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NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j5tm12e wrote

I’m absolutely convinced climate change has caused a seasonal shift by 1 month. It feels like it stays cooler longer in the spring and stays warmer longer in the fall than it used to.


rovinchick t1_j5tpw95 wrote

As a skier this makes me so sad. It's not just Philly, but most of the northeast, sadly.


Pittman247 t1_j5tsz4d wrote

Fellow skier here. I completely concur.

I have family that lives not far from the Italian Alps and they say it isn’t much better IN THE ALPS…

But then you see pix of Mammoth (in CA) and they get like a foot of fresh every day. 🫤


Character_Macaron133 t1_j5tt36p wrote

The New England area, and even the Catskills, are getting dumped on right now. Late January through Mid March is usually the best time for New England skiing as well as snowfall. Also to note the cold we had in early November helped those areas open early and make snow, but post Christmas its been too warm to blow snow and the mountains need to focus on maintaining the runs they had open versus expanding the ski able terrain. Consequently, it is a little bit of damper though that Blue is struggling cause it is probably the only MT worth going to in PA that is a good day drive from the city.


Mr_Fraunces t1_j5tv30n wrote

Not getting any snow days off from school in 73 was a bummer.


CthulhusIntern t1_j5twas9 wrote

We keep getting so many weather records these days. This is fine.


Mr_Fraunces t1_j5tz6hf wrote

Booooo! I remember one snowy day someone (with no authority) called into one of the radio stations and told them that all Philadelphia schools were closed because of the snow. Other stations started reporting it but other stations were saying schools were open, there was so much confusion they just decided to close the schools. After that they put some safeguards in place to make sure it couldn't happen again.


FasterThanTW t1_j5u4fg7 wrote

>thanksgiving was like a nice late september day.

According to weather underground, the high temp on Thanksgiving was about 1 degree above average and the low was 2 degrees above average

.. Which is about 20 degrees below the average for a late September day

Edit: didn't realize that the calendar view moved to a central jersey location. For phl it was about 4 degrees above average on Thanksgiving and within 1 degree of the low.


mb2231 t1_j5u540o wrote

> I’m absolutely convinced climate change has caused a seasonal shift by 1 month.

The effects climate change has on our winters is still being studied alot. The reality is, La Nina has been present more often than not recently and that tends to mute our snowfall chances and generally favor warmer patterns.

What is for sure happening is that climate change is causing more extreme weather in our region. Whether it be warmer or colder.


FasterThanTW t1_j5ud5gz wrote

I think it's just hard to judge between seasonal changes based on feeling because we acclimate to it. Those first few mid fifties days of the year always feel freezing but by the end of February , hovering around low-mid 40 feels pretty moderate


Rumble-OP t1_j5ufgua wrote

I’m not sure what the case is with other schools, but where I go actual snow days haven’t been a thing since pre-Covid days. If there’s snow they just make us do a virtual day where attendance is still mandatory. Is what it is I guess :/


melikeybouncy t1_j5ul867 wrote

this is the one aspect of climate change that I fully support.


markskull t1_j5uwbze wrote

"But I don't like the snow!" You know what? Fuck you!

There was a time and point of your life that you liked snow. Hell, you LOVED snow! Snow was awesome! It was the ultimate salvation in your life! It meant a day off from school, a day off from a shitty job, and a chance to enjoy your life as a human being! It meant staying inside and watching TV or going outside and playing.

You don't hate snow, you hate the shit that comes with it. You hate not being able to get out of work or school. You hate having to clean off your car. You hate the idiots who can't drive in the snow. You hate being stuck at home with your kids who have the day off. You hate having your back hurt from shoveling, the idiots who didn't shovel their walk, the streets not being plowed, paying someone to shovel your walk... all the crap that comes with snow that you, as an adult, have to deal with.

Now that you're grown and snow isn't that "convenient" for you, you hate it.

Snow is a critical part of our ecosystem. It means its cold, stuff freezes, and the ecosystem is working the way it should.

Snow is awesome, despite the inconveniences (many of which I'm dealing with), and I really hope we get some ASAP.


magicmurph t1_j5x3d5k wrote

Once when I was in high school, I think junior year, a bunch of us coordinated to call into the local radio station and report that the roads were very unsafe, no one should drive on them. I guess we weren't very good actors, because the DJ called us out on it.


secretlypooping t1_j5ytj3y wrote

the amount of goddamn rain we've had in December and January has been absolutely infuriating. Winter rain is the most depressing thing ever.