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bkantor15 t1_j6bogr2 wrote

I’m near broad and Washington, it’s so obnoxious. Saw a bunch of dirt biker fuckers out on Washington this afternoon


RayDeAsian t1_j6boucm wrote

Im by pat and genos. So fucking annoying.


MickeyButters t1_j6bp1yf wrote

So damn loud, and I'm all the way down at 2nd & Mifflin!


researching4worklurk t1_j6bp9rp wrote

Came on here trying to see if this was unusually bad or if it’s just me. It’s been like, 30 minutes of this. Fucking idiots. Imagine being an adult entertained by going vroom vroom all night


jk137jk t1_j6bq0af wrote

Hearing it in Point Breeze. Not gonna bother calling 911….


Jakdracula t1_j6bto78 wrote

It was at 3rd and Oregon, then over to the Walmart on Delaware Ave, now they’re on their way to 15th and Market.

Police scanner says there’s about 500 of them.


Indiana_Jawnz t1_j6bublg wrote

As long as there are no consequences there will be no improvement.


PhD_Haver t1_j6c7yyz wrote

Incredibly annoying. And I wonder if there’s any connection to the recent theft of a tractor trailer’s worth of dvd players


uptown_gargoyle t1_j6d0utx wrote

>Police scanner says there’s about 500 of them.

This aspect is fascinating. Studies show that Americans are spending more and more time alone, making fewer friends, etc. The ability for some people to gather up 500 likeminded individuals and do something as coordinated as this (not super coordinated, but clearly still somewhat coordinated) is a significant outlier to that trend.


CoughUpWhiteSpiders t1_j6d4z1y wrote

In the lower NE too, couldn’t pinpoint exactly where it’s coming from. Anyone know?


TrentonMakes t1_j6e0uq5 wrote

I used to be a part of the scene here and I can tell you now from experience we drivers were untouchable. The cops aren’t allowed to do anything to us unless they want to get us big paid and lose their jobs because they’re not allowed to chase for traffic stuff, the city officials don’t care because they’re probably outside the city, it was fun. I hang out with a more mature crowd now but if you’re losing your mind in January just wait until June.


eer1chill t1_j6e6eix wrote

I like the honest take. Your right, this is gonna be a bad summer with the way things have been going. I wonder if the city is going to start getting it all figured out before 2026. So many huge things happening and the city needs to be ready and able.


APettyJ t1_j6ef5sv wrote

One thing I looked forward to in the winter was the relative respite from bike culture that the cold weather provided, but the last couple of winters have provided no such break.


TrentonMakes t1_j6ek7nz wrote

I’m sure I’ll get hate for it but I’m telling it how it is. Sure the city can use their one helicopter to track cars but fuel is expensive and I know they’re not going to waste all that money and resources for what are going to be traffic tickets at the end of the day if you get busted. We’ve had some guys get caught but it was just fines, no points, no suspensions if you got a good traffic lawyer.


Capkirk0923 t1_j6enulm wrote

More like a Trash Human/waste of food contest