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FalloutRip t1_je6w6jn wrote

I lived across the street from Chimborazo for a little bit. The key is just to not be obnoxious or flagrant about it. Saw plenty of picnics with wine and beer, had a few of my own and never had an issue. As long as you're not walking around with open containers or leaving trash around I doubt anyone would even notice tbh.

Heck, Garnett's sells picnic lunches, including wine, for people to take across the street to Meadow park. I doubt it's high on RPD's list of concerns.


Cunbundle t1_je751xv wrote

I had some wine with a picnic in Byrd Park last weekend. No weird looks from anyone and no run ins with the law. It was a nice little day out actually.

Like you said, don't make a spectacle of yourself and it's not an issue.