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j428h t1_iydhbeo wrote

I left a chair in the street and moved somewhere sunnier for a few years.


mae_ray t1_iydhe0k wrote

Pittsburgh born but moved to another side of the city from where I was born.


cawsllyffant t1_iydi1rs wrote

Born elsewhere, moved to PGH, then left, then realized I made a terrible decision and came back...


batcostume t1_iydithk wrote

Iā€™d be curious where my fellow Born Elsewheres came from


Yinzerman1992 t1_iydiulq wrote

Born and raised, 4th generation, family has been here for a little over 100 years.


More-Adhesiveness-54 t1_iydjgzf wrote

On the Perils of Making Inferences about Patterns of In- and Out-Migration of Metropolitan Pittsburgh Residents from Reddit Polling Data

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Sociology - doctor of Philosophy


ddesigns t1_iydjzjf wrote

Born in Philly but here since I was 2 years old.


Piplup_parade t1_iydkkjk wrote

By born elsewhere, I mean 45 minutes up the river


realmacaronni t1_iydl8yx wrote

Option two. I was actually born in Mercer but raised in Allegheny. Left for college, then moved to CA for a while. came home to start 06, with no real intentions of staying or leaving. but I was and am so impressed with the direction Pgh has been moving I've never left and prob never least until some retirement options crop up...


fakesloover t1_iydm9cs wrote

I knew I felt transplant vibes in here


fugly16 t1_iydwh86 wrote

Moved here when I was 10 years old. Been here since.


BetesBurgh t1_iye0rza wrote

Born here, raised here, left for school & early career, came back, stayed. Probably will never leave unless I'm leaving the entire country.


sqqueen2 t1_iyee3yb wrote

Born OH, moved around a lot, High school back in OH, college in upstate NY, grad school CA, job ended up in VA (DC area), back to grad school again there, came to Pgh just temporarily to meet the folks then to work remotely, after 3 months here said "Hell no I ain't going back to the DC area", has been ten years now.


James19991 t1_iyekwsd wrote

Interesting results. This sub definitely has very different location demographics from the region.


gfh110 t1_iyemr61 wrote

Born and lived in NEPA for 30 odd years. Hazleton area. Dark times. Lived in Allentown for the last 7. Been planning to move out here for the last couple years and pulled the trigger in September.


SunfishStudio t1_iyeux24 wrote

Here from TN! Got lucky and got an amazing wfh job so I finally decided to move out of the boonies and try to find a climate less likely to trigger my migraines (the weather fluctuations here are tricky for that but TN has 3 of the top 10 cities in terms of % of the population with migraines so thought it's worth a shot), and wanted to live in a denser, more walkable city.

And I love it here. My apartment is super quiet even though I'm still well within the city proper and less than a mile from 3 grocery stores and a ton of restaurants. I've taken biking back up for the first time since I was a little kid to get around too. The people here seem to be really involved in the community and I've met a lot of great people doing volunteer work.

People are also just incredibly nice here. I've been going through a rough time with insurance rejecting a migraine med that costs $1000 out of pocket for 8 pills and a woman in the cvs/target parking lot saw me crying and asked if I needed anything, could she get something for me, had someone hurt me, etc. A bit embarrassing because I hadn't meant for my emotions to get hold of me like that but really nice that someone thought I might be in danger or injured and wanted to help

Also everything is so green here. Ironically once you actually got into the nearest town to my rural home, despite being in the heart of the mountains and having a beautiful landscape, everything was so spread out and lifeless. It's just a collection of flat asphalt, a Walmart dn some other chains, then a collection of lifeless identical houses. Pittsburgh has a ton of green everywhere, everyone seems to have a ton of potted plants (I've gotten so many unplanned cuttings from people here, I just got back from my orthodontist with 2 new spider plant babies), and houses and apartments are all unique, oddly shaped, and differently colored. Idk it sounds like such a little thing but it's done wonders for me mentally to live in a place that feels like it has an actual identity.


SunfishStudio t1_iyev7go wrote

TN for 27 years. Pittsburgh is the first I've lived out of my home state since I even went to college in TN. But unless you can afford to live in the heart of Nashville you can only be a lesbian there for so long before it gets to you šŸ˜…