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aboutsider t1_jdv6mok wrote

From what I understand, any nuisance like this is actionable. Call 311


ChefGuru t1_jdvb1js wrote

"Hi, 311, this airport next door to my house is really loud, can you do anything about it?"

It's not like the restaurant was built after they moved in...


TheLiberator117 t1_jdvd4vr wrote

But it also shouldn't be in such a state of disrepair that it's vibrating the apartment. There's a line between chosing to live above a restaurant and something being broken that's causing unreasonable noise.


aboutsider t1_jdvk1rf wrote

So, you think a whole ass airport is equivalent to a single piece of equipment for a single restaurant? Or, are you just here to tear down other people's suggestions while offering none of your own?