Submitted by t3_116d5f2 in providence

Hey Providence friends,

Is there a public building that has a really big, like 3 foot diameter globe on public display? My daughter is into countries and places right now and I am trying to explain the world is curved and how a map is flat. I'd like to see a really big globe to give her some perspective.

Thank you



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t1_j961nth wrote

Not sure about a globe, but you might want to show her this


OP t1_j965dzx wrote

Thank you for looking these up! I was hoping to find one like chest high so we could look at everything, but I never knew about that one in Wellesley. Funny thing she is heading to her grandparents there today so I sent them the link! Thanks again.


t1_j965kqi wrote

Not Rhode Island, but if you are roadtripping through Maine, check out the Eartha Globe in Yarmouth, ME. It's not far from LL Bean.

It used to be a Delorme Atlas and Map store, which closed. But as far as I can tell, it's still open to the public.


t1_j966q8h wrote

Boston Museum of Science had a 6ish foot one, assuming they still do.


t1_j966vcu wrote

Keep an eye out for exhibits at the Waterfire Arts Center. Most are free (donations accepted) or you can support them by buying merch in the gift shop.

I went to both the earth and the moon exhibits, which were very cool. Here's the description of the Earth exhibit.

The earth sculpture was compiled by real photos, so there's no markings and lots of clouds.


t1_j969fjh wrote

There's outside the Brown Urban Environmental Lab on Angell St.


t1_j96kco9 wrote

This is the mother of all globes. Plus, it's super fun to see how seriously the church takes itself despite being founded by a random Boston woman after slipping on ice, hitting her head, and having a revelation.


t1_j96qeea wrote

I also vote for the Mapparium at the Christian Science Center. It's an incredible experience. While you're up here, you could visit Kendall Square (MIT Museum is a great place for kids, or head down Mass Ave to the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Harvard, which is free if you enter before noon on Sunday). Kendall has a large bronze Earth sculpture she might like.


t1_j96vd9j wrote

There’s one on angel st across from the brand new brown building


t1_j97c4cz wrote

There's one at Brown University near a like public Garden or research facility or something. It's right at ground level. Not very impressive, and the countries are kind of crudely depicted, but it does give a sense of round earth and it's in town.


t1_j97z1t0 wrote

waterfire arts center had a giant moon for a while. Might be worth checking them out.


t1_j9a3epb wrote

Yeah public allowed at least when I went pre-covid. Had driven past it a million times on road trips to visit my grandparents in Maine, finally actually stopped to visit a few years ago. There was a security guard, but we just told him we wanted to check out the glove and he showed us to the elevator for the best view.