Submitted by NonoYouHeardMeWrong t3_112dfja in pittsburgh

I'm just curious if this is going on with anyone else. My lymph nodes are very sore (on the sides of the neck, underneath my ears) and my throat is so sore it's hard to swallow. But not stuffed up. Doesn't feel like cold. Started Sunday.

I went on a long hike in the city on Saturday and am wanting to ask because of the whole chlorine gas situation. Maybe it's paranoid. Might just be a typical winter flu that's a bit different. Just wanted to take temperature of other people in the city and see if this is a thing.



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DIY_Creative t1_j8jevjc wrote

This is me...almost. I did have other head cold symptoms - balloon like headache/earache/head pain and some stuffiness, but my throat is BY FAR the worst. No fever. But my throat has been so bad, hard to swallow, painful, etc. Lymph nodes hella swollen. I almost lost my voice and its been tough to talk. Mine did start late last week though so I chalk it up to normal head cold/flu type thang bc I felt pretty bad this past weekend.


zappafrank2112 t1_j8jhv95 wrote

At the risk of being... whatever, have you taken a COVID test?

Sore throat was by far the worst for me when I had COVID last summer.


NonoYouHeardMeWrong OP t1_j8jimyv wrote

just the detritus from the burnoff from the train car burning in Ohio. The thought is it collected in the atmosphere and has made its way here.

I guess there's also the terrible air pollution from US Steel and if it was environmental, it might have nothing to do with the big train derailment news story. And that's easily making my seem kooky. whoopsie.

regardless, this seemed like the best way to see if people are experiencing these symptoms. I've had many flus and many colds and covid twice, but this feels strange.


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j8jju9d wrote

I've been sick for a week. Started with throat and lymph nodes, moved into head cold symptoms that I'm struggling with now.

First time I've been sick in two years. And no, not Covid. I think it's just... whatever is going around.


uswforever t1_j8jk29o wrote

No. It has nothing to do with that. The couple of parts per billion concentration that those chemicals would have been at by the time they got here would have a negligible effect on your health. As for any locally produced industrial pollution, the same wind that.carriedntyw train car pollution here is carrying that stuff away for the city. Because the winds are from the northwest. And Clairton is southeast of the city.


moonwish22 t1_j8jmoq8 wrote

That’s how we all started. How it ended: 5 of us with sinus infections and 1 with ear infection. Every person who caught it so far ended with an infection… it’s a nasty cold going around. Take care and I hope you feel better soon!


New_Tangerine_4164 t1_j8jmxuc wrote

Get tested for strep. Same symptoms and was positive for it today. Nurse said they are seeing large numbers of strep in adults.


timesuck t1_j8jncwl wrote

Current variants of Covid are not always showing up on rapid tests until about day 5+ of symptoms. I would try and get a PCR test if you can, or take serial rapid tests over the next few days swabbing your nose, then throat.


LukeV19056 t1_j8joi52 wrote

I have a friend who asked the same question last night, her lymph nodes are like super sore and swelled rn, she’s going to the doctor to check on it


pburgh2517 t1_j8jou4b wrote

12+ days. That is how long it took for me to finally not need to blow my nose nonstop all day after having the same thing. Started like a light cold, then moved into sinus infection for like 10 days. Just finally giving up and having some drinks during the Super Bowl seems to have knocked it out of me.


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j8jqety wrote

Same. I hoped beyond hope it wasn't the 'Rona, and I've thankfully tested negative, but I was doubly pissed that I picked up a dumb cold after being bug-free for two years.

Guess it was going to be a humdinger to get through all the defenses and precautions.


moonwish22 t1_j8jqo94 wrote

Same here! Light cold at first turned into this crud. At 2 weeks, I went to the doctor because I developed a cough. Doc said my entire left sinus and half of my right were occluded with infection. I’m now on antibiotics, which have helped immensely! My husband made it 2.5 weeks, got better and then got worse suddenly so he’s also on antibiotics now.


ohidontthinks0 t1_j8jqp5p wrote

I’ve been feeling the same. Nurse friends said to get tested for strep, I just haven’t had a chance to yet.


[deleted] t1_j8k2aic wrote

I'm just thinking I've been feeling that (eyes itchy too). I am almost certain its hypochondriac paranoia because I keep reading about the E. Pal derailment.


SDMF8766 t1_j8k6toz wrote

Yes. Pretty much what you described plus some itchy eyes and occasional stomach issues for the past few days.


bamfzula t1_j8k9i2f wrote

The week of Christmas I had the same thing. Lasted about 12 days and ended up calling my doctor to get put on antibiotics. Seemed to maybe be strep which I seem to get more and more frequently the past 5 years


MaynardWaltrip t1_j8ke5lp wrote

It’s could be strep. Or the cloud the chlorine gas waited around for a week to float 50-‘miles down from Ohio to get just you on Saturday when you were out hiking around.


[deleted] t1_j8kkvzm wrote

Strep ain’t no joke as an adult.Worse sore throat I’ve ever had. Kid kept bringing it home from day care a couple of years ago and I got it 5 times in three months. I could diagnosis it myself by that point.


campbellssoupinacan t1_j8llxm6 wrote

Do you realize how many people independently post the exact same question on a daily basis on this sub? I get on Reddit 1-2 times a day. I’ve seen MULTIPLE posts every single day for the last week. I’m sure there are minimum 10+ new posts daily asking the exact same questions. It’s annoying.


campbellssoupinacan t1_j8lptnp wrote

And your snark and sass is somehow more constructive and beneficial to the community?

Fuck off. Search before posting stupid ass questions That have LITERALLY BEEN ANSWERED HUNDREDS of times in the last few days. Literally hundreds. Fuck off.

Someone posted the same stupid question you did an hour before you did. Some other dumbass posted the exact same fucking question an hour before that.

You think you’re cute and smart with your smartass.

The sub IS going to shit. Mods shouldn’t allow the same exact question to be posted 50 times a day.

But ya. Come back at me smartass


NonoYouHeardMeWrong OP t1_j8mkf6s wrote

I’m very sorry for your pain and terror in this arduous time.

But you do sound like an ululating weiner with such a pretty grievance for something I’ve already explained above as being relevant to this forum. Go get some sunshine and stop being so precious. You truly sound like an awful brat.


Cold-East-125 t1_j8napbb wrote

I’m on my second week of the swollen lymph nodes. Thankfully it’s barely noticeable. The first week, I couldn’t even open my mouth because of the pressure/pain. I looked like I had a damn goiter.

I was tested for covid, strep, and mono. All negative.

0/5, do not recommend.


PeacefulKnitNerd t1_j8qesfl wrote

I had a very sore throat last week, thought it might be strep, turned out to be covid. I’d suggest being tested for both, if medication is needed, it’s better to get an early diagnosis.