Submitted by jberk988 t3_yd3bup in philadelphia
PhillyAccount t1_itpv6we wrote
I'm voting for her, but I think the moderate boomers will vote for Domb and the terminally online moderates will vote for Rhynhart. The ticket will get split and we'll end up with the Democratic Machine candidate (Parker).
roguefiftyone t1_itpweet wrote
Please be wrong
PhillyGator561 t1_itq9xsg wrote
Well of the 800,000+ registered democrats in Philadelphia, only about 130,000 voted for Kenney in the last election. Just gotta get the numbers up for Rhynhart
BureaucraticHotboi t1_itrpvy6 wrote
The system is set up to make it exceedingly unlikely that large numbers of people vote in our municipal elections. Hopefully that changes. We really need a political reform ticket to run on some basic small d democratic improvements
Wowsers_ t1_itt7iae wrote
Which is scary with a potentially critical ballot measure about letting state legislators do shady things with how electoral votes are made…
Scumandvillany t1_itq05qm wrote
Unfortunately I think you are right
mundotaku t1_itq5wgj wrote
Moderate here. I would vote for someone who understands data. She seems the best fit.
rodmandirect t1_itrf2zb wrote
Does MANDATORY 4K count as data?
Trafficsigntruther t1_itroy7z wrote
Yes? What do you think digital images are?
rodmandirect t1_itrqkzw wrote
It was a rhetorical question. I’m on board with the idea of a network of HD cameras all over the city to track criminal activity. There are too many people getting away with murder, among other crimes, in this town.
NotMitchelBade t1_itvp8s0 wrote
I feel like there’s no way people would vote for that en masse. It’s “big brother” to a “T”
(Not taking sides on whether it’s a good idea, mind you)
TheBSQ t1_itq8sem wrote
Rhynhart has my vote, but this is probably the most likely outcome.
nakednesstonight t1_itqba74 wrote
What about the grocery store guy? Jeff Brown?
GumshoeAndy t1_itqf2da wrote
I hope he stays in the race so the prices at Shoprite stay low.
lordredsnake t1_itr01b7 wrote
All his opponents need to do is show a picture of the soda price tag on his shelf with a tagline of "wealthy grocery baron Jeff Brown passes 100% of his soda taxes onto his low income customers"
PlacidDrugs t1_itreih9 wrote
Joke's on Jeff Brown, I drive outside the city to a Save-a-Lot and buy Faygo, my soda costs are lower than ever lol
Trafficsigntruther t1_itrovdd wrote
Brown’s Fresh Grocer is right on Cheltenham Ave.
Trafficsigntruther t1_itroslw wrote
They aren’t his soda taxes. Like Kenney said, it’s a tax on the soda companies, not on consumers.
lordredsnake t1_itrsb3o wrote
The bottlers/distributors pass it on to retailers as a political statement. Some retailers eat it entirely or partially. Jeff Brown has made it his biggest political issue and passes it on 100% to consumers, and puts signs throughout his stores pointing the finger at the city for people's sugary beverages costing more. It's his decision to charge consumers for the entirety of the amount of the tax.
On a completely different note, his stores in poor neighborhoods have THE MOST sensitive self-checkout sensors. If you bring your own bag and put it in the wrong place, it starts blaring alarms at you because he treats all of his customers like criminals.
Trafficsigntruther t1_its5mui wrote
> Some retailers eat it entirely or partially
How many of them are local retailers? Zero.
> The bottlers/distributors pass it on to retailers as a political statement.
It’s a tax that is close to 100% of sales. How do you expect them to absorb it?
lordredsnake t1_itsgo26 wrote
What's your point? Jeff Brown also pays his workers less than other retailers. We should applaud him though because he's local?
Trafficsigntruther t1_itsmig4 wrote
That a national retailer might want to keep prices consistent across their stores and can spread the losses of selling soda in Philly across the nation. Brown has like two store outside the city so he can’t do that.
> Jeff Brown also pays his workers less than other retailers.
Aren’t his workers unionized?
lordredsnake t1_itt8szk wrote
Brown doesn't just sell soda, he has other goods to spread the costs to. His stores are largely in poorer neighborhoods and I don't shed a tear for someone who wants to charge poor people 100% of a tax to make a political statement.
His stores are unionized, and yet big bad Amazon pays its Whole Foods employees better.
EnemyOfEloquence t1_itsdb7d wrote
Fuck the soda tax. I'm glad they point it out.
[deleted] t1_itt7c0d wrote
NoWarButMyWar t1_itwnkj6 wrote
Screw that guy. He closed a profitable location screwing over the workers just to make a political statement about the soda tax.
MRC1986 t1_itqi2kn wrote
Terminally online folks will support Gym. She has to be destroyed.
cashonlyplz t1_itqndib wrote
Hello, it me, a terminally online. Has Helen Gym done anything besides soapbox and cut an occasional ribbon?
Colbey t1_itqo49u wrote
No, and as an at-large councilperson, she had plenty of opportunity to raise issues legislatively, take votes against councilmanic prerogative, etc. I was a big fan of her but that's eroded over years of her not doing what she could.
cashonlyplz t1_itr9xtt wrote
We are of the same mind re: Helen
[deleted] t1_itqudvp wrote
napsdufroid t1_itqpwdh wrote
> Has Helen Gym done anything besides soapbox and cut an occasional ribbon?
mustang__1 t1_itrodzm wrote
that's a stretch .
NoWarButMyWar t1_itwnsa2 wrote
She’s always there for the photo-op and then does little else.
ColdJay64 t1_itq2xq4 wrote
This makes me unsure who to vote for, because Domb is my top choice but Rhynhart would be my second.
rcher87 t1_itq49aj wrote
And this is why we need rank choice voting!!!!
eponymous_bosch t1_itqbt95 wrote
Domb didn’t recuse himself from voting on the tax abatements even though he benefits from them personally. I don’t love that lack of impartiality.
lordredsnake t1_itr0h08 wrote
Imagine him as Mayor with veto power over a bill that affects large commercial landlords. He might have good ideas or be an ethical person, but there is no untangling the massive conflict of interest someone with his business dealings has while being Mayor.
Trafficsigntruther t1_itrqrmj wrote
He voted against the reduction in the commercial property tax abatement. Yet reducing the abatement increases the value of his existing holdings that are grandfathered under the 100% abatement.
I’m not sure how you can get more impartial?
eponymous_bosch t1_itrv633 wrote
He’s not done building. The value of continuing the abatement is much more readily realized than the marginal increase of property value of his existing portfolio
Trafficsigntruther t1_its5sxh wrote
For his future buildings, he’s on a level playing field with all the other new buildings, it doesn’t matter.
eponymous_bosch t1_its7nsx wrote
He is on a level-ish playing field with other builders/developers, but I think thats beside the point. He’s directly benefiting from a continuing tax abatement, which he voted to do.
[deleted] t1_itqv9sb wrote
Aromat_Junkie t1_itqar0h wrote
Domb was my top choice, given Rebecca remained in her position. they'd be a powerhouse together. Imagine Rebecca in her role and Domb as mayor.
but given this, I'd have to say Rebecca.
[deleted] t1_itq7u28 wrote
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