
iProduceCode t1_j6nibxp wrote

Yup. Garbage trucks are scary too.. Either they block the road and cars use the bike lane to go around, or they block the bikelane and cars don't let bikes pass the garbage truck.. There's been plenty of times I've had to stare down a car driving straight towards me in the bike lane, because they couldn't wait 5 seconds before trying to pass a truck blocking the road.

Just about every day in Philly I'm saying to myself "Yep. I'm gonna die here."


iProduceCode t1_j6l2frw wrote

I've almost been hit by cars plenty of times in Philly. Even when crossing at a cross walk with the light. People do not understand or care how to drive here, nothing will protect bikers and PEV riders from the morons with (or without) licenses driving in Philly, besides a cement wall. I watched someone drag the stantion from a protected bike lane down the road after driving through the last one to make a left at an already red light.


iProduceCode t1_ixaqt2s wrote

Agreed. My car is fucked from these roads, I've been knocked off my bike because they left a 1ft deep hole across the entire road and bike lane, and it was deeper than it looked. On top of this, I ride in the bike lanes and there's randomly piles of cement almost 2x-3x higher than a speed bump across the bike lanes from times that they had to dig into the ground, and decided to just put a pile of cement on it to "fix" it. they don't even flatten it