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MrChichibadman t1_j6mfai0 wrote

Allegheny sandwich shop


NSlocal t1_j6n9gsr wrote

I just read it will close this year, bummer.


Ryan1006 t1_j6nahps wrote

It’s not closing, the chef bought it and will run it.

I’ve never been but I have some older friends from a Facebook Group that are regulars there, they use it as a place to get together and talk. This is exactly the place you are looking for from what I can tell.


NSlocal t1_j6nbplv wrote

That's good news, it was hard losing Bier's.


SearchingDeepSpace t1_j6oa9a3 wrote

Hopefully quality returns to what it was; always loved going there but the past few times the food has been lacking. Sad homefries and overdone steaks cooked in A1 :/