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chrisms150 t1_iw9aodi wrote

We desperately need more grocery competition in the area.

Would love for a gaint or wegmans to move in.


Urbanspy87 t1_iw9hcl4 wrote

This town needs a Wegmans


B52me_tosleep t1_iw9lxqy wrote

A “Wegners” to buy crudite


Urbanspy87 t1_iw9m0kq wrote

Hey, I'd try it. Got to be better than Giant Eagle. ;)


B52me_tosleep t1_iw9mf01 wrote

Yeah I only go there when I’m being lazy and don’t wanna deal with Walmart. I don’t buy much at one time anyway.


TSOD t1_iwbxuxf wrote

Pretty funny to see this comment on /r/pittsburgh when on /r/rochester they have all given up on Wegmans for being too expensive and just shop at Aldi instead.

I don't have a dog in the race, I just find it comical.


die-jarjar-die t1_iw9hbfk wrote

Go to aldi first and get the staples


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_iw9n961 wrote

My shopping flow is basically: Strip District (various) -> Costco -> Aldi -> Giant Eagle. Unless I don't need enough stuff to justify getting out to the Waterfront, then I'll skip it.

You really do get better items at better prices by shopping around. Giant Eagle isn't even trying to compete on price, their whole angle is having the broadest selection. You pay a premium for the convenience of choice.


immargarita t1_iw9v0zt wrote

But how much are you losing in time and fuel? I can't do that. Especially time-wise.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_iwa869x wrote

YMMV. This isn't one trip, it is just the decision flow when thinking about getting ingredients. I consider biking to the strip (zero fuel) recreation, but this is also an optional step for specialty ingredients and to support local stores. I can walk to Aldi (also zero fuel), and I don't go to Costco and/or Giant Eagle every week. They're also both in the same place so if I'm driving to Waterfront I may as well stop at both.

The dream, to me, is a romanticized Parisian model where every man, woman, and child may live within walking distance of a boulangerie, fromagerie, et boucherie. But of course I know that's just not how we live in America. I make do with the strip district and farmers markets and then fill in the cracks with the chain stores.


CL-MotoTech t1_iwbncds wrote

I like to shop in person at the strip. Then I do an instacart from Aldi, then if there is anything left I make the .5 mile trip to Kuhns. Depending on location Kuhns could be replaced with another capable store. The prices in the strip are usually great and I really just enjoy walking around down there. I also tend to get my "opportunity buys" there, basically anything that is a good deal or anything hard to get from other places. The nice thing about the instacart order is you get the Aldi prices but it saves me 2 hours of riding around. I can cook dinner and pretty soon my groceries arrive.


immargarita t1_iwbsbgl wrote

Aight aight, I hear ya!

Aaaaaaaaand nice user name. My recently departed kitty was named Moto cos of his loud, vibrating purr.


RepeatedFailure t1_iwcqpsx wrote

The gig economy shoppers at aldi (esp south side) don't mess around. Sometimes I feel bad for them when they're pushing 2+ carts of stuff and are frustrated with someone picking a bread or something.


lookinginterestingly t1_iwa1i6a wrote

Fresh Thyme has good produce prices too.


Jupichan t1_iwapqpn wrote

Really? Last time I was there, I thought they were grossly overpriced across the board.


klauskervin t1_iwcatrb wrote

Fresh Thyme has become my #1 for produce the last few years. Price isn't as low as Aldi but the quality is way better.


UselessLezbian t1_iw9wuhz wrote

This is me every week. Aldi first for the majority of my produce and canned stuff, Giant Eagle for deli cuts and yogurt because Aldi is always out of those chobani flips.


DennisG47 t1_iwancji wrote

Buy your milk at GE; it's cheaper and it lasts longer.