Submitted by tequilaanddeadlifts t3_1276kwy in rva

This happened between 3/21/22 and 9/12/22 when i finally received my money back, but I want to warn y’all.

Feel free to share.

I’m sharing this today because I want to make sure no one is ever taken advantage of like I have been by Peter Savage and the Savage Door company. If you’ve been following my posts and stories you’ve known that I was a beyond excited to move forward with doors and HVAC in my building and started that process on March 21st this year when I paid Peter $12,500 down payment for the replacement of my bay doors. I wanted insulated doors with half glass so there could be more visuals into my gym and so I could install HVAC because we’d have sealed all the gaps in the door jambs. I cannot do HVAC without the doors being replaced.

The original lead time was 20 weeks. I started calling and texting in June of this year to find out what was happening, he claimed COVID related delays and extended the experience by 4-6 weeks. (Which as I’d been experiencing delays with other equipment didn’t sound so far fetched.)

I started following up again in July and August to see the status and trying to nail down a ship date, I had an HVAC contractor and installer ready but we couldn’t move forward until the doors were done. Peter was incredibly unresponsive and difficult to get a hold of. There was another issue, and another. I was begging at this point to try and have them done by the time of my open house. He said they’d make sure of it.

Then something else happened and it was another delay. At this point I’ve looked into legal action but I’m not financially flush enough to go after him and try and move forward with another company with a long lead time. I’m disheartened and extremely depressed. I’ve lost thousands of dollars in client loss, trainer loss, and in rent because I can’t keep my promises to my team. I get on medication for depression and anxiety. I struggle with a lot of self hate and suicidal thoughts over the following months.

In October I reach out again. After several delays we finally get an install date. On Thursday, November 3, he calls at 10:30 pm and Sam and I show up to the gym with the wrong doors installed. He claimed the company loaded the wrong ones on his trailer. It will be another 4-6 weeks. He’s going to speak with them directly. I ask for the manufacturer and he refused to give it to me.

So I started calling every door company in Pennsylvania until a lovely woman at AIM doors finally got me in contact with the owners of Alto Doors, the manufacturer of the model I ordered.

They’ve got zero records of an order for my doors. In fact there was a phone call in September to try and rush order the doors (they’re now on a 4-6 week lead time) and an order still wasn’t placed. Until three weeks ago when he ordered the temporary doors himself and installed them.

He’s lied this entire time. He committed fraud. He cost me thousands of dollars and my health and sanity. He’s damaged my reputation with my team. He fully admitted to never ordering my doors and using the money to get through a rough patch. Through my investigation I’ve found that Peter doesn’t have a current contractors license and that it expired in October of 2021 and his business license expired in July.

It wasn’t until I threatened legal action and proved that I knew he had lied this entire time that he admitted it and that he showed up to pay me back the money I’ve spent so far.

He’s a vile, disgusting human being and a shady business owner and I hope no one ever works with him again.

I’m so grateful to Barry and Allison at Alto Doors for helping us to get the doors in the next 4-6 weeks and to help rectify this. Thank you to my man, team and friends for standing by me over these last few months. I’m sorry this took so long. I’ve learned some hard lessons this year. Onward ❤️



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Schmergenheimer t1_jee54db wrote

That sounds horrible. To protect others - DPoR would love to hear your story. They're a regulatory agency, so they're not going to charge you like a lawyer would. Contracting without a license is a big deal, and they'll hit him with some pretty big fines. I'm really glad you got your money back, but if this ever happens again, they can probably help you.

The Virginia SCC may also be interested in him conducting business under an expired LLC (I assume that's what you mean by business license).


tequilaanddeadlifts OP t1_jeeejl9 wrote

Both have been notified as well. But I just wanted to put it out there for others so they don’t suffer the same fate.


notnot_athrowaway t1_jee1bzi wrote

How much was the job total? Reason I ask is because one dead giveaway that you should not do business with a contractor is if they need a downpayment to buy materials and equipment. Any reliable contractor is going to have a credit account with their suppliers and typically won’t ask for more than 10%, which is just a gesture to show you’re committed. The only exception is large projects with multiple phases.


Charlesinrichmond t1_jeehy4b wrote

mmm, I'd say 1/3 but it depends on the job and the relationship. Though maybe we are saying the same thing.


Diet_Coke t1_jefi3xw wrote

One thing that may help prevent similar situations in the future - ask for a certificate of insurance showing you as the certificate holder before even letting a contractor step foot on your property. This goes for everyone, businesses and individuals. If it's a big job, make them add you as an additional insured and/or require additional insured status in your contract with them.

Insurance probably would not have paid out for this loss, but dollars to donuts he doesn't have coverage. Money issues usually mean insurance is the easiest corner to cut, and failure to maintain a license would block him from getting coverage by any company that checked, which they mostly will do. Additionally, providing falsified certificates of insurance is a felony in Virginia.


tequilaanddeadlifts OP t1_jefibfo wrote

Thank you! I will. I have very few updates to make here as of right now but as we move forward with growth plans I’ll make sure to do so. I’m a first time small business owner so I’m always learning (sometimes the hard way.)


Diet_Coke t1_jefkdgj wrote

For sure, sometimes that's the only way. I wouldn't have known about this either until I started working in the industry


Charlesinrichmond t1_jeehtxw wrote

ouch. That sucks.

I'd reccomend apple door in such circumstances


tequilaanddeadlifts OP t1_jeelzz6 wrote

We ended up going with another local company recommended by the manufacturer- they were amazing.


J-Colio t1_jedj4cg wrote

Speaking of contractors to beware...

Who the fuck milled up Main St and hasn't been able to get the overlay down or AT LEAST some dust abatement?

That's one of my dog walking routes, and I got SO MUCH DUST IN MY EYES TODAY.

The no parking signs said they expired last week, so whoever that contractor is I hope the city is slapping you with all of the late fees for not being done yet. You kicked sand in my eyes, and you deserve it.


treestreestreesrva t1_jeecuv1 wrote

This post is just drama and not proper legal action. Although I'd have to say that's spot on for this gym after visiting.


tequilaanddeadlifts OP t1_jeem6n4 wrote

I’d think companies stealing money is relevant to local business owners. Sorry you had a bad experience at the gym but hope you’re happy elsewhere


I_Love_Booty_Pics_ t1_jeg1f6l wrote

You come off very professional on every post I see from you, even negative posts directed at your business. I just wanted to let you know people notice and remember that quality in people.


treestreestreesrva t1_jeenm0l wrote

Smart local business owners check licensure before they hand over cash like that. This is as much on you as it is them to allow it to go months on end like this. Attention to detail a basic knowledge... Same reason I thought your gym was unsafe


tequilaanddeadlifts OP t1_jeepemp wrote

He came highly recommended from several local business owners. But you’re right, I could have done more due diligence and hopefully someone else doesn’t get financially screwed the same way. I’m always learning. Again, I’m sorry you had a bad experience but I take offense at calling our gym unsafe. We are an incredibly knowledgeable, dedicated and experienced team. Based on your comment history I can see why we weren’t a good fit for you. I hope you’re happy elsewhere.


try_by t1_jeftz6w wrote

Love your positivity and patience in all your responses. I took a look at that person’s comment history as well and it was almost nothing but complaining and negativity on every thread. Must be exhausting.

Anyways, wishing you the best of luck!


treestreestreesrva t1_jeeqafb wrote

Could of been the employee teaching a harmful technique... Or maybe the improper maintainence of equipment thats the reason I'm not a fit


TheMuffnMan t1_jegevi0 wrote

If you're going to throw out accusations maybe at least be a touch more detailed?

Which trainer? What technique? What equipment did you feel was improperly maintained? What qualifications do you have to determine it was improperly maintained?