
treestreestreesrva t1_jdaqe2l wrote

No developers, no multi-family. Proper management of increased assessments and other taxes so that it isn't continually funneled toward a few areas. We should be pushing home ownership over more rental properties. Owning makes you care more about your house and your community.


treestreestreesrva t1_jdae0oi wrote

Yes, but that has clearly not happened repeatedly in Richmond because of the lack of equity between areas (for many reasons.) The saying rising tides raise all ships isn't true here.

If we really want to talk about displacing low income individuals with housing we should be looking at VCU...


treestreestreesrva t1_jd9s6sx wrote

Except the numbers show that rents haven't spiked as much near Richmond Highway and other lower income places. They're up, but not like $1600/month for a single loft. You can still rent a whole house for less than that in many areas. We also haven't seen the trailer parks resurface or expand like they did in the 70s.


treestreestreesrva t1_jd8n13m wrote

Lol supply and demand are not linear curves. This is economics 101. Increasing supply in expensive areas will not lower prices. The demand is more inelastic here and RVA exhibits that to a T.

Please understand economics beyond the most simplistic supply and demand curve graph you once saw


treestreestreesrva t1_jd855k7 wrote

Lol and how have these yimbys made your rents lower? We have had more vertical housing in the last 5 years then ever and rents have skyrocketed. Because we crowd 1/2 of the city while ignoring even maintenance of the other half.

Real estate agents want to make sales not what is best for society or even their customers at times.


treestreestreesrva t1_jd7jdt3 wrote

Lol. You're confirming all of our suspicions. You're trying to cram more stuff in to crowded places when there are parts of the city that have been in need of revitalization for over 50 years. Take a trip south on Richmond Highway. Pretty affordable housing that way, but I know for certain you and Sarah Foote would never dare to live there.

People think it's a simple supply and demand curve. But it's not.
