
trashtrucktoot t1_j9w95z1 wrote

It was the quaint stone wall that sold me on VT.

Also, I always wonder how Native Americans feel when white people carry on about outsiders (flatlanders) taking over. Not that it matters, but I'd peg VT as 98% white people.


trashtrucktoot t1_j46rl8i wrote

Trust me, I know some Town Clerk people who are doing AMAZING work holding things together with limited resources. The gravity (liability) of hosting important property records as a service is something the provider should understand. I don't expect my Town Clerk to rotate backups. I hope the FBI and other Law Enforcement are helping to investigate. :/


trashtrucktoot t1_j413vov wrote

What's the backup policy? Daily, monthly, annual. Backups are kept offline and tested twice a year right?

"Luke, look to the backups."

There's probably a Disaster Revovery policy for these digital assets. May take a while to recovery but hopefully this can be fixed.

... please excuse me now, going to check my nightly backups.


trashtrucktoot t1_iy69tx1 wrote

I've lived in W.Philly most my life, teenagers scare me the most. I've three 'situations' and they all involved teenagers. Also, I was once a teenager so I understand their mentality.

A baby copperhead s ake is more dangerous than an adult because it doesn't have restraint on how much venom it injects. An adult will bite you multiple times if needed. ... or so I was told as a kid.