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orm518 t1_irhacuz wrote

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


hootsie t1_irhxw6n wrote

Thanks for reminding me how infrequently I’ve left the east bay since March 2020.


LearnByDoing t1_iriaixs wrote

Why, what have I got to look forward to. Some mess related to the new I 95 bridge no doubt?


nygrl811 t1_irialzl wrote

I've been doing that already.


galeeb t1_irie1n4 wrote

I'm not sure how well I'm going to deal with this till 2025 or 2026. Even just going to the grocery store means sitting in traffic along littered roadways with angry drivers. Literally never easy or pleasant to drive anywhere.


GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_iriinl3 wrote

And the dumbasses who do drive down Atwells are constantly honking and gassing their engines at the red lights. Fucking stop, please.


mrvis t1_iriio7r wrote

I lived there for 8 years. Loved it. The parks at the top of the hills, Redwood, Joaquin Miller, & Sibley are incredibly beautiful. And it's 10 degrees warmer than SF.


Gsquzared t1_iriiqfj wrote

After they shifted the on ramp to the new bridge this week? It seemed like things were better on Friday.