Submitted by joeltheprocess76 t3_1010twm in philadelphia
JIMMYJAWN t1_j2l306h wrote
O Pissmas tree, O Pissmas tree
How lovely are thy branches
Starpork t1_j2l3law wrote
Idk, sometimes change is good
ss_lbguy t1_j2l4vy3 wrote
I don’t see a green Lager bottle in there, times have changed.
stickyrice215 t1_j2l86iy wrote
There’s a can of yuengling up top. We’re good.
anonymous_lighting t1_j2ldfel wrote
i personally hate yuengling
[deleted] t1_j2lfg2h wrote
Rivster79 t1_j2lmhmj wrote
You are now banned from r/BeerCircleJerk
Rivster79 t1_j2lmmdn wrote
Spouts Patio, Broad & Washington, Philadelphia, 2023 - colorized.
anonymous_lighting t1_j2lqbrl wrote
yuengling overrated never enjoyed one and i drink a lot
fisheggmafia t1_j2luemw wrote
Yay more trash!!!
Phl_worldwide t1_j2m3iq4 wrote
Nah, fuck the mummers and all the trash they created
ell0bo t1_j2middd wrote
There's one smashed on the bottom right
malaise92 t1_j2mtgi5 wrote
Philadelphians: we need to do something about the trash and littering problem. Also Philadelphians:
[deleted] t1_j2mwra7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2mwuw6 wrote
Phl_worldwide t1_j2mxidd wrote
There's multiple compounding things that happen on New Year's Day that makes it a generally bad day for regular residents.
- No parking enforcement because of the holiday
- Delco/Bensalem/S. Jersey "real philadelphian" mummers drive into the city with their big SUVs and just park across the crosswalks everywhere in South Philly
- They get out of their suburban tanks and get wasted and just throw their trash on the ground and puke everywhere
- Then they get back in their cars, drunk drive home, and wake up today to post about crime and how awful Philadelphia is. Rinse and repeat each year.
The shameful part is this: The real mummers were still at the convention center while the bozo losers had already trashed second street. There is two different groups of mummers.
[deleted] t1_j2mz1a1 wrote
Brandar87 t1_j2n20pp wrote
Wrong beer.
oldRoyalsleepy t1_j2n4u5f wrote
Start 'em young. Jeez..
Phl_worldwide t1_j2n672y wrote
>It's like the Jabronis who live all year to tailgate for Eagles games. You live all year to sit in a parking lot, drink beer and piss/shit in a bucket in a tent?
Lol I agree, and let's be real. It makes more damn sense to do that out in a parking lot than all driving to South Philly's little narrow streets and doing it.
[deleted] t1_j2n6ft8 wrote
phoenix762 t1_j2n6ksi wrote
Ng3me t1_j2n81hr wrote
In fact, please do change. Change this specifically.
[deleted] t1_j2nd7mn wrote
igglesfangirl t1_j2nflg7 wrote
Change "out of towners" to "people," and I agree with you.
Character_Macaron133 t1_j2njeul wrote
Lol I see my miller lite in the middle
adequetlylarge t1_j2nn7c6 wrote
I started on my 6th birthday party
jambomyhombre t1_j2nqkrz wrote
This would be cute and funny if the same people that decorated the tree were out on the streets cleaning today. Sadly I don't think that's the case...
missionspooky t1_j2o3tiq wrote
I mean, at least it's a temporary art installation? Trying to blue sky this here ...
missionspooky t1_j2o3wji wrote
Colorized - 🤣 Nice touch.
nolandeluca t1_j2o864s wrote
Nope in philly we only use the less popular yellow solo cup
[deleted] t1_j2p379k wrote
[deleted] t1_j2pinof wrote
FGoose t1_j2pn5qs wrote
ponte95ma t1_j2l2f4d wrote
It's 😳 so &@*(! beautiful.
But seriously, can't we get a red solo cup in there ffs?