savage_pooh t1_jddtm7m wrote
Are there alternative solutions to the eventual collapse of the retirement system? If they don’t do something, France will be just like Greece soon.
Cookie-Senpai t1_jdebvjn wrote
Yes. The protest is because Macron didn't go for the alternative reforms.
savage_pooh t1_jdendms wrote
Which alternatives?
jnemesh t1_jdetpuy wrote
Tax the rich, maybe? Just a thought...
easant-Role-3170Pl t1_jdf8gjp wrote
Lol. The rich are either leaving France or have head offices outside of France so they don't have to pay such high taxes. Good luck with that. If a country has too much taxes, the first thing the rich do is look for places to not pay the big taxes outside of that country
jnemesh t1_jdi7lky wrote
Let them leave then. Let them lose their French (and EU) citizenship as well. If they want the benefits of belonging to a civilized society, then they need to help fund it. PERIOD.
offshore1100 t1_jdfshh7 wrote
Why is the solution always "the rich will pay for it"
jnemesh t1_jdi339b wrote
Um, because the rich haven't been paying their fair share for going on 40-50 years now? Or haven't you been paying attention?
I am not talking about you...unless you are making $300,000/yr or more. I have no idea why the poor constantly defend the rich...
offshore1100 t1_jdilynk wrote
> because the rich haven't been paying their fair share for going on 40-50 years now?
jnemesh t1_jdvr36j wrote
offshore1100 t1_jdvr9un wrote
None of that has anything to do with my point. In order for that to matter you'd have to be making the point that taxation should prevent people from gaining wealth. Are you making that point? Federal receipts in relation to GDP have stayed pretty steady over the years.
Cookie-Senpai t1_jdenpnu wrote
Read up on the subject if you really want to know, I see that you already have preconceived ideas. Raise top marginal taxe rate is one option which has broad support in France among many others
savage_pooh t1_jdeylyt wrote
You can read a lot into two words. I know of many options. I’m curious about what those closer to the matter see as alternative solutions.
Cookie-Senpai t1_jdf57rd wrote
Top marginal tax rate increase, windfall taxes on exceptional profit (Highway companies and fuel companies made big profit headlines), increase of minimal wage, increase in company-side social taxes etc.
Basically many ways to not make the workers face the brunt of the cost.
easant-Role-3170Pl t1_jdf8oer wrote
Oh no, the companies make a lot of money, urgently take it away and divide it
symolan t1_jdgzj4k wrote
The marginal tax rate can amount to 48%. How high do you believe should it be?
jnemesh t1_jdetsli wrote
Are there alternatives to having a popular uprising that burns the current government to the ground?
Cardellini_Updates t1_jdeylvp wrote
Advance of the productive forces. We can make far more stuff now per hour of time than when our parents were alive. Anyone saying the retirement age must increase as we also live longer is just disconnected from their own humanity, duped or malicious.
Ambitious-Cup-6305 t1_jdlpgtz wrote
in my opinion, the only adequate comment in this thread. Unfortunately, people have no idea about the real theory of communism.
rdwarz OP t1_jdduulv wrote
>Are there alternative solutions to the eventual collapse of the retirement system?
idk I protest because Macron is globally a bad president not specifically because of the raising of the retirement age
volneyave t1_jder3et wrote
Work till your 67? That's what I'm doing over here in America.
postedUpOnTheBlock t1_jdethep wrote
Is there no focus? Hear me out, I’m not bashing you, but what is the point of protesting if the person next to you doesn’t even know you’re not even focused on the same thing? At that point you just become a big crowd making noise.
rdwarz OP t1_jdeuyqo wrote
We all agree that we are tired of his bullshit and that either he starts listening to us or he quits, and even if we are not focused on the same thing, being a big noisy crowd is still useful because he has to understand that we are not going to let him do what he wants without protest
postedUpOnTheBlock t1_jdewgq3 wrote
Right, welcome to nearly every persons mind that has an elected government running their country.
If you don’t have a focus on the bs you’re sick of, the next SOB that comes in is going to pick up where they left off. A flashlight is just going to illuminate the person everyone already knows you’re angry with, but a powerful laser will burn the warts away.
Machiavelli1480 t1_jddw11w wrote
So you are in favor of increasing the retirement age to the proposed age?
rdwarz OP t1_jddw9w1 wrote
that's not what I said
Machiavelli1480 t1_jddww0q wrote
Fair enough, but pretty much everyone agrees it will be insolvent if the current course is maintained.
Hugeclick t1_jddxi5l wrote
Don't worry, they have money. They will find money. And i won't work until i'm 64. Fuck this shit.
Machiavelli1480 t1_jdef35x wrote
If you are from my generation, i hope you have the foresight to realize that by the time you retire, social security wont be what it is for todays retiree's. I'm american, and expecting nothing from social security, invest accordingly. If something is insolvent, its insolvent, rioting wont make more money appear. France wont be able to exploit africa forever, even though im sure they will try.
NoMooseSoup4You t1_jdeje6c wrote
You’ll have social security, it won’t be as much as current retirees, but you’ll have it. It also should not be your retirement plan. It should be a part of your retirement strategy. Social security was never meant to be a retirement plan for Americans. It’s purpose has really always been an assistance program to ensure adequate basic needs for retirees. You’re not retiring to a golf course in Florida on social security.
Machiavelli1480 t1_jdejplp wrote
Obviously, but i think a smart person would look at SS as a bonus, but shouldnt expect it, especially if you are under 40.
NoMooseSoup4You t1_jdek3ip wrote
I wouldn’t say “obviously”. Many people are very irresponsible when it comes to retirement planning and think social security is this pension gold mine designed to give retirees plenty of money to live comfortably.
Machiavelli1480 t1_jdekkek wrote
Well in the context of our conversation, i feel like we both made it obvious that expecting ss to cover the majority of living expenses for 15-20 years was a rather absurd. I'm sure there are people that think that, but they will be in for a rude awakening if that doesn't change. Compound that with inflation, it can make a poorly planned retirement miserable.
NoMooseSoup4You t1_jdelhka wrote
Yeah, many people won’t be able to retire, unfortunately. We live longer and are having less children. Not a great combination for comfortable retirement plans.
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