as a manipulation tool.
Someone can very easily point at a strat while disingenuously ALSO shitting on women because that is literally the majority of troll comments on any topic where a woman is involved. You can pretend it's not, but then you'd be naive, or you're simply employing that strat yourself.
sanjsrik t1_j0fj0w1 wrote
Literally watch this be her defense. I will stake money on it.
Saladcitypig t1_j0fywwa wrote
and again you talking not about HER, but about her DEFENSE TEAM of LAWYERS, who very clearly know the world is incredibly sexist and use that cynically.
You are virtually being snotty about the nice suit lawyers make convicted killers wear in court, as if it says something about all men who are convicted of killing. "Hur dur, look at that man again, wearing a suit in court, pretending he didn't kill someone... men be like." Silly.
sanjsrik t1_j0gau2p wrote
The client says what they are willing to do regardless of what the lawyer's advice is. Ultimately it is up to the client what defense they present.
Saladcitypig t1_j0gf6j7 wrote
lol oh ok. You don't know what you're talking about, now it's clear.
sanjsrik t1_j0gs0jv wrote
And you think being a white knight will get you more than you deserve.
Keep being delusional.
Saladcitypig t1_j0h1say wrote
When a person says the phrase "White knight" it's one of the many nails in their coffin of credibility.
sanjsrik t1_j0hh0et wrote
Keep going. You're funny.
spicytoastaficionado t1_j0bka63 wrote
Same shit happened in the Theranos trial.
The all-powerful "girl boss" claimed she was in over her head and manipulated by her former boyfriend/company president.
UnusualAd6529 t1_j0bobhz wrote
She literally got 11 years in prison bro
spicytoastaficionado t1_j0bpjbv wrote
That doesn't refute anything I said, which is the factual statement that Holmes used a defense strategy of pretending to be a victim manipulated by her ex.
I never claimed such a stupid strategy would actually work, just that it is a predictable one.
UnusualAd6529 t1_j0bt3x1 wrote
What I mean is that there is no reason to make statements like this other than to disparage these people as woman.
Don't get me wrong they should rot in a cell but people use this as an opportunity to express their sexist hatred lol.
The courts aren't stupid and won't let you off just because you get pregnant or make puppy dog eyes at them.
BiblioPhil t1_j0e0lp6 wrote
The system is rigged in favor or women, bro. That's why all those incompetent female candidates are winning presidential elections over their qualified male opponents.
NY08 t1_j09vzvy wrote
Works every time.
Wowzlul t1_j0cbh52 wrote
Didn't work for Elizabeth Holmes.
atget t1_j0idyq2 wrote
Also, this kind of shit definitely falls under the old dating "rule" of "be attractive, don't be unattractive."
It didn't work for Elizabeth Holmes, but it definitely won't work for Caroline Ellison. Elizabeth Holmes looks like Miss Universe compared to Caroline Ellison.
mavewrick t1_j0ampau wrote
Amber Heard has left the chat
AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j0akz2w wrote
Katie Holmes.
gonzo5622 t1_j09xb1r wrote
Yup. She’s just as culpable
SBAPERSON t1_j0a5e9x wrote
If she whistle blows SBFs cash doesn't she get some lol
civilityman t1_j0afwk0 wrote
This is well beyond the point of whistle blowing. She’s in the feed him to the lions phase of criminal conspiracy
neighborbozo t1_j0ad9o8 wrote
Pregnancy announcement in 3… 2.. 1.
spicytoastaficionado t1_j0bk1h5 wrote
That didn't save Elizabeth Holmes.
totalyrespecatbleguy t1_j0o88r3 wrote
Man I pity the guy who has to put a bun in her oven
awayish t1_j096x7u wrote
i mean these same customers were also long on crypto, the exact strat that blew up alameda. no tears shed for anyone involved. it's good that this stuff is firewalled off from actual functional finance.
Warpedme t1_j0bjrcf wrote
I have zero pity for anyone who lost money on crypto. It was legal gambling all along and we kept telling everyone that. It's a scam and always was.
drpvn t1_j07ys7w wrote
Margaret McPoyle?
shaunofthedead1590 t1_j08bwlt wrote
Yanischemas21 t1_j09bsoo wrote
Guypussy t1_j08ju2q wrote
Bump it. 🤜🏻
I’m not bumping your fist.
thebruns t1_j09iu1k wrote
I still dont understand how someone can be a billionaire and not be dating at minimum a professional model
tondracek t1_j0afhxu wrote
There aren’t that many wildly intelligent people who choose to be models so you’d first have to find a few, then find one you’re interested in. Sounds complicated
[deleted] t1_j0bwnfz wrote
survive_los_angeles t1_j0dgc63 wrote
i feel like there might be a good number of things you dont understand
damn! talk about cut and run!
thebruns t1_j0dh3sa wrote
ok boomer
Careful_Apricot_2822 t1_j097r6v wrote
I hope she starts dating Pete Davidson
raysofdavies t1_j09qaxh wrote
She’s got her deli ticket for it, let the system work
NY08 t1_j09vuqb wrote
He dates celebrity 9s.
Not a nerdy 2.
gcoba218 t1_j0czng5 wrote
EntireInflation8663 t1_j0etq49 wrote
2 too high
NY08 t1_j10jluu wrote
2 because she’s not fat
survive_los_angeles t1_j0dgkm3 wrote
sometimes we like to switch it up bro.
NY08 t1_j10jnof wrote
Speak for yourself 😖
md702 t1_j08hwbz wrote
She deserves to go to jail every bit as much as sbf. She was an accomplice.
shhansha t1_j09zksi wrote
You just can’t stand to see a girlboss win 💅💅
survive_los_angeles t1_j0dgwq3 wrote
i stand with Caroline Ellison!
TheObliviousPickle t1_j0aprz4 wrote
Absolutely. And she likely will
ashara_zavros t1_j0az44t wrote
I doubt it.
HayFeverTID t1_j0b5or4 wrote
At this point she’s just negotiating for a reduced sentence, but she will be behind bars
jay5627 t1_j08uejm wrote
Do they really need someone to flip? Hasn't he basically admitted to fraud in the interviews he has done recently
PhillyFreezer_ t1_j08w6sn wrote
Very different to beating A+ lawyers in front of a jury who doesn’t know shit about Crypto or finance lol
qdpb t1_j095vkq wrote
How is it very different?
PhillyFreezer_ t1_j09wuyn wrote
He’s got really good lawyers and would be in from to a jury. They’ll spend half the trial explaining what crypto is before they can even get to the evidence of why he was committing fraud.
Go look at his interviews recently. Finance speak for a shmuck like me doesn’t make sense at all, so it’s very hard to tell when he’s lying and when he’s not. That’s my fear at least. His lawyers are very good at their jobs
Swagyolodemon t1_j0aajld wrote
He’s screwed homie. He’s been a dead man walking for a while. His counsel is likely going to spend the whole time arguing his ignorance but the facts are overwhelming.
Edit: Should add that the DOJ are going to bring just as good, if not better, lawyers. There are some incredibly talented attorneys that work for them.
[deleted] t1_j0cbpud wrote
InterscholasticPea t1_j0b1l7c wrote
If I were the judge, I would skip the crypto part. Who cares what assets FTX is holding? He failed at being a custodian of customer funds and move them to a trading firm in which he owns majority.
[deleted] t1_j0cbyw6 wrote
Swagyolodemon t1_j0cdu2h wrote
It’s also just not that pertinent of an issue. The questions are whether he lied to shareholders and customers.
InterscholasticPea t1_j0cf1ec wrote
Agreed. My point is the tech (crypto, blockchain technology) has nothing to do with the suppose fraud except it’s an asset and mechanism for transport
LearnProgramming7 t1_j0ahzxk wrote
Bro that would bore the jurors to tears. That is a very poor litigation strategy.
[deleted] t1_j0b38no wrote
badgermushroombadger t1_j097uc9 wrote
They need both to
JackMeHoff266 t1_j0a0d42 wrote
Depends if that confession can be admissible in court. I’d assume that his lawyers will argue against that being a credible confession or admission. Flipping someone would build a stronger case against SBF
jay5627 t1_j0a51sf wrote
Why wouldn't it be admissible? It was for public consumption
JackMeHoff266 t1_j0ellom wrote
That’s not for me to decide- most likely his lawyers will try to prevent that interview from being used as evidence in court. I’m guessing they would argue that it’s not a formal confession or it may have been misleading.
aviciiavbdeadpunk t1_j08a7a7 wrote
she became a billionaire by using the sorting hat in harry poter
SimmerDownRizzo t1_j08klea wrote
We have enough rats in the city already. No thanks.
[deleted] t1_j08plkw wrote
im_coolest t1_j08z0ht wrote
Owners are cool. Glad they made it through COVID
[deleted] t1_j08y9yb wrote
invertedal t1_j08ipqv wrote
NYPost: "Let's cover a really important story, but do it in the stupidest way imaginable!"
For more thoughtful reporting, see this article.
sanjsrik t1_j0900wy wrote
Isn't that the definition of the NY post?
bluebus440 t1_j0a784b wrote
Happy to call the NY Post a shit rag.
But posting something that was published a month ago and comparing it to what the NY Post just posted isn't even comparable..
invertedal t1_j0bwgsn wrote
Comparing it isn't even comparable? Um, OK, if you say so, but the Post's focus on the sex life of Bankman-Fried's ex-girlfriend does call for some sort of antidote, given the importance of this case in terms of the billions of dollars stolen, and more significantly, in terms of where that money went.
bluebus440 t1_j0dy1rd wrote
Truly wtf are you even talking about dude. I didn't read anything about their sex life. SBF's ex girlfriend is an important person in the whole investigation with FTX as the former CEO of Alameda Research.
You posted something a month old that's talking about Ukraine and SBF from the Gray Zone whatever the fuck that is
invertedal t1_j0e94q2 wrote
Yeah, the text of the NYPost article is just the usual crime-and-punishment stuff, but the video for it, which gets blasted at you as soon as you go to the article, does indeed focus on her sex life. Take my word for it - or go watch the video yourself if you must, but I don't recommend it.
The Grayzone does investigative journalism. Among people who are interested in that sort of thing, it is pretty well known.
gghardstick123 t1_j097jjh wrote
Shit if I see her in nyc I’ll take back some of those investments
Tbh_idk______ t1_j085ok3 wrote
Think she’ll be charged with sth?
Tbh_idk______ t1_j07y6f9 wrote
Warm-Contribution-46 t1_j09z1rf wrote
That critter needs to be behind bars for a long time
EQTone t1_j08lcr7 wrote
w4rp3dl0g1c t1_j0abc0k wrote
I wonder if she’s going to get the six nine treatment lol
Jimmy_kong253 t1_j0aw6cc wrote
She needs to be locked up along with him
gatogrande t1_j0c2lvs wrote
looks like a 10 yr old girl
survive_los_angeles t1_j0dgovp wrote
she has hsv 1 and 2 and runs a polycule for herself.
gatogrande t1_j0dlk2d wrote
schooled, thank you
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HalfDryGlass t1_j09lxnt wrote
.....the other fraudster?
bsanchey t1_j09pi8y wrote
She sang like a canary
[deleted] t1_j0bkcjr wrote
squeakycleaned t1_j0bm1r3 wrote
Fuck this bitch. Put ‘em all behind bars.
Pauldurso t1_j0bo3h8 wrote
Dads huge.
lupuscapabilis t1_j0cmwb7 wrote
When your dad is friends with the SEC chairman, you get protection.
MarketMan123 t1_j0mp3id wrote
Aren’t we all sort of his ex?
Blackspeare29 t1_j09v8ln wrote
Let’s hope she can make up in other ways to her being cosmetically challenged!!
NY08 t1_j09w560 wrote
She’ll get off free
[deleted] t1_j09zgan wrote
[deleted] t1_j0a7gvw wrote
anosmiasucks t1_j0agugf wrote
I shot my vodka tonic outta my nose lol
-wnr- t1_j089fuo wrote
Hopefully she doesn't manage to cut a deal to completely avoid prison. SBF is the big fish, but she was still CEO of the company that promised unrealistic returns and took stolen FTX customer funds to make high risk investments.