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Captaintripps t1_j6hxe0c wrote

I agree that the process looks like a farce, but the community councils themselves are a farce. If community boards are unelected, undemocratic, unaccountable, and unrepresentative of the community, then community councils are an even worse example of the same things.


LouisSeize t1_j6id5h7 wrote

>the community councils themselves are a farce.

An even bigger farce is the "build the block" meetings with sector NCOs.


ballots_stones t1_j6ihiyw wrote

Would local residents be expected to have a say in who gets chosen as a Captain or Chief in their local firehouse, or principal in the local school?

Having more accountability in the police department is one thing, but you can't possibly expect a group of people with absolutely zero connection to a profession to affect decisions like this.


TheNormalAlternative OP t1_j6it967 wrote

Worth pointing out that in many communties, e.g. on Long Island, local residents choose their board of fire commissioners and their school board, including the superintendent.


ballots_stones t1_j6jsofd wrote

You're right, I live on Long Island and am involved with the fire departments out here so I know all about the nonsense of commissioner elections. The thing is, comparing a seat on a school board or fire district commission to the positions I mentioned isn't really fair. Would be like comparing the board of directors at a hospital to the head of specific departments. I get what you're getting at though.


CactusBoyScout t1_j6jf1pm wrote

“More community input” is an easy “win” for politicians because it sounds good in theory but often adds little or makes things actively worse.


k1lk1 t1_j6hzw7p wrote

> NYPD brass gave the precinct council president a handful of prewritten interview questions to choose from, according to Aviles, and police did not allow follow-up or clarifying questions to candidates.

I would love to see a list of these softball questions, lmao


ugots2bhigh t1_j6ifnyf wrote

It’s not a political issue . There should be no outside influence . Appointments should be made on seniority , and experience along with demonstrated ability


AnotherUselessPoster t1_j6ik0fa wrote

I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.


ugots2bhigh t1_j6imp4b wrote

“Should be “ the people that would bother to get involved are usually just being exploited by some shady MF usually in the name of god


stansvan t1_j6kohcw wrote

It's all a farce. They don't listen to the the committee education councils either. Ours has a no vote of confidence on the district Superintendent because he ignores and lies about basing decisions on community input. School district 15 principal is accusee of gross mismanagement and gets sent to the district office. Politics trump's what the community wants.


CivilInspector4 t1_j6jjeou wrote

Well no shit lol

Poor and black communities can stay muted and say thank you if the police show up at all

White rich communities fund the politicians who appoint NYPD brass

Is this really news for NYC?


jmacks88 t1_j6k6pq0 wrote

The implication here sounds like there are no rich or middle class black people. Which is not true and racist


[deleted] t1_j6ld6qy wrote



jmacks88 t1_j6ldk64 wrote

You’re the only one bringing race into this. Stop projecting.


CivilInspector4 t1_j6ldxz5 wrote

Whoa look another white dude who says race doesn't matter. How original

Until he busts out the race based stereotypes like Asians study better and black people hate education 😂

Keep it up champ. Ur doing great


jmacks88 t1_j6li7bk wrote

You’re the only one saying racist things here.