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crispydukes t1_ix9q4y7 wrote

Based on the post last week, my question - how is this legal? Did they get public health approval? Or will that be a little "oops" when they don't get their license.


dotcom-jillionaire t1_ix9s3vg wrote

i guess ask the 4 cat cafes in philly how they got their approvals?


a-german-muffin t1_ixa390f wrote

Le Cat Cafe's use permit doesn't allow them to sell food/drink, for what that's worth. It's basically written as a cat boarding house. Big difference.


a-german-muffin t1_ixa2j0r wrote

Both this piece and the Inky's last week mentioned that they're working with the city for health and safety clearances... so it might not be greenlit just yet, but there's some provision that's coming.


crispydukes t1_ixchuj7 wrote

I see that now. Previous articles didn't mention that, but I now see the line that they are "working with the health department..."


pup12345 t1_ixa0xyf wrote

Because the dog park portion is outside?
