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threwthelookinggrass t1_iy0d9b3 wrote

> They should have moved the parking closer to the road and protected the bike lane behind the parking. There’s so much room for them to do that.

It is not legal to build parking protected bike lanes in Pennsylvania, unfortunately.


SavageGardner t1_iy0ei57 wrote

I did not know that. Is there a reason for this? Sounds like something that should be changed.


superm455ive t1_iy1df67 wrote

That only applies to state owned roads like Forbes. Smallman is probably city or county, I highly doubt it’s a state road.


B0bb3r7 t1_iy16qrr wrote

I think that this is only the case for parallel parking. afaik, there is no 12-inch-from-curb requirement for other parking styles.