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rossdowdell t1_jab4f9u wrote

The whole fucking boardwalk is a weed lounge!


tazmazjaz t1_jab6pma wrote

This is just the thing AC needs!


HistoricalSubject t1_jac437y wrote

Well, they'll stone you when you're trying to be so good,

They'll stone you just like they said they would...

They'll stone you when you're trying to go home!

And they'll stone you when you're there all alone.

But I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned!


snake_w_arms t1_jacbxuk wrote

Have you ever played a slot machine? What about playing a slot machine … on weed?


gimmedatbeck t1_jacgf1y wrote

I am all for legalizing weed and having places like this, but how do they regulate this with driving? Obviously everyone has different tolerance when it comes to smoking, but I feel like smoking one joint vs having one beer is a very different mind alteration. Either way, imma go to this, but the mom in me has some concerns lol


electric_ranger t1_jach2xk wrote

One joint vs one beer is an interesting comparison, but I think we're also so normalized to the idea of having a drink or two and still being okay to drive. Look how many bars have parking lots!

Decades of "Reefer Madness" propaganda means if you're smoking the devil's lettuce you're gonna suddenly crash your car into a crowd full of orphans and kittens.

The long term solution is to improve public transportation, bike infrastructure, and pedestrian friendliness so that people can get stoned or drunk or just be our usual dumb jaywalking selves without putting anyone else in danger.


pasnow t1_jacwquv wrote

Sorta hate seeing it as Big Money & Corporate coming in, would rather see a more community based non-profit/co-op setting it up.

Oh, but the residents will get $15/hr jobs out of it, after decades of being right yet being arrested, fined, and locked up for weed posession & dealing.
