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toss_it_out_tomorrow t1_it4xy5k wrote

I, too, am very surprised to know that their interests did not stop at driving people off sidewalks and ripping people out of their cars for so much as a dirty look in their direction. Dog fights? Cock fights? Weapons? Say it ain't so.



dandykaufman2 t1_it4zw3n wrote

the wheelie kids are stick-up kids??


cashonlyplz t1_it6sv3w wrote

No, the wheelie kids ride bicycles not ATVs

((I'm not wrong, downvoters. The ATV rings skew more than a bit older people. The wheelie kids, BMXers, are not them. Stop getting it twisted. This is like calling e-scooter users skateboarders. Folks just can't make a distinction because they see any sort of unusual road traffic and their brain implodes.))


dandykaufman2 t1_it71rsl wrote

Right sorry. I would never insult cyclists even though it’s not my style of riding. These other guys do wheelies too.