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Creative_Recover t1_jegpg8m wrote

She is just being realistic with you. But you both also need to realize that there are no guarantees in a relationship this young, regardless of your age. Even if she's gotten somewhat better I think your GF is still struggling a lot with her past traumatic events, did she ever recieve any therapy for what she went through?


Feisty_Bid1067 OP t1_jegqnle wrote

Yeah, she did. She talked to a therapist, but homeotherapy help her the most. Also, her familiy is very supportive. But, it is a long way from being completly peacful in mind.

I get it, nothing is completly safe in life and anything can happen. But, that doesn't mean it shouldn't happen or at least to try. Just saying that threw me off the tracks and scared me a little bit. I'm afraid that nothing will be the same anymore. If break up happens, that's life, but to break up just because she thinks that she will hurt me is apsurd to me. We didn't break up, but those words are stuck in my head.


Creative_Recover t1_jegra2f wrote

Have you considered that you too might also be carrying hangups from your past? I think you are focusing on what she said too much.

You need to appreciate this relationship for what it is and take things at a pace that is right for you both. Enjoy the moments and don't let your different respective pasts ruin the present time.


Feisty_Bid1067 OP t1_jegrxnz wrote

Well, my previous serious relationship that lasted 4 years ended in a matter of a day, when my ex told me that she doesn't feel anything anymore. I was devastated and couldn't put myself to be in a serious relationship for two years. So, yeah, you are maybe right. It can be from both sides. Thank you! A lot.