
Manuntdfan t1_iufwzxd wrote

I get carts and edibles at gleaf. Grew my own flower this season. I have bought flower from gleaf, and it was pretty terrible, but it gets ya high. It will be nice in the next 5 years when we get some competition


Manuntdfan t1_iufspam wrote

Yeah, I used

They set an appt for a few days later for a virtual consult. The Dr. texted me the day of asking to just call. We talked on the phone for a bit, and about 20 minutes later I had a pdf of my card emailed to me and 30 minutes later I was buying at Gleaf. You just gotta print out the card.

The annoying part was answering all the questions before the consult, and then again at gleaf for their records.


Manuntdfan t1_iub3g86 wrote

Smoked some homegrown, gonna watch the rest of “All quiet on the western front” i didnt finish last night