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tesla3by3 t1_jeak43r wrote

Part of the new initiative to reduce crime in downtown. Or at least create police visibility.


LoneStar1127 t1_jebtpuo wrote

They were probably just horsing around.


mrex0112 t1_jecph8m wrote

The way they say “Giddy Up” makes us say… “Woah.”


[deleted] t1_jeakp0y wrote

Man, local business owners complain about human feces in downtown they’re gonna love the big piles of shit mounted police leave behind.

And that’s just when a cop falls off the horse, let alone the feces.


BlimeyFish t1_jedgwbi wrote

Holy shit I saw one of those horses drop a load at the end of Warhol bridge last summer as I drove by and holy horse shit.


rangel01 t1_jec36lo wrote

I never get to actually see them but I always see the massive horse shids left behind


duker_mf_lincoln t1_jebdil2 wrote

Did I miss "Pet the Police Horse Day" again?


soonitwillbcold t1_jeasaoi wrote

Better question, why are there mounted cops at all? Why are tax payer dollars being spent on expensive police academy class pets? I bet most cops would rather get another PTO day a year than get to ride a horse that doesn't want to be ridden anyways..


Snoo71538 t1_jeb848e wrote

They are used in large crowds to have an elevated view to see into the crowd and communicate where issues are to other cops that are on foot


rageharles t1_jebg388 wrote

they would be just as effective if they had giant paper fans and 6ft tall stilts. would probably still need to shit in the road but that’s just the price of safety


Snoo71538 t1_jebj8pq wrote

It’s pretty easy to knock down someone on stilts. It’s much harder to knock down a horse.


PublicCommenter t1_jebla3g wrote

A friend of mine who used to work for the police said they were brought in as a PR tool, not as a policing tool. Pittsburgh has few events that require horses, and the cops bring them out even less often.
