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blackb11988 t1_j2zzvxe wrote

I was at this community meeting tonight. I was amazed how poorly city agencies communicated to the neighbors. This article was a better resource than the 2 hr meeting.


diamond126 t1_j305ec9 wrote

They replaced a street pole at that corner and never repaved months ago


all4whatnot t1_j31nsdj wrote

PECO gas came to my house four effing times two summers ago and told me my meter wasn’t leaking gas even though we smelled it inside and out. They finally came back after we called a fifth time and found a leak. At my decades old meter. Then they red tagged my dryer and oven for CO. Which cost me hundreds to have cleared out. I hate to say but I don’t trust any of these guys.


courageous_liquid t1_j332pll wrote

That's why they help coordinate with media.

As someone who has done a lot of community outreach and public open houses in the city, it's really fucking hard to reach the public. Everyone has a different preferred method. We try to hit the centralized sources first, but usually they only run it once so if you miss it, you miss it.


diamond126 t1_j35ahk8 wrote

I just meant maybe it disturbed something under the ground when they changed the street pole since they had to drill into the sidewalk right where the explosion was. I guess the repaving part isn’t relevant but for a few months the sidewalk was just sticking up and screwed up from the work that got done then it was just gravel ever since so it seemed like a sloppy job but I don’t know that much about putting up street poles, just hard not to speculate when we have no answers


diamond126 t1_j38wnst wrote

I believe 2 were empty and 1 wasn’t. There was a family at the house on the end that I think moved out before the summer not sure if anyone else moved in but I’m assuming that was one of the empty ones


diamond126 t1_j394ypl wrote

I don’t know how I didn’t smell anything I walk my dog past that corner multiple times a day, and once a few hours before the explosion after I got home NYE. I bought a natural gas alarm from Home Depot before I came back to my home so hopefully that actually works.