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t1_jcv3oa0 wrote

Penn has cash - the endowment is like 20 billion. Temple doesn't, it's a state university. Penn will keep University City gleaming even if the city falls apart because they are the landlord for most of the area which allows them to be a pseudo-municipality by creating their own rules for land use. They own the property for several blocks around the university and lease it to developers that will meet their standards. This is on top of their security apparatus which is also well funded and about the same size as Temple. But you can't just police your way out of the problem - the thing that makes UCity safer is that its development and management allows Penn to operate much more like a campus than a city university.


t1_jcv5p6w wrote

UPenn security is probably closer to double TUs now.

Back in 2010 they were about the same size but the current admin has been pretty adept at destroying various departments within the school and the PD/security is no exception.

TUPD recently said it’s at about 65 for staffing instead of the 115 or whatever that they had 10 years ago


t1_jcwte23 wrote

Temple has the 3rd largest non-profit endowment in the greater Philly area. Over $300M in savings, over $900M in securities, $2.3B worth of assets without any donor restrictions.

When we all start to recognize that THEY are the problem, the shootings will stop.

Oh…. You didn’t know this?! You didn’t understand that in the middle of poverty was billions of dollars where, literally a few hundred thousand could fix the problem?! Higher education is marvelous in this regard. Places where their students are taught dialectical materialism but they cannot apply it their own existence.
