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t1_j2ezb4a wrote

Looks like they didn't separate outside the womb, either.


t1_j2eypo6 wrote

jeeeeez get a boxcutter and strive to be normal, like the rest of us


t1_j2fosnx wrote

I've found my people. I have this on both feet. I have one cousin who has it on one foot. Aside from that I've never known another soul who had this.


t1_j2f8zzg wrote

Olympic swimmer 🏊🏻‍♀️


t1_j2fp9gg wrote

I literally checked my own feet just now, even though I’ve had the same feet for several decades.


t1_j2ewr1y wrote

God needed to spend a little more time on you 🎶


t1_j2f654p wrote

Same here bro. It’s so shocking to people and for no real reason


t1_j2fxll4 wrote

Really? For no reason? I mean, If you saw a girl with fucked up teeth, you are gonna give her the look. You may not mean any harm by that fact, but you are gonna look at her at least once. And she may not even be bri:ish.


t1_j2fshmg wrote

Brother? I have exactly the same thing!! Except on the right foot. The left one is not as bad, just a little bit.


t1_j2extg4 wrote

One day, outpatient operation. Snip, stretch graft, and stitch.


t1_j2f44s2 wrote

I have the same as op. It has absolutely no negative impact on my life so Ive just left it. I’m nearly 50 now. Just get it out at Halloween.


t1_j2f7csg wrote

I too have webbed toes, but mine aren’t this webbed my family still makes fun of me though


t1_j2fg6du wrote

Are there any practical downsides to having toes like this?


OP t1_j2fgk1t wrote

I’m an athlete. And sometimes whenever I sweat the toes rub together and forms blisters. Other than cramps in them I can’t complain


t1_j2fvty8 wrote

Don't worry that happens to people with separated toes too


t1_j2fviam wrote

I wonder if you now have a Feet Finder


OP t1_j2fvkz0 wrote

Whats a feet finder


t1_j2fvtte wrote

It's a page that people use to get off to images of people's feet.

It's kinda gross.
I know Markiplier and Crank Gameplays looked at their pictures of their feet on that site.

People rate them


t1_j2ez12v wrote

Judging from the hair, I don't think they ever thought about separating


t1_j2fqlqq wrote

My step Father's left toes are connected in such a way


t1_j2eybx8 wrote

Don’t know why but this gives me crazy chills.


t1_j2f12gx wrote

Is that called myxomycetes or is that something else !


t1_j2f2d99 wrote

feels like a paper cut in there would hurt like a B****.


t1_j2f2pts wrote

My son was born with syndactyly on both hands and feet. Had the hands surgically repaired but left the feet alone, as they don’t bother him.


t1_j2ff2mo wrote

While I’m sure this is normal for you and a non issue?

This is freaking me right the hell out. I can’t imagine not being able to pick the daily gunk out, I can’t imagine not being able to move my toes independently.

This doesn’t even count as webbing. Your toes are fused. And while yes, the fused toes are the best possible combination of fused toes, when it comes to functionality? I still can’t get a grasp on it or be less freaked out.

Not freaked out by you or your toes themselves. I’m freaked out by the thought of having fused toes and a permanent layer of itchy toe jelly that I can never reach or resolve.

Edit: on another completely unrelated note? You have really nicely formed feet…. Despite the uni-toe.


t1_j2fn8qg wrote

 Has it ever affected your balance? (Or mobility/locomotion at all?) I'm guessing that since you've always had them and both feet being equal that you just didn't have any other basis for comparison. 
  The comment you made about being an athlete points to it not being an issue of any kind.

  I ask because toes are huge for our balance as bipeds. Some who have lost toes say there balance was affected somewhat. Was curious if there was anything similar with a "fused" toe.

At the very less crack to clean. So that's good in my book lol.