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Riknarr t1_j28yk4n wrote

If your husband isn't on board with it then it won't work, not really a way around that


shortandfastpeople t1_j28zfe6 wrote

100% agree, this isn't really a budgeting problem this is a "we're losing money each month but my spouse doesn't care problem" which is honestly much harder to solve.

OP - there are other budgeting apps out there, or you could build your own in excel, or you could use mint/personal capital (which are more like spending trackers than budgets, but people use them). You could even update to the newer versions of YNAB, which are subscription based but which automatically pull in your transactions from your bank, which would eliminate the not tracking thing you mention in #3. But ultimately unless you and your husband get on board with a spending and savings plan none of that will do anything but let you more easily see exactly how much money you're losing each month.


venturecapely OP t1_j28za1b wrote

Any suggestions on getting a spouse to be on board? He is terrible with money, always has been. He looks in the bank account and if there's money there, he spends it. I have had to resort to setting up separate accounts that he cannot see to hold money set aside for bills and monthly expenses, which helps. But our grocery and home maintenance expenses get out of control because he is responsible for a lot of those purchases.


NorthofDakota t1_j29cotj wrote

Can you try setting up different accounts for different budget categories? Fund them as you have money and then your husband can check those accounts to see if there's anything to spend.


Riknarr t1_j292vgp wrote

Tbh short of taking control of all the finances and treating him like a child and giving him an allowance you won't get anywhere without him helping out. How is your communication? Sitting down and having a frank conversation about finances? Does he understand the stress it causes? Maybe working out a plan and future goals could get him on board I dunno. People are the most difficult part of any equation.


1hotjava t1_j29927y wrote

Set him up with his own account that gets funded $X per week or month. This account sits apart from your overall accounts that pay bills and savings.