
t1_jdr4izn wrote

Besides what studies like these say, even if Doctors know about it, they have to weigh the risks with what is more important. Your PCOS treatment is priority because that can lead to other issues itself.

Look at PPIs as an example. A lot of PPIs (think Nexium for GERD) can lead to stomach cancers. But, if untreated, GERD can lead to esophageal cancer


t1_jdr46p1 wrote

Not sure. there's nobody in my family with a genetic predisposition with breast cancer. But my mother had been on Premarin after an early hysterectomy at 29 and she was diagnosed with breast cancer at 57. The researchers at the university hospital where her surgeons are (University of Penn) had made the link from the premarin to her cancer.


OP t1_j8y6m1r wrote

yeah I spent a lot of years being a "bad kid" but compared to this, I was an angel. My bad kid days were spent cutting school, smoking pot, and drinking beers in the woods. I never destroyed property because I was terrified of being on the receiving end of a whoopin from my parents, which if I think about it, was far worse than being in jail


OP t1_j8x2co0 wrote

I hear ya. But some of these people don't have any idea where they're going ahead if time for their community service if they're coming right from jail. My aunt lives in jersey on the river and twice a year, guys in their orange jumpsuits come to clear out lots of old wood and trash along the river. They're chaperoned by a bunch o gun carrying cops and I've been there when they're over there doing it. They get a gorgeous day outside and they look at the water and they clean up the area. They're usually there for 10 hours. They get breaks. They do a gorgeous job, and they're very kind if folks walk by and greet them. I'm of the mindset that yes, there are some people out there who are not in any way fit for society for whatever reason, but I also know that *some* violent offenders could have just fucked up badly due to circumstance. I believe a lot can come from rehabilitating people.


OP t1_j8ud0kj wrote

>but doing 200 hours of community service? Or what? They get put in jail?

YES. You don't go trashing a city, flipping cars that people use their hard earned money to buy so that they can go to work and school, destroying the streets with trash, piss, shit, and vomit, beer cans, bottles, etc... and just get yelled at by a judge and fined. You make people regret what they did by having them CLEAN UP THEIR MESS OR GO TO JAIL. If they don't like it, then they should not have done it.