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alittlemouth t1_j29chwz wrote

New idea to combat traffic cone savesies: Placing VERY offensive stickers on the cone/trash can/sawhorse.

Pros: That person looks like an absolute piece of shit with a cone with racist/homophobic stickers on it in front of their house.

Cons: You must be ultra stealth when you place the stickers, lest you look like an absolute piece of shit, too.


NotCandied t1_j2aew97 wrote

Those people would probably be more offended it you put BLM/pride stickers on their cones.


AKraiderfan t1_j29jzas wrote

or the pothole solution:

draw penises all over them


alittlemouth t1_j29kkp5 wrote

Penis-drawing takes more time than sticker-slapping, especially if you want it to look realistic, which obviously includes drawing the scrotum, too!