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[deleted] t1_j6ulftr wrote



Shrewlord OP t1_j6umxo2 wrote

To my knowledge no one on the Union is under investigation for rape at this time?


ScottishCalvin t1_j6ux6b9 wrote

I'm from the UK and find it refreshing to find a soccer/footy scene that doesn't have allegations being made, the tabloids and sordid details were the one thing I found interesting in 90 minutes of a low-scoring snoozefest


twunch_ t1_j6uowa9 wrote

I don’t like football. But I like my neighbors being happy.


jacksonmills t1_j6v1i9i wrote

Yeah - you get to celebrate something with the city. It's not really just about the game, it's about the moment and the place.

You lived in Philly when the Birds won the Super Bowl; that's just about as there as you can get.


Winchestersghost77 t1_j6umj4l wrote

  1. Hard to follow = moves so fast I can’t keep up
  2. Not just Philly fans. Google every other city who’s team wins an NFL championship or NBA championship.
  3. No one knows who that was before today.

But honestly, please don’t start to care. We don’t need you here…


Shrewlord OP t1_j6umr8e wrote

  1. Hard to follow = the play is disjointed. Most of the atheletes are standing around on the side of the game not playing. An endess eries of replies and whiney complaints.

  2. I don't currently live in those cities and have to put up with their fans behavior.

  3. You should know players on your team, unless you're some sort of bandwagon fan with a Dallas jersey in your closet that you just rotate in and out of?


DisintegrationPt808 t1_j6uo9pa wrote

did you post here just to stir up shit? it happens in every major city with a team. if you want to avoid it move to fucking iowa. people bringing up valid responses but you dont even care to be open to a different point of view. the eagles are sick, if you dont like the nfl just be quiet about it


Dryheavemorning t1_j6unnfh wrote

> Most of the atheletes are standing around on the side of the game not playing.

But apparently you like soccer where the same thing happens?


Shrewlord OP t1_j6unyvn wrote

In what world do I like soccer?


Dryheavemorning t1_j6uo8wz wrote

Where you cited the Union is better because they don't have a player charged with rape. No one cites the Union for anything related to top level professional sports unless they like soccer.


Hermoan t1_j6v1met wrote

At first I thought you were genuinely curious, now it appears you just hate football and the eagles and want to whine.

That’s COOL, but I’d certainly reserve negative comments about a game you clearly do not understand. Those players are on the side because they are not in the particular play at the moment. They could be used schematically, or even on offense or defense. Learn the whys before you just judge. Because imo Football is the perfect balance of intelligence and strength.

That’s like a regular life lesson, ignorance isn’t bliss it’s just being ignorant. Btw no one thinks it’s ok to rape, regardless of if they are an athlete or a teacher. Shitty people are among us my guy.


Lunamothknits t1_j6v0iux wrote

Sills is a reserve player. As in, he doesn’t play regularly.

But google is free and the list of fifa players charged with rape is pretty long. Kind of a feature of male sports, really.


burrata-academy t1_j6uofhw wrote

because without football you'd have to find another excuse to post tired shit like this, the sole purpose of which is to make yourself feel superior.


Shrewlord OP t1_j6uoj5t wrote

I don't need this post to feel superior to you friend.


burrata-academy t1_j6urzmi wrote

I definitely believe that lol. Must be confusing to have feelings that are so contradicted by reality though. Anyway, enjoy the Super Bowl!


Shrewlord OP t1_j6us5og wrote

why would i watch that?


burrata-academy t1_j6uu0zq wrote

If you get invited to a party you should explain your really interesting and unique views to people instead of watching the game.


Linzabee t1_j6v4880 wrote

Like he gets invited to parties with this attitude


Aggressive-Cut5836 t1_j6uo1jp wrote

A few reasons to care:

  1. Economic stimulatory effects of people going out to celebrations, buying Eagles merchandise, food, etc.
  2. Potential increased population and eventual expanded tax base from spike in people having celebratory sexual intercourse after Eagles win
  3. Transient feelings of goodwill extended among random Philadelphians to each other
  4. National spotlight given to Philadelphia, potentially causing people from outside the area to think about visiting, which could lead to increased tourist revenues

DamnLochNessMonsterI t1_j6uszhk wrote

I had more interactions with complete strangers walking through the city last Sunday with my eagles jersey on than probably in last couple months combined. In summary the Eagles winning and being this close to a superbowl brings people together!


Shrewlord OP t1_j6uog05 wrote

  1. nothing about violent fans is going to make anyone want to visit the city. In fact videos of Philadelphias harassing visting fans is the direct opposite of this.

blinkdmb t1_j6upvgc wrote

So clearly your mind is made up why bother posting? Go back to curmudgeon town with the other trolls.


Aggressive-Cut5836 t1_j6upbiu wrote

Philadelphians harass visiting fans of opposing teams, not visiting fans of Philadelphia teams. Since the Super Bowl isn’t being played in Philadelphia, the former should not be a problem. Agee that this might reduce the national spotlight, but there still is some buzz for the city whenever a local team is in a national championship.


Shrewlord OP t1_j6uphfa wrote

So you don't want all potential tourists to the city? You only want a fraction of tourists with some weird sports tie to Philadelphia. That makes no sense. Visting fans money rooting for the other team is just as good to Philadelphia businesses as anyone else's


Aggressive-Cut5836 t1_j6upx9p wrote

Oops sorry I thought you were asking about the Super Bowl specifically, but I see that you were asking about football more broadly. My bad, you’re right.


Shrewlord OP t1_j6uq4rw wrote

No the superbowl is weirdly not played in any of the teams home cities which is mind boggling.


SnapCrackleMom t1_j6um9k5 wrote

The question I'm asking is why do the mods keep deleting articles about an Eagles player being indicted for rape and kidnapping?


Dryheavemorning t1_j6umscr wrote

He's a backup.


SnapCrackleMom t1_j6und3b wrote

I don't give a fuck. A member of the Eagles being charged with kidnapping and rape is a city news story whether he's a QB or a backup OL.


Philodemus1984 t1_j6unm44 wrote

I posted an nbc article maybe 30 minutes after the news broke and the mods almost immediately took it down. I thought maybe that I violated some arcane rule but I don’t think so…


SnapCrackleMom t1_j6unz1b wrote

Nope apparently it belongs on the Philly sports sub because it's "an everyday sports story."


ScrappleOnToast t1_j6upnew wrote

That’s ridiculous…’s not a sports story. That’s like saying the Swiss cheese bandit posts should’ve gone in r/PhiladelphiaEats, because it was about cheese.


[deleted] t1_j6umn4w wrote



SnapCrackleMom t1_j6umzeq wrote

I asked the mods and was told that "everyday sports stories" belong on the relevant sub.

It's not an everyday sports story (thank God). It's a crime story involving a well-known, well-paid person in Philadelphia member of the Eagles.

Edit bc I don't care if he's a well known player or not. I think it's weird that the mods think a rape and kidnapping charge belongs only on the sports sub.


BigDickolasNicholas t1_j6uogcr wrote

Dude is one step above being a practice squad player. Not well known at all


SnapCrackleMom t1_j6uoptf wrote

As I said below, I don't give a fuck if he's a starting QB or a backup OL. It's a city news story and I think it's weird as fuck that the mods think it only belongs on the Philly sports sub.


BigDickolasNicholas t1_j6uozo2 wrote

Is it really that big of a deal? Like are you actually going to care about it by the weekend?


SnapCrackleMom t1_j6up7o9 wrote

Did you just ask if rape and kidnapping is a big deal?

I mean this stupid post is being left up but one about rape is taken down?


[deleted] t1_j6upr00 wrote



SnapCrackleMom t1_j6uqdnq wrote

I'm outraged because I'm a sexual assault survivor jackass, not because I'm "chronically online."

I think it's a city story and I'm frankly shocked that so many people disagree. Whatever, I'm done.


[deleted] t1_j6un8pk wrote



[deleted] t1_j6unj52 wrote



[deleted] t1_j6uo5yl wrote



[deleted] t1_j6uoahf wrote



OneTrueDweet t1_j6uum0z wrote

You should care because if they win, everyone in the metro area will be in a much better mood than normal for a few months.


jdmoney85 t1_j6ut5vq wrote

Can you move and become a non resident?


diatriose t1_j6ulshu wrote

"Why should I care about this kid's birthday? He doesn't even know all the words to the song, he can't use a potty and I just saw him pick his nose. Convince me to care."

That's you that's what you sound like


sgt_seriousface t1_j6umqmg wrote

Not gonna speak to the first two points, but football players don’t have a monopoly on being rapists/assholes. Even if we wanted to keep it just within sports, look up Trevor Bauer from the MLB. Beyond that, there’s bad people everywhere, and I guarantee that one has been involved in something that you love. that doesn’t mean we can or should stop engaging with, well, everything as some form of protest, we can just try to not support those individual people. Besides, this eagles player was an UDFA who played in one game. It’s almost a guarantee he’ll be off the team before you know it.


Girthquake03 t1_j6utucf wrote

Don’t need you. Keep it moving.


acarter5251 t1_j6uyoeb wrote

Go back to complaining about people taking their dogs indoors…


Little_Noodles t1_j6umt1a wrote

I’m pretty much where you’re at regarding football (you forgot to add the business about the appalling rates of CTE in the sport and that it’s also boring).

That said - I have a vague but cordial relationship with my neighbors and most of us have been on the block for a while. It’s nice to see them happy, and they’re capable of keeping their celebrations reasonable for the most part, with one notable exception during 2008.

It’s not enough to change my opinion of football, or even care about the outcome, or want to be in a bar with a tv when an important game is on. But it’s enough to make me not like, be salty about the idea of football. I don’t give a shit who wins, but I’m not actively rooting for anyone to fail either. Except, you know, the rape and kidnapping guy. He can fail.


Philodemus1984 t1_j6uoq7d wrote

It’s funny, I was just talking with someone who said (half jokingly) that he thought I was morally suspect for enjoying horror movies. This guy loves and supports NFL football where fans literally watch athletes give each other brain damage in real life.


BigDickolasNicholas t1_j6un332 wrote

I don't see how point 3 means anything about football. It's not like the team knew about it or tried to cover it up. Might as well bash you for living in the same city as someone that has just been indicted on rape charges.


Lower_Alternative770 t1_j6uqbxk wrote

  1. Nothing is slower than soccer
  2. Fans of other cities are much more destructive than Philadelphia fans. But, because 50 years ago a crappy Santa Claus was booed, the lazy media still thinks that defines Philadelphia fans.
  3. That has nothing to do with the game of football.

All that being said, I don't give a rat's ass if you are a football fan or not.


joeltheprocess76 t1_j6un9qt wrote

January is slow in Philadelphia for visitors. It is winter. The amount of money for restaurants and shops and certainly small businesses have been a windfall because of the eagles. You don’t have to like the team to enjoy the money that is being spent due to the team’s success.


mobileagnes t1_j6un0b0 wrote

I'll give you one: Championships in this city, in general, are rare. Sure this century we had a few appearances and 2 wins (Phillies 2008, Eagles 2018) but before 2008 it was a full 25 years since any major professional sport team here won their championship (1983 76ers). That's quite some time for the 6th (5th?) largest city in the US & a city with teams that existed as long as ours have.


Shrewlord OP t1_j6un7ks wrote

That seems to be the standard for most cities outside of a handful of exceptions like NYC and LA.


Zhuul t1_j6uui71 wrote

Lol this shitter's a Penguins fan


steeezee t1_j6uy3x7 wrote

You’re boring


Moose2157 t1_j6unque wrote

I think some people have a gene that allows them to enter into collective fantasies, and others don’t. I’ve never been able to convince myself a for-profit outfit of ever-changing players is somehow “representing” Philly any more than the Phila Ballet represents me, but it’s just theater in the end, so harmless enough.


Tony_Blundetto t1_j6uxajj wrote

If football is so slow but also hard to follow, sounds like you should join frank reynolds at the nitwit school.

Also, vandalizing city property and harassing opposing fans happens in every sports city in the history of sports, though I invite you to cite such a gentlemanly city devoid of such tomfoolery. Since you’re a pens fan, I can assure you as a former resident of Pittsburgh it happens there too.

Also, the eagle you’re referring to is a rookie reserve backup who I’m sure will soon be cut. Not sure why this is a reflection on the team or anyone other than himself.

Unoriginal shitpost, 2/10


IPA_lot_ t1_j6uomhy wrote

  1. How is it hard to follow? Seems pretty simple to me. Put the ball over the line at the end of the field.
  2. You make it sound like this happens all the time and that it’s far more destructive than it really it. But I’m sure the mostly peaceful protests a couple summers ago you were fine with.
  3. Indicted isn’t guilty. Many men are falsely accused to rape. That said, if guilty, fuck this guy.

Schiffty5 t1_j6v1r0l wrote

Bill Manly youre a bitch move back to cali.


Intrigued353 t1_j6uvg1q wrote

It’s ok you don’t have to care. To each their own :)