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tyleritis t1_j6nhxh4 wrote

My buddy got knocked down when a garbage truck swung their door open without looking. They came out like they were gonna jump him next if he didn’t just fuck off. His shoulder hasn’t been the same


iProduceCode t1_j6nibxp wrote

Yup. Garbage trucks are scary too.. Either they block the road and cars use the bike lane to go around, or they block the bikelane and cars don't let bikes pass the garbage truck.. There's been plenty of times I've had to stare down a car driving straight towards me in the bike lane, because they couldn't wait 5 seconds before trying to pass a truck blocking the road.

Just about every day in Philly I'm saying to myself "Yep. I'm gonna die here."


Darius_Banner t1_j6nw1il wrote

Should have called 911 and made them wait. The attitude of some of the garbage guys is appalling


ukjclothing t1_j6oot27 wrote

“And made them wait” lol you must not be from here