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chale122 t1_j6bdrcf wrote

not everyone outside of the U.S. is poor


nycdataviz t1_j6bevpp wrote

76.6% of Venezuelans live on less than $1.90 a day, the international standard for extreme poverty.


chale122 t1_j6bf5d9 wrote

Cool, also irrelevant and unhinged response to what I wrote.


nycdataviz t1_j6bfirp wrote

So... Citing.... WorldBank statistics... on poverty... when discussing poverty ... is ...



chale122 t1_j6bhbq1 wrote

I said not everyone outside the U.S. is poor and you responded with one random country and a percentage. Either way good luck arguing with yourself any further than this. Bye troll.


nycdataviz t1_j6bkh1d wrote

I never said everyone outside the U.S. is poor. Do you believe they are?