lonetravellr t1_j6n1guu wrote
Says whatever gets him votes, he's learning fast.
Little_Noodles t1_j6n1whc wrote
You could read the article. It’s not entirely complimentary.
The material about police funding is in the first two paragraphs.
“One week ago, Philadelphia mayoral candidate Jeff Brown told voters in West Philadelphia that he’d oppose increasing the nearly $800 million Police Department budget, saying: “We have enough money in the police budget.”
Then on Tuesday night, when Brown spoke to a group of Northeast Philadelphia voters, he was asked if “more police and more money for police” is a priority.
“It’s the No. 1 priority right now,” he said.”
IvanStarokapustin t1_j6n222h wrote
The Plan: prosecuting shoplifters is second on his list after repealing the soda tax. Then he’ll find money for more police.
PhillyAccount t1_j6n22ef wrote
I was Jeff Brown - curious for a bit, but I'm not liking the pandering at all.
User_Name13 OP t1_j6n23hj wrote
"Brown criticized what he said is the District Attorney’s Office’s policy on retail theft cases, saying Krasner “stopped prosecuting shoplifters” when the value of goods stolen is below $500."
Which Krasner's office never actually ever prosecutes people for. Retail was already on the ropes because of supply chain problems from Covid and the increasing prevalence of online retailers like Amazon. Policies like Krasner will effectively kill off what remains of retail because they're getting robbed blind now too. The shopping experience also sucks now too, everything from is locked up in those plastic cases and you have to wait for an associate to get everything off the shelf for you. All these policies that cater to criminals have reduced the average law-abiding citizens quality of life in many ways.
There shouldn't be any dollar amount attached to a toleration of shoplifting. It's not about the dollar value, it's about the principle. Shoplifting is a crime, and we shouldn't live in a society that encourages or tolerates it to any level.
"During Krasner’s tenure, the conviction rate in gun possession cases dropped from 63% in 2017 to 49% two years later. Krasner’s office has defended its record on illegal gun cases and said many factors contributed to the decline in convictions. He has also said law enforcement should prioritize shootings and homicides."
"Brown said Krasner believes prosecuting illegal gun cases is “a hostility towards impoverished people.” He added: “I think that’s bulls—.”
Here here!
How can you claim to be against all things gun-related because you care so much about gun violence and people dying, but then illegal gun prosecution actually goes down under your tenure?
On the driving equality bill, Brown had this to say:
"In addition to criticizing the DA, Brown said Tuesday that the city’s driving equality law — which aims to reduce racial disparities in police stops — is “a really bad bill.” The legislation, which took effect nearly a year ago, prohibits officers from stopping motorists solely for committing low-level offenses like driving with a broken taillight or an expired inspection sticker."
"Brown said it hinders violent-crime prevention, saying, “If you were going to do a drive-by shooting, what you would take is an unregistered car with tinted windows.” Having a registration that expired within 60 days is among the infractions included in the law, but the legislation does not include language on window tint."
I agree with him on this too. People have increasingly been driving like maniacs ever since this bill passed. Also it's another bill from the city that simply encourages lawlessness.
Little_Noodles t1_j6n2fny wrote
“When an attendee chimed in, saying: “They don’t know who they’re voting for,” Brown responded in agreement: ‘I don’t think they really know.’”
That has the ring of something he actually believes at least.
[deleted] t1_j6n2n8d wrote
zwirjosemito t1_j6n2qbj wrote
So, prosecute everything, everywhere, always, and enforce with more police officers and more money for the police department. And also repeal the soda tax. I’m sure this will all work perfectly, because freedom doesn’t listen to math, or the lessons of history.
screeching eagle noises intensify
lonetravellr t1_j6n31xd wrote
You say that but the bill doesn't say the cops can't pull you over for reckless driving. Didn't know Brown had a lot of experiences with committing drive by shootings.
Basique_b t1_j6n3gox wrote
Its cause it's a paywall.
Little_Noodles t1_j6n416w wrote
Or tinted windows either.
Dude either doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or he’s lying about the law because he knows people like to hear lies about the law.
Either way, not a good look.
Little_Noodles t1_j6n44s3 wrote
But also, in a different room, no more money for the police. And for the love of god, let’s make sure the driving equity bill stops doing the things it doesn’t do and starts doing the things it doesn’t not do.
lonetravellr t1_j6n46jh wrote
It's because it's not illegal in PA to have tinted windows and it doesn't fit with OP's anti-Krasner rhetoric.
Little_Noodles t1_j6n51ev wrote
I meant Brown, but them too, yeah.
lonetravellr t1_j6n5nne wrote
For sure, Brown.
1up t1_j6n63wh wrote
And the most important bit, his response:
> It’s the No. 1 priority right now,” he said.
Little_Noodles t1_j6n69b9 wrote
Oh, oops. Yeah, copy/paste fuckup right there. Thanks for the catch, doing an edit.
[deleted] t1_j6n75xd wrote
[deleted] t1_j6n79ox wrote
Little_Noodles t1_j6n7kge wrote
I mean, it definitely sometimes works! But I’d rather vote for someone whose campaign strategy isn’t “fuck it, I’ll just say whatever, they’re all idiots anyway”.
[deleted] t1_j6n7rbo wrote
[deleted] t1_j6n8bgc wrote
dgauss t1_j6n8e4u wrote
Candidates in Philly need to know those who vote in the primary are on the fringe of the voting populace. They are the group that pays attention the most and will catch these erratic shifts. You can't win a primary hoping for the general ignorance of voters.
Little_Noodles t1_j6n8m3h wrote
He’s simultaneously actually thinking that the police don’t need any more funding and that more funding for the police is his #1 priority?
I believe he’s worked up about shoplifting and the soda tax because those affect his personal bottom line. But other than that, he’s just telling everybody he gets put in front of what he thinks they want to hear.
[deleted] t1_j6n8xfp wrote
harbison215 t1_j6nab7l wrote
I was pulled over and ticketed for tinted windows when I was about 17, year 2000. Red Lion Rd in Northeast Philly. Maybe it’s not illegal in PA, maybe it’s not illegal in Philadelphia anymore, but it certainly used to be.
Edit: tint is most illegal in Pa
In PA, any tint on side or back windows must allow more than 70 percent of light in.
Most after market window tint is well below 70. Most popular being 20. 20 is illegal in PA.
signedpants t1_j6nasbx wrote
No way he's just a fucking lying piece of shit like everyone else.
zwirjosemito t1_j6nb91f wrote
My suspicion is, if elected, this guy will be Katz in Nutter clothing.
LootTheHounds t1_j6nbw0a wrote
Aaand there it is.
Past_Cartographer230 t1_j6ndfr1 wrote
That’s how trump became president lol
sirauron14 t1_j6ndwgo wrote
Well, it makes sense. He goes to west Philly where the majority of black and brown folks live and says police funding is enough. Then goes to the north east where it's not so much black and brown folks and says more police funding is necessary. of course. Its to draw in republican votes.
familyofgeniuses t1_j6nfoo6 wrote
Hypothetically, couldn't he be referring to moving money around the PPD budget to allocate more money to hiring officers? A few other candidates have said that.
Dickenstein69 t1_j6nfovs wrote
What a clown lmao.
Little_Noodles t1_j6nhnpf wrote
If that’s what he meant, that’s what he should have said. Like the candidates that said that did.
[deleted] t1_j6nj3t3 wrote
oliver_babish t1_j6nl4oe wrote
Seems like more than that: he thinks that no one's paying enough attention when he panders differently based on which part of city he's in. And that's arrogant AF.
newmanification t1_j6nlcwz wrote
Well fuck him then.
AbsentEmpire t1_j6nmju2 wrote
Tint over certain percentages is in fact illegal in Pennsylvania, as are reflecting tints.
lonetravellr t1_j6nmtyx wrote
I guess not in Philadelphia
AbsentEmpire t1_j6nmwf8 wrote
However you can count on winning with a very thin percentage win since we don't have ranked choice voting, and the more people on the ballot the fewer voters you actually need to win a majority.
Little_Noodles t1_j6nn5ln wrote
Especially with the field as crowded as it is right now. Primary voters pay attention, and right now, they have a lot of options.
Brown isn’t bringing anything to the table that’s so unique or special that any primary voter has to look far to find a suitable replacement for whatever it is that they maybe liked about him.
Little_Noodles t1_j6nnjsg wrote
There’s nothing in the driving equity bill or any other local bill stopping any officer from pulling over a car with tints that violate the state limit. They’re just not doing it.
lonetravellr t1_j6nq2os wrote
It's the blue flu. They can't be bothered to enforce laws without abusing their power.
Little_Noodles t1_j6nr37c wrote
It’s a good thing we can fix that by lying about the law to people that refuse to read it themselves.
a-german-muffin t1_j6o0czn wrote
It's gonna be interesting to see if Brown's campaign can get a sizable number of Republicans to flip their registration ahead of the primary — it'd be a significant gamble to say the least, but one could envision a scenario in which it could be an edge.
Varolyn t1_j6ofh55 wrote
Near-northeast is like 95% democrat.
unioncarp t1_j6og777 wrote
Republicans can’t vote for him.
napsdufroid t1_j6ohn1z wrote
Hypothetically, yeah. But we both know that's not what he was referring to.
Ng3me t1_j6p7xij wrote
Hmm. What’s his other signature policy, a crackdown on stolen shopping carts?
Basique_b t1_j6n0ur9 wrote
Please tell me more..