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xylex t1_iu9t1zs wrote

Holy shit these guys are fucking idiots.

Committing a crime, getting into a vehicle registered to your address, then driving home.

Only to get back into the same vehicle a few hours later, while wearing the same clothing you committed the crime in, and driving towards the scene of the crime with the weapons in your possession.

I can’t imagine they were trying to get caught, but they did a great job of making sure they were.


CallMeCappn t1_iua9lke wrote

Well, senseless murder isn’t a trait often paired with intelligence. So….


pghgreatest t1_iubfjts wrote

I mean they shots up a funeral so pretty sure their mind doesn’t work like a normal persons ….


Urbanette OP t1_iu95c4i wrote


chad4359 t1_iua98k6 wrote

>Officers caught up with the car, which was stuck in construction traffic, and conducted a traffic stop

This might be one of the most Pittsburgh things I've ever read


pghgreatest t1_iubf9q8 wrote

Lmao spot on. We was stuck on 28 construction the other day for so long


chad4359 t1_iubmhov wrote

I've had my own issues with 51 construction lately so I feel your pain


Willow-girl t1_iub9gj1 wrote

Wait wut? The article refers to an "open-air drug market" at Allegheny Commons, but when I look at the city's website, its description reads

>Allegheny Commons has anchored the North Side for over 150 years. The public commons predate the City of Pittsburgh’s annexation of Allegheny City. This treasured Victorian gem is our oldest park and recalls the grandeur of Central Park.


Egraypgh t1_iube9ay wrote

They are referring to the section 8 housing is shares the name. People sit and sell drugs in full view of the police. It was always bad but has gotten much worse.


TheManInMirror t1_iubst39 wrote

It’s definitely an open air drug market. Cops don’t necessarily care because when they do attempt the serve the public - the perps are normally out of custody before the cop can file any paperwork.


Scoonz t1_iu9c7e1 wrote

idk how you even fix this shit, just senseless bro


cjc323 t1_iua6wlf wrote

The culture is broken and no one seems to admit it or don't care to fix it.


JAK3CAL t1_iubajgr wrote

The gang culture is for sure glorified and emulated. It isn’t black or white or brown or yellow. There’s a real issue with fatherless homes, boys trying to be men, and finding acceptance in glorying violence and sensational behavior. The first reaction of many folks these days when harm is encountered is to get a TikTok video rather than aid ones fellow man.

This isn’t a race problem, it doesn’t have boundaries. Our culture is regressing and we brought it upon ourselves.


chad4359 t1_iubc5am wrote

We have had several generations of young men that have been raised by parents that either don't care or with the view that their children can do no wrong.


Excelius t1_iujbear wrote

> This isn’t a race problem, it doesn’t have boundaries. Our culture is regressing and we brought it upon ourselves.

Obviously we want to tread carefully, any discussions of race are sensitive and often bring the online trolls and racists out of the woodwork. Certainly don't want this to become a game of finger-pointing and "blaming" certain groups. At the same time, at what point are we just burying our heads in the sand by insisting on colorblindness?

If this was some degradation of American culture generally you would expect the problem to be evenly distributed, but that's just not the case. There are absolutely massive racial disparities at play here.

Allegheny County Department of Human Service - Homicides in Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh, 2016 through 2021 > Black residents were much more likely to be victims of homicide than White residents. While Black residents comprise only 13% of the County population, they accounted for 77% of homicide victims in the County from 2016 through 2021. During those years, Black Allegheny County residents experienced an average homicide victimization rate that was 21 times greater than the rate for White residents. > >Similarly, in the City of Pittsburgh, 23% of the population is Black and 80% of all homicide victims were Black. The homicide victimization rate of Black Pittsburgh residents was 12 times greater than that of White residents.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iuavhwn wrote

Which culture? Do you think black culture is a monolith and promotes the use of violence? That it's ingrained into their "culture?" Come on, man.


sagittacancers t1_iub0ri0 wrote

No one mentioned race but I see where you are coming from. I think youth culture in general is getting more violent. Even in my almost all white upper middle class high school everyone wanted to be from a ghetto and hold guns and sell drugs.


Willow-girl t1_iub8z62 wrote

Yeah. I worked in a virtually-all-white school last year, and a fourth-grader wrote, "I will kill you all" on a bathroom wall.

The girls' bathroom.

I don't know what this world is coming to.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iudk96s wrote

Are you familiar with what a dog whistle is in regards to politics (not an actual, physical, dog whistle, though that's where the term comes from)?


chad4359 t1_iudlel7 wrote

Did you just mansplain dog whistle? Lol


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iudngzt wrote

No. Maybe learn what mansplaining is too while you're at it. It doesn't mean "any time a man explains things."


lutzcody t1_iu9lbs6 wrote

Not banning abortions is a good start


plantatreeretard t1_iu9pbnc wrote

abortion was legal 16 and 19 years ago.


[deleted] t1_iu9wnxc wrote



johnsonchicklet1993 t1_iua4lmb wrote

You’re suggesting that these kids should just have been aborted? Can’t you see how that’s some fascist shit? You’re suggesting class-based eugenics, at the very least.


CallMeCappn t1_iua95y2 wrote

Wait….I thought being pro life was fascist. Brain hert.


johnsonchicklet1993 t1_iuamo5c wrote

They all use fascism when they think it will help them gain more power.


CallMeCappn t1_iuanabe wrote

Who are you referring to when you say “they”?


johnsonchicklet1993 t1_iuaorfp wrote

Whoever is in power or who wants power. Political parties, billionaires, international organizations like NATO.


chad4359 t1_iub37sr wrote

The proper word is authoritarian but people like to use fascist because of it's link to the nazis


CallMeCappn t1_iubmv0i wrote

My favorite is when outspoken communists call someone a fascist as if they’re a lesser piece of shit.


chad4359 t1_iubuyg3 wrote

It's never that simple, there is always see other kind of personal insult. The absolute hate coming from the left is sickening.


CallMeCappn t1_iubvnd2 wrote

I don’t think you’re wrong. I’m sure both sides feel this way. I think that real interpersonal conversations reflect a much more positive relationship between people of differing views. This keyboard shit let’s people spew vitriol with zero consequences.


johnsonchicklet1993 t1_iucads8 wrote

What are you trying to accomplish with this comment?


CallMeCappn t1_iudloux wrote

It’s pretty clear cut and dry.

What are YOU trying to accomplish with your comment?


johnsonchicklet1993 t1_iudma75 wrote

In one comment you call communists pieces of shit, in the next you talk about unnecessary vitriol in online forums 🤷‍♂️


CallMeCappn t1_iudmpyb wrote

Correct, unnecessary vitriol is gross.

Communists aren’t given that social grace.

I figured I triggered your brittle Commie bones!!


bfhurricane t1_iucti1b wrote

“They should have been aborted”

Fucking Reddit moment right here. You realize abortions were legal when they were born?


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iuavbf6 wrote

Nah, more like taking decisive action to mitigate/end inequality so people don't feel the need to join a gang.


drkelleyvdc t1_iub7m1y wrote

The church and parishioners involved in this were part of Urban Impact, an organization which seeks to neutralize the inequities of the North Side. How ironic….


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iudlooz wrote

Not sure what you're saying. They're only one organization with limited resources. Are you criticizing them for not ending inequality with a system that basically demands inequality to function?


drkelleyvdc t1_iudm0l7 wrote

Not even sure how you read that I was criticizing them. The irony of it is that Urban Impact is an organization who seeks to end inequality by providing resources to the North Side as well as help provide realistic approaches to careers for all the teens. How do I know? Because I volunteer for it.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iudo7lw wrote

Lots of people responding to me today in bad faith. You got caught up in it I guess. Lots of these turds in this sub would have meant it as "oh, a group that is trying to end inequality has failed, and become a victim of said inequality. Curious." I mean, we've got people who think abortion is a valid way to reduce this stuff, but not taking other measures too. Sure, abortion access is one tool in the box, but a lot of people use it as a way to say inner city poor people (stand in for black folks) should just not have kids, instead of actual measures to make sure these folks can have families and not be poor. They hate poor people and black people.


ZealousParsnip t1_iue1wxo wrote

>Responding to me in bad faith.


>They hate poor people and black people.

Lol, lmao even.


chad4359 t1_iuemakq wrote

This guy's comment history really something else. What a horrible human being


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iuiyjvr wrote

Yes, someone like me would be a "horrible human being" to a right wing stupid fucking turd like you.


chad4359 t1_iuizt5k wrote

Well you sure are a hateful one, have a better one buddy


InfamousLegato t1_iu9mq42 wrote

I'm glad the police were able to find the two who did this.

However, if this is connection to some kind of an ongoing turf war I won't be surprised if this situation continues to escalate.


SqlHill t1_iua84y9 wrote

Great work by the police. They quickly found surveillance footage, reviewed it, and identified where these two were staying. Catching them with the weapons means they have a strong case against them and it won't end up in an acquittal like the BBQ shooting a few years ago.

This case is a good example to point to when defund extremists start talking about how the police don't do anything.


Tight_Departure_2983 t1_iuaiwzo wrote

> defund extremists

Really disrespectful way to characterize folks who don't think that the largest expenditure to a city's entire operating budget should go towards police, lol.

When you overfund one particular public service for so many decades, to the detriment of the rest of our services, I suppose it gets normalized. Then y'all just call us extremists for wanting to get back to normal.

>They quickly found surveillance footage, reviewed it, and identified where these two were staying.

You don't need a metric shit ton of money to do this. This is an example of basic, but competent, police work. These 2 kids weren't exactly hard to find..


SqlHill t1_iuajbet wrote

I don't think your position is an extreme position. Happy to have the conversation about increasing funding for other public services.

However, I do consider it an extreme position to abolish the police and prisons, which is exactly what certain groups advocate for.


bogboogie t1_iuanowf wrote

I don't know, I could be wrong but I've noticed the rhetoric has significantly changed in the past 2 years to rethinking how much we fund those systems and how they are trained and vetted, rather than abolishing them completely.


JAK3CAL t1_iubapiq wrote

I have absolutely seen ACAB and abolish police as strong messages.


StudyIntelligent5691 t1_iuc3b7o wrote

Seen it where? In graffiti on a wall? Defunding the police was a poorly thought-out slogan from the jump, and most folks realized it. The fact is, despite what Republicans would have you think, police forces have NOT been “defunded”, in fact many have had funding increased. There were some attempts early on in some cities, but it didn’t last long.


bfhurricane t1_iucu94c wrote

> Seen it where?

Literally all over this very website. There is no shortage of people claiming that cops are an arm of an unjust system with a monopoly in violence that must be dismantled. I see it every day. I distinctly remember when posts would reach the front page of Reddit that claimed “yes, we actually do support defunding police, literally.”

Since the midterms are coming up, I’ve seen a wave of both “hey, we support the police!” posts on Reddit as well as tons of “pro public safety” advertisements in my state television ads to try to turn the tide. Which has pissed off a lot of my progressive friends at my school (CMU).


StudyIntelligent5691 t1_iud589d wrote

I guess I should have qualified. My point is that defunding the police has not actually occurred, number one, and if anything police forces have had increased funding. Rightwing Republicans have jumped all over this “message” and used it forcefully against Democrats, portraying us as soft on crime, etc. I think the original crux of the slogan was intentionally misunderstood, but that’s what happens when people just spew words without thinking.


ZealousParsnip t1_iue2av8 wrote

>Portraying us as soft on crime.

West coast cities do that effectively with no outside messaging.


StudyIntelligent5691 t1_iufcc2o wrote

In the latest data available, there was definitely a surge in crime during 2020, especially in murders and assaults. The murder rate went up nearly 30% across the country. More than 75% involved guns, and murders and assaults increased by varying percentages in urban, suburban, and rural areas as well. According to the Brennan Institute for Justice, those rates “rose roughly equally in cities run by Democrats and cities run by Republicans,” and “so-called red states actually saw some of the highest rates of all.” I’ve seen similar data reported from various sources (FBI, CDC, etc.). You can search all kinds of data sources for yourself, but this idea being pushed that it’s only liberal, Democratic states/cities experiencing a surge is plain propaganda.


ZealousParsnip t1_iufkbgj wrote

I firmly believe the rise is worse in Liberal cities, not necessarily of violent crime, but of property crime and quality of life crime. The downside is I can't prove it at all and have to go off of what I know from living in a very liberal city (Seattle.) People quit reporting crime to the cops, there was no point. You'd get shit stolen and you just wouldn't bother filing a report because they will never get your stuff back, and you'll be waiting hours just on the hope somebody shows up. I know tons of people who were victimized via crime and we all went through the same thing with not reporting it.

That this isn't a convincing argument and purely anecdotal I am aware, but sadly I think there is something to it. No idea how you rectify that beyond me saying "just trust me bro" which again, I get is not convincing.


StudyIntelligent5691 t1_iujhhvm wrote

I can’t speak to the situation in Seattle because I’m not from there. In fact, I’ve never had the pleasure of visiting your beautiful city. I have, however, done some research, and it seems that certain sections of your city do have higher than average crime, especially property crime, so you’re sharing your own experience, and that’s certainly valid. But then you go off…and for some reason, even though I presented you with information that says otherwise, you’re just absolutely certain that “liberal cities” have worse crime. By your own admission, you have no proof, nor does it seem as if you’ve really spent any time trying to gather data on this topic. Instead, again by your own admission, it’s just a feeling you have. It’s a feeling you have, and you think there’s “something to it.” This type of confirmation bias is exactly what permits untruths to take hold and cause damage. I hope you’ll think about it a little, and try to figure out why you’re satisfied with coming to conclusions in this manner.


ZealousParsnip t1_iujnbss wrote

Like I said, i know it's not a compelling argument. But the problem with gathering any information on it is crime isn't being reported. It's common knowledge that it isn't, but obviously there's no data to support it, because it's not being reported.

If there was any way to see actual numbers instead of just reported crimes I'd love to, but again it's not possible to have numbers on things not reported. I don't expect anyone to be convinced by that as an argument though.


ventorun t1_iub18mh wrote

Maybe in Pittsburgh, but meanwhile in Philadelphia and many other cities, no cash bail is still very much a thing. And look at the new law passed in Illinois. The SAFE-T Act there is going to be a disaster. So there’s no reason for police to risk their lives to arrest someone that is going to be back out on the street in an hour. And here’s a hint: Those cities have one political party in common.


ZealousParsnip t1_iue264u wrote

That's a main stream walk back by Dems. Because defund and abolish the police poll exceedingly poorly.

Defund the police originally meant exactly what it says. Now it's just watered down


StudyIntelligent5691 t1_iuc4137 wrote

I can see how it’s viewed as an extreme position, though I strongly agree with the previous poster that the truth is most of many urban budgets goes to law enforcement, sometimes at the detriment of other serious needs. “Defund the police “, unfortunately, was thrown out there without sufficient thought behind it, and even though it hasn’t happened, Republicans have jumped on it and made liberals, Democrats, etc., look like idiots who don’t care about crime. Of course, that isn’t true, and the police have NOT been “defunded.”


bfhurricane t1_iuctrl4 wrote

So do you believe that Pittsburgh should have less police? Seriously, I’m genuinely curious what your issue with our police budget is.

The vast majority of the city’s police budget goes to salaries. I’m curious what you would cut it by or what your logic is about why it’s overfunded.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iuavupk wrote

Holy shit, the cops did their job once despite a very poor case closure rate and you're all "see, the defund people are wrong." The defund people aren't even against cop doing normal cop shit. They want the finite resources we have to be spread to actual useful stuff for the stuff cops are asked to do that isn't cop shit, like helping the homeless and having mental health interventions not be lead by roided up jackboots itching to kill.


SqlHill t1_iub5m8i wrote

Case study of one - Pigeon Bagel in Squirrel Hill had a "defund the police" sign up last year. I asked "what does that mean? like move resources around?" Woman working at Pigeons' response was "no, it means abolish the police."

So at least some of the defund people mean completely defund and abolish the police.


Willow-girl t1_iub8ol0 wrote

> Pigeon Bagel in Squirrel Hill had a "defund the police" sign up

So that means if they were robbed, they wouldn't call the cops, right?


chad4359 t1_iuc2nz5 wrote

Oh no, as soon as they are affected they call the police and then bitch to the news that the police don't care about them


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iudl1vi wrote

Unfortunately, the system is set up that you are required to use the police to access your insurance. Even if they didn't want the cops to come and blast someone away over property, they still need a police report to be made whole.


bfhurricane t1_iucujnz wrote

So what does “defund the police” in Pittsburgh mean to you?


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iudnbyo wrote

The defund movement, by and large, is about shifting some money and resources to other organizations that are better equipped to deal with the mixed roles cops are expected to have. Leaving cops to do normal cop shit like dealing with violent crime and such. It came from people co-opting the "abolish the police" movement, which I personally prefer since "defund" thinks cops can be reformed, and "abolish" thinks the current system of policing is beyond reform and we need to eliminate police altogether and structure a better means to address the problems cops have historically had in their jurisdiction.


mvps412 t1_iuaxvwe wrote

When I first heard about it, I thought it might have had to do with potential witnesses to the first shooting. The funeral was a victim from the shooting a week ago that left 3 dead and one injured. They could probably tie the kids to that shooting too.


rillikchar t1_iu9lvfz wrote

They even shot a horse…. the total disregard for life is so sad. Sounds like all of the human victims are thankfully going to recover. Has anyone heard anything on the horse’s well-being?


Logical-Rip-8138 t1_iuaruqv wrote

Hope they hang these pieces of garbage by their nuts.


LL_is_a_Cool_J t1_iua5oyy wrote



Then_Night_4619 t1_iub8yol wrote

Have a juvenile detention center that’s open sure helps a lot one that focuses on rehabilitation but we have no detention center and just release kids on ankle monitors back into the same environment they are committing crimes in hopefully that will be changed next year also after school programs gyms places for these people to go are huge when it comes to deterring them from crime.


chad4359 t1_iuc33hd wrote

Please reread this and add some commas and periods and edit a word or two because it makes zero sense


Then_Night_4619 t1_iugehd5 wrote

You can clearly understand what is being said nothing more needed to be said


brownmuffalo t1_iubizxx wrote

Can identify the car as black but not the criminals. Funny how that works.


[deleted] t1_iua5nb1 wrote



FreeCashFlow t1_iua6l74 wrote

Uh, 19 year olds are teenagers. You stop being a teen when you turn 20.


CallMeCappn t1_iuaaw3e wrote

You’re not wrong. It’s semantics really because you’re also an “adult” at 18.


jetsetninjacat t1_iualnrc wrote

Legally you're an adult. By definition you are still a teenager...


CallMeCappn t1_iuanc7r wrote

And still an adult.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iuaw52x wrote

And still a teenager, which is the word used to describe a nineteen year old that the original commenter is caling "cringe."


CallMeCappn t1_iuax56t wrote

Whenever “teen” is used in a headline without the race specified regarding something abhorrent It usually means only one thing. I think that’s what he was getting at,


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iuaxfb1 wrote

It usually means that they are a teenager. Because that's what the word means and it's used quite appropriately to refer to a sixteen and nineteen year old.


[deleted] t1_iu9omb8 wrote



wvlurker t1_iu9pm01 wrote

Their names are in the article you illiterate racist donkey.


NathanLocke t1_iu9tn3c wrote

You are a racist because you hold non-whites to lower standards.

When you do that, you tell the world that you believe non-whites to be inferior.

This is discriminatory and it makes you a racist.


wvlurker t1_iu9tyqr wrote

My standard is read the fucking linked article before you say something stupid and you're the only one who failed that.


InfamousLegato t1_iu9qctw wrote

Other articles have a photograph of the 19 year old suspect.

I think the 16 year old's face will be kept private because they are a minor.

Also, don't be a dick.


cjc323 t1_iua6sjb wrote

when you shoot up a funeral you lose you 'minor' status.


InfamousLegato t1_iua74ut wrote

The law matters. It's also about protecting the privacy of their family.

I understand your outrage that situations like this are happening in the city but don't let it tempt you into tearing down the framework for a fair and lawful society so you can get a quick fix.


No-Lifeguard-8173 t1_iuaae1u wrote

> The law matters.

What law exactly? There is no law that prevents a newspaper from reporting a minors identity.

E: I challenge all the uninformed downvoters to cite the law that prevents reporting on a minor. It does not exist.


InfamousLegato t1_iuabrbp wrote

I'm almost certain you're wrong about that lol


He's right. I finally looked into it a few days later.

There is no law that prohibits the news from naming or using photos of minors suspected of crime.


No-Lifeguard-8173 t1_iuao3t2 wrote

I’m not. Minors don’t have a legal right to privacy.


chad4359 t1_iuc2vc1 wrote

Minors are routinely not identified in news reports


No-Lifeguard-8173 t1_iudhdqp wrote

That's not because of a law though. Legally a news report can print a minors name all they want.


NathanLocke t1_iu9tcqm wrote

"Being a dick" = stating facts you don't want to hear.

Of all city of Pittsburgh shootings/murders in which the race of the perp is known in, say, 2022, what were the racial breakdowns of the perps?


InfamousLegato t1_iu9u720 wrote

You're a dick for making this about media bias. Mass shootings and gang shootings are different types of stories. They get covered differently.

Their names are in the article, other news sources have a photo of the 19 year old. You're complaining about nothing.


MrCellini t1_iu9w8e2 wrote

>stating facts

But you were wrong


CallMeCappn t1_iuabi3u wrote

About the numbers? I pulled the stats. They are astounding!


FreeCashFlow t1_iu9pnks wrote

Crawl back to your swamp and leave us alone.


NathanLocke t1_iu9tfrp wrote

Sure. Just stop shooting people and no one will care.


vtinpgh t1_iu9ypii wrote

Take your dumbass shit to twitter.