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FormalManifold t1_j6asol9 wrote

Run the numbers. Subway fare evasion is just not the major loss of revenue you think it is.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6atmz1 wrote

I don’t think that’s the point. The same people that dodge fares are the ones that cause the most problems on the trains.


WhyNotKenGaburo t1_j6b7sh4 wrote

While that may be true, I have jumped the turnstile several times because the damn card reader wasn't working, or my card randomly deactivated, which has happened four times (!) since I've lived here (just over a year). I am decidedly not a hooligan, nor have I ever been, but if I need to be someplace and SEPTA's stuff isn't working properly, I will jump the turnstile. I generally try to ask the sometimes nice person in the booth to let me in before I do that, though.

What WOULD help dramatically and be a long term solution, but seems politically and economically impossible at the moment, is a greater police presence throughout the system augmented by homeless outreach personnel. This sort of thing has made a huge difference in NYC after the pandemic, and periodically before.


prettylittlearrow t1_j6jjvte wrote

I jump the turnstile when the card reader isn't working (again) and I'm about to miss the train


ThreePointsPhilly t1_j6awkez wrote

But that’s not fully SEPTA’s failure - it’s society’s failure! SEPTA can’t solve homelessness or mental health issues.

Good idea, force the unhoused and people with mental health challenges back on the street, so now the Reddit can complain that there are more people sleeping on the sidewalk. I’m sure enforcing fares will magically make these problems go away.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6awwun wrote

It’s not SEPTA’s burden to solve or even mitigate these problems. It shouldn’t be a controversial take to suggest that we should be able to take a train without worrying about being attacked, or stepping in excrement, or any other number of unpleasantries.


ThreePointsPhilly t1_j6ax7nf wrote

100% agree with you. But paying customers can attack you! Are we going to stop intoxicated people from riding too? I’m sure they could cause some unpleasantries too!


cruelhumor t1_j6baros wrote

So... the answer is that we can't solve ALL the problems, so we shouldn't even try? Is there a chance that a paying customer could attack you? Sure. Is that probability higher if you encourage people to gather on the trains and platforms for reasons other than their intended purpose? Absolutely.

If I can't regularly use a system for it's intended purpose (getting from point A to point B without being attacked, stepping in excrement, or arriving at my location reeking of weed) then that is a problem.

We need to fund other city services, that is the reality, and it is unfair to expect those of us that have to rely on SETA to pay for the fact that no one wants to fix those other programs. SEPTA is not a free public toilet, ashtray or homeless shelter, it's my only way to get to work, make money, and pay taxes. Respect the Ride.


ThreePointsPhilly t1_j6bg98e wrote

We should try to solve problems! I’m not saying we shouldn’t try.

One way we try trying something new. Like free transit.


FormalManifold t1_j6atqh6 wrote

That assertion is even less supported by evidence.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6atvf5 wrote

Do tell. I find it hard to believe that the people shooting up, smoking on the train, etc etc are paying riders. It’s comically easy to bypass the turnstile.


[deleted] t1_j6atzgy wrote



NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6auwij wrote

I have no idea how you think you my comment is racist, at all. The fuck? I don’t have hard evidence that fare evaders are the main problem children on the trains but don’t pretend it’s an absurd assertion. A train fare is $2-2.50, and there are subsidized programs as well. Let’s not pretend the people jumping a turnstile are just down on their luck or some nonsense.


FormalManifold t1_j6cowui wrote

lol someone reported my calling out racism as racist.


uptown_gargoyle t1_j6cx2yj wrote

Another commenter referred to the problems of people smoking and shooting heroin on the train and your response was to the effect of "oh you mean black people".