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[deleted] t1_iz66p8g wrote



irishgambin0 OP t1_iz67vof wrote

barring a horror story from someone who was there, i'd imagine there was a rather friendly atmosphere amongst all. i'd also be willing to bet the bartenders made bank.


ElectricalMud2850 t1_iz89dd4 wrote

It's walking distance from the stadium during the superbowl. Everyone in that radius was prepared to host superbowl goers that weekend, it was a money printing festival.

The eagle is great, I'm sure a good time was had by all.

Source: worked at a bar/restaurant about 6 blocks further during the superbowl.


degreelesspotatohead t1_iz6mhr2 wrote

Here is an article with commentary from the bar's owner. He enjoyed having them, and his regular clientele were avoiding downtown because of the disruption of the game. Calm down.


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz6td43 wrote

in the photo in the 2nd tweet you can see one of the bartenders wearing a purple shirt that says "YAY SPORTS" 😂😂😂


Skylineviewz t1_iz6rpf5 wrote

Somebody needs to tell him he should be offended or something


nerfrosa t1_iz7jy6r wrote

I imagine that if this was a recurrence, it would have gotten pretty annoying, but since it was a one time thing, the patrons and employees probably found it pretty funny, not to mention the fact that it was probably hella profitable.


[deleted] t1_iz6nn3h wrote



degreelesspotatohead t1_iz6veg8 wrote

The game. The Superbowl is a huge event that will have a major effect on things like traffic, parking, etc. Not to mention the tens of thousands of people coming to town. I'm sure lots of venues--not just queer spaces--had very few of their regular customers that night.

You're really, really reaching to find a reason to be offended.


[deleted] t1_iz6wlsq wrote



degreelesspotatohead t1_iz6x7k6 wrote

How's that? You're telling us that visitors to a bar you've probably never been to in a town you've probably never been should have been excluded because of their sexual orientation. The bar's owner welcomed them, and everyone was happy. If they had been asked to go elsewhere because they made people uncomfortable, that would be one thing. But that didn't happen. To the extent there's fragility showing, I think it's yours.


cerialthriller t1_iz6arf6 wrote

Woulda been easier to just point out that they used seizes instead of ceases. But also gay bars have always been inclusive any time I’ve gone


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz6jgk6 wrote

i always thought seizes also works in that context.

verb - take hold of suddenly and forcibly

right? i care about my vocabulary, so please correct any misunderstanding i may have.


cerialthriller t1_iz6l596 wrote

Think about it, “Philly never stops taking hold of Philly suddenly and forcefully” or “Philly never stops being Philly”. It depends what you were going for but i assumed “Philly never stops being Philly” is closer to what you wanted, in the vein of “never ceases to amaze me” in the context of you will always be impressed by something


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz6m6cs wrote

oooooh, right. so i'm thinking "Philly never seizes to amaze me".got my contexts switched up. thank you!


Philodemus1984 t1_iz6lsin wrote

“Philly never forcibly takes hold of Philly”? Doesn’t really make sense in the context. You definitely meant “ceases”.


GaymoSexual t1_iz70mdw wrote

As a queer person whom frequents Leather Bars. I would absolutely love it having a bunch of excited people celebrating and having a great time. Honestly I prefer drunk eagle fans over bachelorette parties.


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz750jy wrote

>Honestly I prefer drunk eagle fans over bachelorette parties.

you heard it here folks.


zooberwask t1_iz67hse wrote

>Also, always nice when the fact that queer people existing is the punchline of a joke.



[deleted] t1_iz682n6 wrote



irishgambin0 OP t1_iz69f1b wrote

no see the equation becomes funny when you mix the gay community and Johnny and the boys at local 158. it isn't just about you.


robobetaprey t1_iz6fvb8 wrote

to be fair, i both accept your point about queer spaces AND think the story would be even funnier if they'd overwhelmed a bar named for a shit band like The Eagles.


Ok_Crew_3620 t1_iz7tq6z wrote

I’m from Minneapolis and have been to this bar nothing short of 20 times. I can assure you they thought it was hilarious and ultimately didn’t mind. There are lots of gay bars in MSP too. Cool city