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RVAVandal t1_jad6v6p wrote

Sounds like you're getting your info about Unions from Fox news and the Capitalist class.


plummbob t1_jadbgv3 wrote

> and the Capitalist class.


what exactly is that


chairmanbrando t1_jadd7ih wrote

It's only the very thing that has been holding this country back for decades with stagnant wages while productivity and corporation profits continue to rise.


plummbob t1_jadetov wrote

>stagnant wages


doesn't look flat to me


Besides, absent land rents, capital share of net income isn't even that great


class conflict is a nice theory if you need to a distant other to blame when you have actual market power from economic classes

but for locally caused problems -low public amenities, poor schools, underperforming infrastructure, high housing costs, pockets of intractable crime are all entirely RVA's locally sourced problems...and is it really the uber-rich causing the poor performance the these things?



take this bonkers of a story. kinda hard to blame jeff bezo's for unsafe streets when its the residents themselves that turned out to protest improving them


gravy_boot t1_jadj2dy wrote

> doesn’t look flat to me

Is this data normalized to the cost of living, or anything else?


plummbob t1_jadk2rl wrote

whenever you see the word real in something like real income or real wages in a dataset like this, it means its adjusted for inflation.


VCUBNFO t1_jad7um3 wrote

Sounds like you're getting your info about unions from unions.


Charles_Britt t1_jad909q wrote

And everyone knows the primary source is always the least accurate information


VCUBNFO t1_jad97u5 wrote

The groups that would hire union groups vs non-union groups generally prefer non-union groups to have better performance.

Primary source, as you say.


OrtizDupri t1_jadavs5 wrote

> The groups that would hire union groups vs non-union groups generally prefer non-union groups to have better performance.

  • citation needed

Charles_Britt t1_jadc7bt wrote

From the US Department of Labor

>Labor unions improve wages and working conditions for all workers, whether they are union members or not. Unions help reduce wage gaps for women workers and workers of color. Union members have better job safety protections and better paid leave than non-union workers, and are more secure exercising their rights in the workplace.

Seems like unions do some cool shit.


kneel_yung t1_jadjo36 wrote

Union workers do better work because they're more experienced. Non-union tend to be younger