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athena2367 OP t1_iuk5oiv wrote

Anyway, at this point, I’m anxious as h*ll because although it seems like all in good fun, there was just a lot of confrontation, arguments, raised voices and because of my natural people pleasing personality I didn’t want any of that. But we go to the party anyway and of course continue to drink. My bf and I play beer pong and he is a little too competitive for my taste and gets kind of loud/obnoxious about a rule that he didn’t know about (especially as a guest at a friend’s house), but that to me is not a dealbreaker. We end of winning on said rule and I’m kind of annoyed but what can ya do. My two friends come out at that point and want to play us. We start playing, we start losing, and they start sending HARD digs at him (because unfortunately they are too competitive as well). A certain rule in BP only allows a girl to blow out the ball and a boy to finger the cup. My friend fingered it and both him and I were like “yeah, no you can’t do that, it doesn’t count.” He’s of course louder than me, because that is just him, and then she proceeds to call him sexist for saying that’s a rule (when we’ve been using that rule for years and she knows it). They then argued over another rule and this was just all getting very annoying for me and we ended up losing (mostly because I gave up playing well because I was so distracted by all of the confrontation). Sometime after this my friends proceed to antagonize him about having “red flags” and how they “hate all men, including him.” He thinks it’s funny and I am at this point hoping it’s just all jokes (although looking back I can now call them out for what they were—digs).

At this point my bf is in full drunk defense mode (something I have not personally seem him so to this extent) and he starts to argue with everyone he talks to. I am LIVID but also I don’t want to start a fight with him in the middle of this small party with my friends the first time he meets them (one of my many regrets from that night). So I politely try to tell him to basically tone it down—he doesn’t listen because I don’t act too mad about it and he doesn’t realize how serious I am. Throughout the night, my 2 girl friends continue to go into the bathroom without me and then proceed to sit across the room and whisper while looking at him and I talking (we were in a deep conversation and actually having a good time/bonding at this point). I felt EXTREMELY judged but I am also not one to confront people unless I am absolutely sure of what’s going on. My bf, however, IS confrontational and he proceeds to yell at them from across the room to “quit talking and come hang out with the rest of the party.” Of course, they say something witty back and he tries to follow up but at this point I am no longer listening. Towards the end of the night, him and I are talking about a TV show and I tell him that I actually have only seen the last episode and he tells me I’m a “f*cking idiot and he’s leaving me.” Now, I wrote this specially because I want you all to know what exactly he said so it doesn’t sound like I’m partial to him/making excuses for him. I do NOT agree with what he said, especially at the volume level/tone that he said it at. It sounded mean, I was embarrassed, and of course my friends all heard it. He actually interrupted me a couple of times at the party with his voice raised and called me several names (all of these in a joking manner, but I’m sorry, I don’t accept name-calling as a joke).

Finally, we decide to go home, and I order the Uber because I’m ready to get tf out of there and chew him out. Once we get into the Uber somehow my friend and him get into ANOTHER argument and I’ll be honest, I have no idea what point he is getting at/why he was even arguing it. Even the Uber driver said something about “what is wrong with you” and it was just embarrassing. I finally tell my bf to “shut the f*ck up and that this was embarrassing.” He IMMEDIATELY shuts up and we go home and go to bed.


athena2367 OP t1_iuk5q6j wrote

I wake up the next morning feeling horrible because of the way he acted. We end up talking about it for awhile and he does apologize and admit he may have come off as a d*ck, but if he’s being honest, that’s his personality and that won’t change (so aka I can accept it or not). I did tell him that the deal breaker for me was the fact that he called me names—and he also apologized for that and said he wouldn’t do it again (although that has get to be proven). We actually almost end up breaking up because I’m so stressed/anxious about how he was around my friends and of course I’m also trying to be a good friend and not choose my recent bf’s side over their side (when I clearly thought he was being an ass too).

But I don’t hear from them all day and he finally has to fly back, and after deciding to stay together, both getting emotional, etc. he gets on his plane. It was miserable.

Finally, right before bedtime I get a text from Friend 1 (have not heard from Friend 2) and she asks if I want to talk about last night. I tell her I do, but not tonight because I am emotionally exhausted and need some time to reset (she was also at a friend’s birthday all day and send our group message pictures and stuff so I felt like she wasn’t really that mad). She tells me that she couldn’t believe she hadn’t heard from me yet and says that I’m basically being a shtty friend for not caring about her feelings and texting her. She also proceeds to tell me that she will not have a grown man talk to her the way he did and that maybe I will let him talk to me that way but she will NOT. And calls him an a**hole, tells me all of the other stuff (i.e. that they tried to avoid us all night, other people were talking sht, and that the Uber driver said something when we got out). ALL OVER TEXT. I respond a little bit but at this point I’m so hurt/exhausted and I am so against fighting over text that I barely respond. She proceeds to then tell me that we can still talk if I want, but she’s said everything that she wanted to say—so we could talk “whenever I wanted to,” but that she was done. At this point all I could say was “okay, if you’re done, I’m done.”

This was the longest post of my life and if ANYONE decides to read this novel I would be sooooo happy to hear your thoughts/advice on what I should do, etc. I’m just exhausted and tired of people pleasing and basically want to just tell my friends to f*ck off because I feel like they’ve been a really negative part of my life recently. I am NOT choosing my new bf over old girl friends, because, tbh, I may end up ending things with him depending on how I feel/he reacts/our next visit (if that even happens now). I need outsider opinions and am worried I’m making a wrong decision and/or am not seeing all sides. I know I am also at fault here and actually apologized to my friend for not de-escalating the situation earlier. I did also tell her and my bf that I felt like no one thought of my feelings or how seeing my bf and my friend arguing the entire night would make me feel. But it seemed to go in one of her ears and out the other. I don’t know what to do.

TL;DR: controlling, man-hating friend and confrontational, loud bf got into a huge shouting fight the first time they met at a party and now my friend (not my bf) is basically making me choose between them (a friendship of 3+ years vs a 6 month romantic relationship).


ladypsychosis t1_iuk7le0 wrote

Hey girl. I did read the whole thing. Sounds like a nightmare. I’ve dated a huge asshole in the past who my friends hated. I couldn’t even say his name around my best friend.

Listen- he treated you poorly in front of your friends and embarrassed you. He was starting fights and calling you names. He admitted to being an asshole and said he’s not going to change. I strongly recommend ending it. If you don’t, it will only get harder to end it later. I’m worried that you’re on the path to an abusive relationship.

Also- I’d recommend reaching out and apologizing to your friends and if they are mean about it instead of accepting, consider ending the friendships as well. Whether you end the friendships or not, I’d recommend trying to make some new friends.


athena2367 OP t1_iuk8q60 wrote

Thanks for the input!! I don’t know how else to explain this without sounding like I’m defending him—but I was in a not so good relationship before this and if I’m being brutally honest, I have gone to therapy, done a lot of soul searching, and know when a guy has potential to be abusive. I really don’t feel worried at all about that with him and tbh, if he showed any signs, I know for a fact I would not stay with him. For some reason, I feel like no one thinks I’m smart/strong enough to stand up for myself and know when I’m being manipulated. at this moment, I feel like I’ve been in an almost abusive relationship with my friends (I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around them constantly and I honestly I’d rather be alone then hang out with them because of all of the meanness and negativity they bring around. I really feel like this whole ordeal was just the last straw that finally made me stand up to my friends for being not so good friends (especially as of recently).

I also believe in giving someone more than one chance (this was my bf’s first “f*ckup.”) I think alot of factors were involved and alot of bias by my friends have come into play. I also have given these girls soooo many chances (and I don’t think they realize it) and tbh, I feel very taken for granted/used by them.