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t1_j5ow4wl wrote

As a current student, I think many students (and especially PARENTS, who are often the ones with the money) are usually pro-increasing police presence in the off-campus areas around Temple. Temple has parents and students begging them increase their police presence, like, every single day. But, as another commenter said, I feel like Temple tiptoes around the subject because actually admitting that the neighborhood surrounding it is dangerous is a no-no for PR. It’ll be all “town halls”, “our thoughts are with the victim,” “we promise we’ll do X, X and X” after each incident then nothing really happens.


t1_j5qkizv wrote

I think the big issue is that I don’t believe the resources exist to put more cops out there, at least for Temple PD. I don’t think they have more resources or officers to staff even if they wanted to. Money only goes so far you need recruits and nobody is going out for jobs with the Temple police.

City police is a whole different story, that gets you into quiet quitting and questionable medical leave… which is a whole other bag of words and not a Temple problem.

I think things will need to change City-Wide before the situation improves.


t1_j5qw2ya wrote

Glassdoor says Temple University Police pay 57k-85k with an average salary of 69k.

>Money only goes so far you need recruits and nobody is going out for jobs with the Temple police.

You think that's money going far, at 69k?
