Submitted by Small_Passenger_8963 t3_11dmf19 in rva

Have a job that is located in Downtown Richmond I will be moving for. I've visited several times and can't seem to find a spot I like in Richmond but have found some places in Ashland. How is Ashland for a young person? Is there night life/things to do on the weekends? Or am I going to have to drive 15-20 min into Richmond to do anything?



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Manuntdfan t1_ja9k35w wrote

People don’t move to Ashland for nightlife..maybe you can find some parties at Randolph Macon…


Ditovontease t1_ja9urvp wrote

Sausage fests I’d assume


VAJazzCabbage t1_jaafpdj wrote

You know Randolph Macon has more women students and professors than male right?


hoyboy2 t1_jaakgoj wrote

and yet somehow it's still a sausage fest.


segfaults123 t1_jaax9av wrote

not just any sausages, but bratwursts, the worst, the kind that makes you feel ashamed because all you have in your fridge are miniature hotdogs


bigdawgwhatup t1_ja9q0hn wrote

It’s a nice area with affordable housing. But there’s going to be little to nothing to do there as far as nightlife.


[deleted] t1_jad4zdi wrote



CurrentlyInHiding t1_jad59kv wrote

Especially within the town limits. Pretty much all the new (shitty) builds are outside of the town limits.


soundchkr t1_jad6edg wrote

Don’t forget about the constant train traffic if you’re considering “downtown” Ashland.


skeevy-stevie t1_jaa8r6n wrote

I live in Ashland, my wife drives to downtown Richmond for work, takes about 20 minutes, no way it’s 30+ as others are saying. I can get to Lakeside in about 15 mins.

There’s not much here, especially for night life. Local brewery closes at 9pm, sports bar at 10pm. The brewery is in the downtown area and there are three other restaurants with small bars.

You can drive two exits down 95 for center of the universe brewery, industrial tap house, kreggers and pizza and beer, which isn’t bad. Still wouldn’t call it night life.

It’s nice here, it’s quiet, we have a great neighborhood and house, but if I were still in my 20’s, I wouldn’t move here. I’m in my late 30’s and if Caboose (restaurant / beer shop) and Origin (brewery) weren’t here, I’d go nuts. You’ll be driving to Richmond often, we do, it’s not a bad drive at all, unless you hit 95 Sunday/accident traffic.

Edit - there are a bunch of new condos and townhouses just off 95 a few exits south of Ashland you might want to look at. It might put you in the middle of things though.


nilmergreeb t1_jaah0wu wrote

Agree on the drive time. I live in the town of Ashland and work downtown RVA. It’s 25 minutes in peak traffic, 20 in light traffic. About once every six weeks there’s an accident bad enough to make it over 30.


CurrentlyInHiding t1_jabdik5 wrote

Idk. I worked in the fan until recently. Drive in was about 20-25 but on the way home it was almost always 35+. That godawful interchange getting onto 95N from 195/powhite where 64 merges on too. Always backed up without fail unless I left work no later than 4:45.


GMUcovidta t1_ja9ss1z wrote

Ashland is a small town 30+ min from Richmond, the young people there are all RMC students who do college student things like play sports and throw house parties on the weekends.


fusion260 t1_ja9jrd2 wrote

There’s a small “downtown” area that can be pretty lively during nights and weekends. Otherwise you will likely want to travel closer to Henrico County and Richmond City proper for entertainment options.


rhaphido t1_jaa480m wrote

Pretty lively feels like a polite way to say “everything closes by 9”


ivyrose99 t1_jaalbib wrote

I’m think the bar in the strip mall is usually busy, but their audience is older people and underage college kids


CurrentlyInHiding t1_jabd366 wrote

You're probably thinking of Huddle Up. I refer to it as People of Walmart in bar-form. The actual town center has a couple nice places though (Ironhorse and The Caboose)


Anxious_Nights1 t1_ja9otfw wrote

Out of curiosity what draws you to Ashland? Maybe we can direct you toward some neighborhoods in Richmond that have what you like. In general, I don't think of Ashland as a spot a 20-something would want to live.


[deleted] t1_ja9ycx1 wrote



DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_jaa7nrq wrote

It sounds like you like small, safe places with easy access to nature and an easy commute into Richmond.

If I'm reading you right, you might consider Lakeside. Closer to town, still small town feel, sandwiched between Bryan park and Botanical gardens, and a few local shops and bars.


Gamegis t1_jaab1vr wrote

I’m a little confused. You mentioned in the post you wanted nightlife and in this comment you liked how it was quite in Ashland. These things strike me as diametrically opposed. I think you gotta have one or the other.


choicebutts t1_jaae4cp wrote

I saw Ashland while the train to D.C. and it looks really cute and laid back. If I didn't need to be in the city right now I'd be interested in in Ashland.


simplysmittyn t1_jab29fp wrote

Another vote for Lakeside. My husband and I have been in the neighborhood for 9 years and really like it. Close to everything, but does definitely feel more small town. That’s what drew us to the area. We’ve gotten a few great restaurants and final gravity since we moved and the area just keeps getting better.


afort212 t1_jaa6c4m wrote

Feel free to pm me if you want more specific info. I have spent many years in this area and am 25


ohsweetpeaches t1_ja9qfuf wrote

There are plenty of younger people in Ashland - why wouldn’t they want to live there?


a_real_tomato t1_jaall95 wrote

But they’re mostly college students, not young professionals as OP specifically asked about. (I am from Ashland area.)


spawn3887 t1_ja9qpti wrote

What do they do on weekends?


ohsweetpeaches t1_ja9ryhn wrote

Anything they want? It’s not like the businesses close on the weekend? I’d imagine that people who chose to live in Ashland don’t mind driving 15 minutes to do whatever they want, or they enjoy spending time outdoors at the various parks / shopping and dining on the tracks in town, etc. I guess I don’t know why everyone just assumes it’s a barren wasteland. With nothing to do?


Diet_Coke t1_jaaifgl wrote

>I don’t know why everyone just assumes it’s a barren wasteland. With nothing to do?

Everything you listed involves leaving Ashland


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_jaah8xy wrote

15 minutes will get you to Henrico, but it's 21 min to SA and 25 min to Carytown from RMU.


Ditovontease t1_ja9uwoz wrote

It may as well be in terms of nightlife….


darockerj t1_jaafd8c wrote

it’s like ppl in the suburbs have never heard of nightlife


gracetw22 t1_jaagd41 wrote

We just don’t really care. Like I know it exists I just don’t want to be out of my house after 9 pm so it’s not a motivating factor for me, for example


darockerj t1_jaagkw3 wrote

that’s understandable. it’s a different case with people like my partner’s mom, who lives in the suburbs and genuinely can’t fathom why someone would want to live in the city when housing is cheaper in the suburbs.

then again, that may just be a mom thing.


ohsweetpeaches t1_jaa0rzt wrote

I mean, that’s why it’s great in my opinion, you have plenty to do until 8/9pm and then you can Uber to downtown if you really want to. But I’d wager that no one moves to Ashland for the nightlife - they move there because it’s incredibly chill and not rowdy at night (aside from Huddle Up)!


Ditovontease t1_jaa11g9 wrote

Downtown Ashland or downtown Richmond? Cuz that Uber seems expensive


popsrcr t1_ja9nzox wrote

Yeah, not too much there, but I do like the area.


Myfourcats1 t1_jaawobb wrote

I hear people like hanging out at the dollar store parking lot


yadasmurf20 t1_jaanm3l wrote

You could live out your Schitt’s Creek fantasy in Ashland by living in a motel along U.S. 1 while befriending the odd townies


Ok_Boysenberry_4223 t1_jaahzd3 wrote

There’s always the Honky Tonk Heros at the Huddle Up!

No better place to find a half dressed cougar on the prowl!


Hiltson87 t1_jaacfjf wrote

Unless you're in with the college crowd there I'd imagine it would suck in your early 20s. I work out there and it would be a great place to live, but for a small conservative area they sure do like their taxes. You name it, they've got an extra tax on it on top of the county taxes.


-lamppost- t1_jabid1k wrote

What are you talking about — property taxes are 30% higher in Richmond.


mewisme700 t1_jabj2dz wrote

You have to pay property taxes to both City of Ashland and Hanover


-lamppost- t1_jabkb8s wrote

Richmond is $1.20 per $100. Hanover is .81. Ashland is .10. It’s still lower.


Hiltson87 t1_jacxot7 wrote

Never said they were higher than Richmond city. Also wasn't referring to just home or auto property taxes. Ashland has all kinds of extra taxes on things other than just property.


RVAPerson804 t1_ja9ug0m wrote

Seriously asking---How is going by train from Ashland to Richmond, is it practical?


and how is going up to DC from Ashland by train? How expensive?


hammmy3467 t1_ja9wpm9 wrote

Ashland to Richmond is $7 each way. Ashland to DC is anywhere from $15-40.

The first train out is at 5:30 am back to Ashland. Doable if you plan on really tying one on the night before, just don’t miss the first stop.


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_ja9x9js wrote

I don't think all the trains from Ashland go into the city. Some stop at the Staples mill station only, which doesn't do you a lot of good. Additionally if you check the time tables you'll see that it's pretty useless for the evening hours.


RVAPerson804 t1_ja9xcrd wrote

Yeah, Staples Mill is useless


RVAPerson804 t1_jacsdps wrote

What? If you don't have a car and dont want to uber how do you get from Staple Mill to downtown?


GMUcovidta t1_ja9w4wr wrote

Amtrak is very unreliable, but if you book in advance you can get tickets to DC for as low as $10

Richmond to Ashland you should Uber if you don't want to drive


choicebutts t1_jaaegq6 wrote

I went to D.C. from Staples Mill for $11 each way with a handicapped discount. Regular fare coach is $15 each way.


Ditovontease t1_ja9v1xt wrote

Lol yeah I wouldn’t move there if I were you. I’d move there if I wanted a house and land I don’t have to leave. And if I didn’t want to meet anyone new ever again. And if you’re a man looking for ladies… good luck


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_jaahsr5 wrote

I wish the down voters would explain to the rest of us how young people would meet other young people in Ashland outside of the college scene.

I live near VCC and there's no singles scene here (under 40yo) and a lot more people.


I_feel-nothing t1_jab1d24 wrote

Also near VCC. I drive into the city for all my “night life” stuff pretty much. Center of the universe is nice to have out here but I’d rather drive to Richmond than Ashland


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_jaca9nm wrote

Me too. My work, social and spirit center is in the city. The drive isn't bad as long as I moderate alcohol intake. It stinks having friends and dates mainly in Midlo and WE/SP though, but that distance would be an issue anywhere in the burbs.


I_feel-nothing t1_jacbbk7 wrote

I find short pump isn’t terrible but the midlo drive is horrible to make more than once a week.


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_jacbrmi wrote

It really is! 30-40min, esp. when you are just picking someone to drive to the city for a date takes up a good chunk of the evening. At least I work in the city and have dated women who offer to come up my way too. Gotta make it work!


ivyrose99 t1_jaalujt wrote

I went to college there and there really is no way to meet anyone outside of the college scene.


-lamppost- t1_jabj51x wrote



gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_jacae9k wrote

Has OLD been a good way to meet folks in Ashland for you?


Ditovontease t1_jacawnp wrote

It’s gonna be all folks that live in Richmond lol.


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_jacb54k wrote

Bumble was like that for me near VCC. I had more matches with women in Midlo than anywhere. Unfortunately my home location shows as either Ashland or Mechanicsville so I think the West Enders and city folk assume I'm a Hanover Nazi.


Ditovontease t1_jacbbsn wrote

Tbh I do quite a few single women that live in Bon Air/Midlo. I can see the appeal of those areas

And yeah, Mechanicsville sucks D: (my husbands parents live there so I have to go there pretty often) like most of the men there are the thumb looking Trump kind


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_jaccn49 wrote

Yep, I stick out when I open my mouth. One might think a "different" guy would be a commodity but women I know generally want a guy with a pick-up, local family ties, and conservative views.

There's a lot to like about this area but I am looking forward to my kids finishing school so I can move elsewhere.


-lamppost- t1_jackd4l wrote

I was kidding actually. But OLD is how you are going to meet people to date if you are living in Ashland because you aren’t likely to meet them where you live.


njbrews t1_jaakau7 wrote

People here be making 15-20 min drives seem like 2 hours. Such a change coming from north jersey where 30-40 is the norm typically


purple-otter t1_jaapcg2 wrote

There’s next to nothing in Ashland. I live north of Ashland and go there for groceries and fast food and that’s it. There aren’t really many local business. Only a handful of local restaurants that really aren’t that great. Traffic through Ashland on route 1 and on I-95 is often backed up for no goddamn reason.

Don’t move to Ashland if you want things to do. I would suggest moving somewhere like the near west end (i.e. Staples Mill or something) where you aren’t in Richmond but have easy access to Richmond if you want experiences and lots of options, plus you’ll be close to things on Broad Street, and not too terribly far from Short Pump.


afort212 t1_jaa66bo wrote

No I live just north of Ashland. It’s not for partying. Im your age group and love this area but then again I’m not into partying etc. if you want a slower pace and calmer live here. If you want night life and things to do all around you live in the city


fluufhead t1_jaaogg6 wrote

What are you used to?


[deleted] t1_jaap1ab wrote



fluufhead t1_jaar0ip wrote

Dunno if you're into hunting and fishing but lots of people who are into that are happy down 64 in New Kent and Williamsburg, SE of Richmond. Anywhere in Richmond will be either a) noisy and fairly urban or b) the type of place you sit in traffic all the time and can't walk anywhere. I think Ashland would be fine but be honest with yourself about what your motivation level will be to go into the city when you want to go out or whatever. Because the social circle of under 30s in Ashland would be pretty small.


blocked_memory t1_jaapeu9 wrote

I lived there for 6 months, some crazy people live out there. I worked at a small coffee shop there and met a lot of the locals. I would steer clear.


-lamppost- t1_jabi7yd wrote

There’s a few breweries and a red neck bar where no one in there 20s hang out. There’s a college but I have no idea where the students are as you see about 20 of them in campus at any given time. There is zero night life as far as I’m concerned. Also Richmond is more like 30 minutes away. Move to Ashland when you have some kids to raise and need a good school.

Anywhere within the city limits will be closer to what’s going on. Scott’s edition, the fan, Manchester are all hot neighborhoods for young people but not especially cheap.


sy-mbolism t1_jad8h7j wrote

As a 20-something living in Ashland, probably definitely expect to have to drive 15-20 minutes to Richmond to do something if you like going to places other than sports bars. My partner commutes to Richmond every day and it's not unbearable, but it's not really known for parties outside of the college. It's nice if you like the quiet, and the town does hold events pretty often by the railroad tracks or at the theatre, but it's really just a small town. I like the small town vibes, but I'm planning on moving closer to Richmond because there's not so much for me to do here.


slyscorner t1_jadtsh3 wrote

I do like Ashland a lot... especially the quirky vibe that we're trying to push (I co-own the escape room in town). Even if you decide not to live there, hopefully you still come visit a bunch. It does have a lot to offer if the right people keep trying.


jracka t1_jaak74j wrote

If you move there you will be looking for a new place to live when your lease is up. Ashland is cute, but you want to be near the city because that's where you will spend most of your time. The last thing you want to do on a Fri or Sat night is realize you have a 25 minute drive home. There are much better places for you, at your age, to live.


ATB143 t1_jaauiz0 wrote

You belong in The Fan, somewhere near Main and Robinson Street. Ashland is for 30+ and everything closed by 10pm


Potential-Height582 t1_jaaxrm8 wrote

Check out The One going up on Brook road. It’s sort of a split the difference in terms of Ashland/Richmond and it’s all new townhomes and condos.


SeeYaLaterDylan t1_jab29ew wrote

It's a place to settle down, not find anything exciting. If you have an active social life that involves younger people it's going to be in the city or at least close.


chicoyeah t1_jab8uop wrote

You are going to have to drive to Richmond if you want nightlife or anything to do at all.


rvamama804 t1_jabha5b wrote

I would do Henrico or Chesterfield closer to the city. Cheap Uber downtown.


newerbalance t1_jacm5py wrote

move there as soon as possible


RanjuMaric t1_jaempp2 wrote

I can think of one bar that’s open late. But hey, there are pool tables.


RVABronxite t1_jaawjl5 wrote

The cool kids call it a$$land for a reason and it's not the good type of a$$


xCatChan t1_jabk2we wrote

I'm enjoying Ashland in my late 20s! If you look for a church while you're in Ashland, check out AIM. Great people and connections and the groups are young. Good luck with your new job! :)


Ravishing_Rob_Rude t1_ja9vn2i wrote

Pretty conservative and not a lot of good dining options. I lived there in High school and hated it.


sinyre t1_jabark0 wrote

Ashland is in a county where the KKK held a recruitment rally in 2019.

Klanover County.

Don’t move here.


ValidGarry t1_jac36jv wrote

Ashland is pretty much the liberal holdout in Hanover.


sinyre t1_jac6jy2 wrote

It’s hilarious that I’m getting downvoted when I actually live here.

Ashland is a liberal holdout? Barely.


ValidGarry t1_jac6vxi wrote

I'm going on Board of Supervisors representation here. Also, higher education! For Hanover it's as close to liberal as it gets!


sinyre t1_jac6y7z wrote

There is not a single democrat on the board of supervisors. What are you talking about?


ValidGarry t1_jac8wdy wrote

Faye Prichard. Ashland district Supervisor. First D to serve on the BoS in 30 years.


sinyre t1_jac8z0x wrote

She’s so ineffective I didn’t even realize she was Democrat.


ValidGarry t1_jac9kxj wrote

That's a shit get-out. She does as well as anyone who isn't a Hanover R can do on a board of Hanover Rs.


sinyre t1_jac74e2 wrote

Further - Hanover county as well as the board of supervisors and the school Board have succumbed to Christian Nationalism and this is an opinion piece describing this. WaPo Christian Nationalism Klanover


CurrentlyInHiding t1_jad6br0 wrote

Do you live in the town limits? In the neighborhood I'm in (west of the track and south of Hanover Ave) there was almost exclusively Dem campaign signs in the yards.


Cerebral-Knievel-1 t1_jaa85yg wrote

Ashland is where folks from Richmond move to yo get away from Richmond, but dont want to/ can't afford to move to Fredericksburg.


Chickenmoons t1_ja9xhc6 wrote

This takes the cake for the moving posts. Easily the most unhinged.


VCUBNFO t1_jaaemc3 wrote

It is the Cracker Barrel of the area. Most people in RVA don’t even consider it part of Richmond because it is so far away.


a_real_tomato t1_jaam5vm wrote

It’s not that far away. From downtown Richmond, it’s way closer than many parts of Chesterfield.

But I agree: def not a place for a young professional and especially if you’re single. Plus the restaurants are terrible.


VCUBNFO t1_jaatnz4 wrote

It’s far enough that many people that live in Ashland have an hour round trip commute to the city if they’re not immediately on the highway.


CurrentlyInHiding t1_jabepod wrote

If someone claims to be from Ashland and they're not close to the interstate, they're not actually from Ashland. from the town center, downtown Richmond is only like 20-25 minutes normally.