Submitted by Jr712 t3_ygn945 in personalfinance
I'm likely to get an offer for a new job at a new company to start in Nov or early Dec and trying to plan ahead. I have a special needs child so my healthcare costs are typically extremely high. For reference, this year we met our $2k family deductible the second week of January and our $10k family out of pocket max the third week of February.
Needless to say, I don't want to have to start over a new deductible and new OOPM in Nov/Dec and then start over again in Jan. Originally I was considering delaying my start date until Jan 1st but since that would be nearly a 60 day delay I'd be worried that the offer would fall through for some reason during wait. Then I thought that maybe COBRA would be a good solution.
I've never used COBRA before but my understanding is I could decline 2022 coverage at the new job and pay for COBRA to keep my existing insurance with existing deductible and OOPM levels through EOY. Then I could start insurance at the new company effective Jan 1 next year. Are those correct assumptions on how COBRA works?
My employer charges about $1,500 a month for family COBRA coverage so it's not cheap but it is cheaper than incurring another $10k in medical costs if all the limits restart in Nov/Dec and then restart again in Jan.
Topher_86 t1_iu9hkhz wrote
When did you stop working for your former employer? You usually have 60Days to elect cobra so you could wait for that window to come about to decide.
As for the new job you’re going to want to make sure you know the open enrollment dates. Not all insurance renews 1/1, you’ll have to talk with your new employer about this.