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this_shit t1_isuc0wb wrote

TBH, this is definitely making her look more appealing. Last year when she caved to the "blame krasner" trope I was worried we wouldn't have a single candidate willing to talk about police dysfunction. But this report basically nails it.

If she follows up with a platform designed to fix PPD (that will actually work, starting with a new commissioner and upper management) she might earn my vote.


themoneybadger t1_isufk23 wrote

She firmly blamed Outlaw and Kenney for the dysfunction during the protests turned riots, so its not like she's on one side or the other. She's calling out all the bullshit.


this_shit t1_isumuh9 wrote

Oh I agree, but last year she came out with a series of policy recommendations on how to address crime that were heavily focused on the DAO and very little on policing. I think this report is much more in the right direction.

FWIW, I'm not a Krasner diehard (I like many of his policies, but he's made plenty of mistakes, too) - but the FOP has gotten way too much mileage out of blaming Krasner for the police department's stunning incompetence, and it bothered me that she was seeming to align with that narrative instead of talking about what was wrong with PPD.

Every other philly politician seems to be incapable of talking about police from a perspective of trying to fix what's broken. Even MQS (who's running on a 'make government work' kind of platform) can't seem to articulate what she thinks is wrong (besides 'too few cops')


themoneybadger t1_isuosw6 wrote

If you read the report you would see she's been working on this since 2020. She didn't want to put out some half ass statement like the rest of our city politicians do.

I still disagree with your overall statement though. Her Jan 2021 report was extremely critical of the police and their failings. The fact that you would even consider somebody criticizing Krasner to be a "trope" shows how biased you are. Being critical of the DAO is not mutually exclusive to being critical of the PPD. Krasner and his office are incompetent. Outlaw and McNesby are equally incompetent.


Scumandvillany t1_isvvcor wrote

Yeah this is the big problem for me. Even Rynhart herself isn't really articulating strongly the sheer depth of the incompetence of the police and their ineffectiveness and lack of efficiency and organizational transparency. We need someone to call this shit out LOUDLY AND OBNOXIOUSLY, and at the same time criticism of Krasner is definitely warranted, especially his attitude on gun possession charges.


ipissexcellence21 t1_isxo2po wrote

When you run out everyone in the command staff that knows what they are doing and replace them with incompetents, after hiring an inexperienced commissioner who couldn’t handle a much smaller department only due to her race and gender, I don’t know what else anyone expects.


this_shit t1_isxu1q7 wrote

> that knows what they are doing

So... you didn't read Rhynhart's report.

>Philly Police Dept. has inconsistent strategies, slow response times, and outdated systems, city controller says

Other than sexually harassing/fucking direct reports and failing to show up to work, what exactly does the current leadership excel at?


ipissexcellence21 t1_isxxf2k wrote

Your reading comprehension skills are awful wtf. You quoted me saying the entire command staff and commissioner are incompetent then asked what do they excel at? Read it again but slow this time they excel at nothing that was my point.


this_shit t1_isyobpu wrote

Where is this evidence of a command staff that ever knew what they were doing? If the department started falling to pieces when Ramsey left, that would indicate that Ramsey was the one holding the shit show together, not a mysterious clique of competent managers.

And are you implying that someone (Ross? Coulter? Outlaw?) purged the upper management of PPD? Do you have names of competent inspectors you think were purged?

You implied (not stated) that there was at some point a competent command staff. My reading comprehension could be shit, but if you're not actually saying the things that you're thinking, that's just bad writing.


ipissexcellence21 t1_isyzt84 wrote

Yes Kenney and outlaw have, you do know the deputy commissioners are pretty much if not all new since outlaw arrived right? Are you just arguing to argue or do you not know what’s going on? Sullivan, Wilson… if Sullivan was still there the riots wouldn’t have happened. Kenney got rid of him the brought in outlaw, there was no plan for the riots at all. This is all well known.


this_shit t1_isz20jm wrote

> Are you just arguing to argue or do you not know what’s going on?

Bro you've got to unwind your conception of who you're talking to. Look at your comments: you come in hard with accusations of bad faith and then act incredulous when people ask you actual questions. It's fully weird.

> if Sullivan was still there the riots wouldn’t have happened.

No argument there, Outlaw's incompetence was well-established as the primary reason for the lack of a response plan and the way the riots devolved. She is also the one who threw Wilson under the bus for the tear gassing on 676. She's a politician, not a professional.

But both Sullivan and Wilson were inspectors and deputy commissioners during a 7-year period when the city's murder rate steadily climbed and their ability to solve crimes declined. Calling the people who ran the department into the ground "competent" is exactly the kind of willful blindness that /u/scumandvillany is talking about.

This is all interpersonal politics, same as every other dysfunctional agency in philly - one group is mad at another group so they blame everyone for all the problems. But surprise, surprise, ousting your political enemies isn't the same thing as solving problems.


ipissexcellence21 t1_isxnm67 wrote

She criticized everyone but I won’t let her criticize my guy 😂. He’s a huge part of the problem, she’s laying it all out for us. You shouldn’t only believe the parts that agree with your views.


this_shit t1_isxtfzo wrote

What part of "I was frustrated when she hadn't articulated criticisms that were merited, but now that she has she might win my vote" led you to that conclusion?


ipissexcellence21 t1_isxxqsg wrote

When you called blaming Krasner a “trope”.


this_shit t1_isyd0cf wrote

Oh okay, so you read half the comment and lost your shit at a word, then rage-replied before finishing the rest of what I said.

That actually explains a lot.


randym99 t1_isyi899 wrote

sir this is reddit, it's what we do: read headlines, ignore substance and nuance, call names, shitpost


actually not-/s, this is modern day political discussion