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Little_Noodles t1_j5zkaio wrote

As long as they can stay open while an application is pending (they can), I see no problem with agencies being slow and deliberate during the early stages to make sure they get a new process right.


nemesisinphilly OP t1_j5zkvrv wrote

The problem is that the agencies didn't let anyone know that they were allowed to keep them up while the applications are pending until after the demolition deadline of 1/9.

>For example: If you’ve applied for a license, can you keep operating your current structure without fines until your application is approved?

>Answers have varied.

>Ben Fileccia, of the Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Association, said he was under the impression that so long as restaurants had submitted an application, they could avoid fines for now. Montanez echoed as much in a Monday interview with The Inquirer.

>“[An unlicensed streetery] is automatic grounds for a citation,” Montanez said. “But we’re asking them if they’re planning to get it legalized, then to go in the system and apply, and then we say ‘here’s the process.’ ”

>But the Streets Department’s own website reports “all unlicensed streetery set-ups must also be removed beginning January 9, 2023.” No licenses had been issued as of Monday, officials said, as the application approvals remain ongoing.

>Asked for clarification, Streets officials later confirmed that restaurants can indeed continue operating their current streeteries without fines, so long as they have pending applications.


crispydukes t1_j5zwvuv wrote

There's a trick in here, keep submitting and keep being rejected while keeping your current streetery up indefinitely.


Little_Noodles t1_j5zlm4x wrote

Yeah, that sucks. But it’s the kind of problem that emerges when organizations move too quickly and don’t communicate well with one another. I don’t see how compounding the problem by rushing and making inconsistent mistakes now will help. If they rush it and one restaurant gets denied for something that slips through and is ok somewhere else, shit isn’t going to get less confusing.

But given that I know you can, and I’m just some asshole that spends too much time in bars and restaurants, any restaurant operator that doesn’t know it by now has bigger problems than the streetery license.


nemesisinphilly OP t1_j5zmuz4 wrote

The point is it's not rocket science. It's been 2+ months since the application process began. Other cities with similar climates and street layouts have it figured out. What's so complicated that after 2 months less than 10% of applicants have made it to the last hurdle?


LFKhael t1_j5zu2x0 wrote

San Fran blew right past this and, instead of tying them to one restaurant, made them public spaces to be approved by the city instead of placing an enormous burden on a singular business at a time.