Submitted by Cosmicgermanshepard t3_125oogj in rva

It was a nice group of 14 of us who were spending time at Brambly on a quiet weekday evening. When it started to rain we wanted to go sit inside. They would not sit us because they already had a big table eating… or something… not even sure. So I checked the reservations and there were a TON of tables open. They said they couldn’t do two groups of 7 who knew each other because we would hang between tables. ( assumptions ) I asked if we could just pretend not to know each other and they still said no. I could see if the place was busy but it was empty. Very rude staff and not accommodating at all. Finally it took a man in our group to be like listen this doesn’t make sense we are trying to order and pay you guys! If I come in with 6 other people and then another group of 7 comes in after, will you seat us then? They finally sat us and made it seem like such a burden. It was honestly the worst experience we have had there. The server and food was great though. Thx for reading LOL- not even a Karen, I’ve worked in the industry before.



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dontblowupthespot t1_je53v0j wrote

Rumor has it, somebody within the Brambly park organization made a formal request a to CSX to stop running freight at peak buisness hours 😂


softyK t1_je56qog wrote

Can’t fix shortsightedness. One of my main reasons of coming is so my son can see the trains.


PuffinDaisy t1_je7ak2q wrote

That's like those people that move into new housing developments near a racetrack


_MellowGold t1_je5ek09 wrote

how cute. this person has never tried to deal with a railroad before. they answer to no one.


forrestbeach t1_je6u12k wrote

The most Richmond thing I’ve ever heard. Open up establishment in former industrial area to take advantage of “shabby southern urban aesthetic” and then complain about the reality of said aesthetic.


bkemp1984Part2 t1_je8lhlq wrote

I think a lot of Richmond's recent growth is from people who want all the benefits of a city but a sanitized version with none of the downsides. The "I pay a lot to live here" attitude.


DJConwayTwitty t1_je5ubvp wrote

If that’s true that is hilarious. Railroads can do whatever they want.


loptopandbingo t1_je7mdfu wrote

>Railroads can do whatever they want.

Always have. Always will.


ChunkyFart t1_je6bdfd wrote

Oh no! The consequences of their actions! Opening a outdoor venue next to tracks and not wanting trains! No one saw this coming


sleevieb t1_je55dzd wrote

Brambly is the NOVA embassy in RVA.


10000Didgeridoos t1_je5gg0q wrote

Your authority is not recognized in Fort Winedrunk


sleevieb t1_je5remv wrote

The sovereignty of Milf Island and the power I draw from her are unimpeachable.


slazengerx t1_je6tlfs wrote

Ron Burgundy told tales of Whore Island... probably unrelated.


Ear_Enthusiast t1_je69bq1 wrote

Ha, I have friends that just moved down from Nova that were there this weekend and they raved about it.


PM-me-your-moods t1_je7ffnv wrote

Oh, it's great outside when it's good weather. They need to extend the covered area, downgrade the covered area to Cobra Cabana or PBR relaxed, and let people stand under there when it rains, making it large enough to handle the masses under fire code.


Cunbundle t1_je5gtyz wrote

I'd have left. I have a rule that I will never attempt to argue my way into a restaurant. If they show even slight resistance to the idea of seating me, I'm gone. Immediately.

They're booked solid and I have no reservation? That's on me, I won't argue. I'm gone.

They have some weird, stupid policy that makes them not want to seat me like in OP's story? I'm gone just as fast. Except in that case I won't be back.


dfloyo t1_je5u0gu wrote

I’m with you on this. I don’t want to take any chances with my food or give anyone money that doesn’t deserve it. Convenience and the weather are factors here, I understand that, but I’m with you otherwise.


Cosmicgermanshepard OP t1_je647ks wrote

Right! We were so close to leaving! but when we got there when it was nice weather and wanted to be seated when it started to rain inside to order food! Wil not be back.


Cunbundle t1_je66g0g wrote

Yeah, that situation kind of complicates things. Sorry you had to deal with that!


-jxw- t1_je5u2vu wrote

the barrier to this can be hangry people within your group


ExtremeHobo t1_je6pk50 wrote

Yep short walk to lots of other places because you are in SA.


deathleprchaun t1_je73xgo wrote

> Brambly park

thats why we wont go back or i guess will never try the Island Shrimp Company or whatever its called where Conch used to be.


skeevy-stevie t1_je559n3 wrote

“I asked if we could just pretend not to know each other” lol


Caleb_Krawdad t1_je6h1it wrote

"These ass holes, I just met them and don't even like them"


_threadz_ t1_je5oynq wrote

Brambly is way overpriced and the wine is mid


FalloutRip t1_je6bvjv wrote

Box o' Franzia and a picnic blanket in Chimbo park serve you just as well!


thriftyshirt t1_je6rqjz wrote

> Chimbo park

"No alcoholic beverages are allowed in city parks."

I'm not really a stickler for rules, but illegally drinking in a city park carries a different stress level than dealing with staff attitudes at Brambly.


FalloutRip t1_je6w6jn wrote

I lived across the street from Chimborazo for a little bit. The key is just to not be obnoxious or flagrant about it. Saw plenty of picnics with wine and beer, had a few of my own and never had an issue. As long as you're not walking around with open containers or leaving trash around I doubt anyone would even notice tbh.

Heck, Garnett's sells picnic lunches, including wine, for people to take across the street to Meadow park. I doubt it's high on RPD's list of concerns.


Cunbundle t1_je751xv wrote

I had some wine with a picnic in Byrd Park last weekend. No weird looks from anyone and no run ins with the law. It was a nice little day out actually.

Like you said, don't make a spectacle of yourself and it's not an issue.


dalhectar t1_je6xns4 wrote

I'm curious what local public park is less laid back than Brambly?

Even if you did have an open container- people have more pressing concerns, namely their own business.


SparrowfRt t1_je5emdg wrote

That sounds like a situation where rules were made at one point for a very specific situation, then blindly applied across the board. How frustrating and pointless when, like you said, you’re trying to give them money.

I really enjoy Brambly Park, but had a really disappointing experience while trying to plan our wedding party. We eloped a few years and wanted to rent out their private room upstairs for a belated celebration. I was in communication with Louise, their event planner, for over 4 months. She had the date, number of people in our party, etc, and we were finalizing logistics. I should have paid attention to the red flags of her being unresponsive… It took me about 3 times asking over the course of several weeks “we want to book this date, how do we move forward?” when she told me that date was already booked. No explanation, no apology, no attempt to try to accommodate in another way. I was shocked and pretty irritated to say the least.

So as much as I enjoy the space, the food, the wine, and hell, the servers have always been great too, I can’t justify spending any money there or supporting them. IDK if it’s poor management, a bad apple, or complications of trying to remain open during a pandemic, but woof - get it together!


SatisfactionSweet183 t1_je6qb3a wrote

Definitely a bad apple situation. Tried booking an event with Louise one time, she NEVER responds. My wife and I each reached out multiple times. I don’t think the higher ups know how awful she is to try to work around, it was impossible to book with her. Called the restaurant back and their host was immediately accommodating and friendly and was able to help me get it booked before the end of our call.


spiirel t1_je8cw1j wrote

Ooof good tip. I’m looking to host something there soon.


SatisfactionSweet183 t1_je8d2co wrote

My only tip: Call the restaurant directly. They’ll be sure to help you out. And if they try to direct you to Louise. Ask to speak to someone else.


Rogleson t1_je5cbo3 wrote

I don't get why happy hour prices don't apply outside. That seems Scroogey.


BureauOfBureaucrats t1_je57zb1 wrote

Lots of these Scott’s Addition places are uber strict on seating and reservations. We’ve experienced similar situations.


ExtremeHobo t1_je6sg8o wrote

I went to Brambly with the manager of several highly rated restaurants in Cary, NC. Everything went poorly. We had a reservation for something like 2:30 but for some reason they weren't open until 3. They didn't think that was odd and treated us like we made a mistake but that's fucking impossible because we made it on their website.

After waiting (I had advocated moving to somewhere else but they wanted to stay) we sit down and are the only table there. Somehow we still got shit service. Manager I am with had spent literally his whole career in the good industry and I've been a server and bartender so I know bad service.

We get served a wine that was actually spoiled. I've never had that happen at any other restaurant. Not even just slightly oxidated, actually spoiled or contaminated. No big deal except we can't find a server for 10 or 15 minutes and we are literally the only people.

Food was ok. They offered us no discount for the botched reservation or fucked up wine (except replacing it).

Fuck that place. Ran by garbage who need to get out of RVA.


Valuable_Carry4599 t1_je5d6bv wrote

My biggest ‘pet peeve’ in my 40 years on this planet is when a man says the same exact thing a woman says and whoever the “they” is they accommodate the man! 🤮


lafleurricky t1_je5wtiv wrote

I went once, my friends already had a table and when I told them that they said I couldn’t just go join.

It was like 12 on a sunday and I just walked past and found my friends at a table around a ton of empty tables? Weird place.


remus989 t1_je567fs wrote

That place is awful all around. Bad service and terrible food.


Kamesod t1_je5ml3x wrote

I got the chicken and waffles and lord help me there was more syrup than chicken and waffles combined. It legitimately tasted like they sugar dipped sugar cubes and then molded them into the shape of chicken and waffles.

Also it’s hilarious how clearly everyone takes their nova parents there on their Sunday brunch visits. It’s like a rite of passage, or something. Maybe you get a discount if you arrive in vineyard vines, and I just didn’t know about it?


Omelette_duFromage t1_je5p6p8 wrote

Brambly Park should be perfect for big groups inside or out, but every time I have gone, either for an event my group planned or something planned by someone else, there's a logistical screw up. They can't figure out their own QR system ordering, they've applied payments to the wrong tab, can't find where they were going to seat us, etc etc etc.

I'm in an affiliate group with VCU, and believe me any time anybody brings up holding an event there when I'm around I try my hardest to shut that down.


remus989 t1_je636mv wrote

My work had an event there and they turned off their QR code ordering at one point because they couldn't handle the orders. It was nuts.


bodydamage t1_je6c5na wrote

Brambly seems to have several stupid rules. We went on a double date a couple weeks ago and wanted to grab some drinks from the bar and go sit outside since the weather was nice.

I asked for an Old Fashioned, “oh we don’t serve specialty cocktails for outside seating” and made a whole big fuckin to-do about it even though the bar was mostly empty and had maybe 8 people sitting at it.

Then after all that she made it anyways, and proceeded to do basically the same thing about making a chocolate Martini off their menu because she didn’t know how to make it.

She wasted more time and energy arguing about the drinks than it took to make them.

Food and drinks are meh for what they charge. This is the second time we’ve been and found the way they do things to be awfully….pedantic


khuldrim t1_je9m2v3 wrote

That specialty cocktails thing might have something to do with their ABC license, just FYI.


bodydamage t1_je9m66j wrote

We’ve been in the past when the outside bar was open and they made mixed drinks no problem


jeb_hoge t1_je547ca wrote

That's just dumb.


cole-world t1_je5rv85 wrote

LOL this happened to me too. I showed up with a group of like 8 and the place was quite literally almost empty. They were so mad we didn't have a reservation and made a big fuss about it. It seems like they don't want the business haha


mossacres t1_je5zbfd wrote

i had a very similar experience with a group of 8 and the place was empty inside. totally unnecessary and unaccommodating.


greedy_new_truth t1_je68zsb wrote

I made a sizeable reservation for the park that same night and called ahead to verify we would have an option to move inside if (when) the rain came down and the hostess confirmed with the manager we were covered. We ended up at another spot knowing the scenario would play out the way you described. Felt good sitting at that alternative spot enjoying wine when I got the text that they were unlikely to accommodate us based on the developing situation.


Gemni87 t1_je5f7ja wrote

We only went as a group of 3 at 5:15pm without reservations. It seemed as if it was an inconvenience to seat us, since we didn’t have reservations. Nearly all of the outside was empty and the entire inside was empty, minus the bar. We got sat inside and ordered drinks & apps to share, all good/decent. Unfortunately the entire time we were there, about an hour and a half or so, it was like they were rushing us out the door. When we left, the patio had started to fill up but still with availability and the inside was still half empty. I guess they wanted our table asap, but it didn’t seem like they needed it. We all agreed we would make reservations if we came back, but the pressure to get us out from our table was so ridiculous we probably won’t be back any time soon. There are plenty of other places to go with better food & drink options out there where you aren’t pressured to leave.


hairymonkeyinmyanus t1_je71vp3 wrote

That’s funny… We had a reservation there. They split it into two tables that weren’t near each other. It was annoying.


Mr_Kittlesworth t1_je7b31c wrote

The reason to go to brambly is to sit outside in nice weather a park-like setting, rather than a patio.

And because they have a fenced in area that’s basically a dog park for children.

Neither the food nor the drinks are good or reasonably priced.


RVAFoodie t1_je7pc79 wrote

I peed at Brambly Park once and clogged the toilet. Still not sure if I’d recommend


dg792 t1_je8kzb0 wrote

Why on earth did you spend a single red cent with these people? Is it just OK to you to patronize businesses that clearly have nothing but contempt for their customers?


Poop_Dollar_McGee t1_je9p2oz wrote

This place is the worst. We had a super terrible experience there for dinner one night. Bad food, bad service, and very expensive. My friend wrote a negative review and they immediately contacted her to refund her and give her a gift card IF she took her review down. I tell everyone I know to skip going there for dinner.


thriftyshirt t1_je6sop3 wrote

I've taken my young kids to Brambly a few times and enjoyed it, but my expectations are low with regard to food/drinks/service as long as the place accommodates small kids running around.

I'd love to hear recommendations for other places that are good for letting your rugrats run loose while parents can sit and eat. For example, we've enjoyed the big Hardywood West Creek, but they don't serve food (just trucks during events).

The biggest appeal of Brambly for us is their (mostly) enclosed outdoor area and room for kids to play.

Where else can we go for that?


likeapatient t1_je731gj wrote

You have a baby in a bar.gif


thriftyshirt t1_je741lp wrote

I mean, I guess. But if you have a two parent household, and one is sober or designated driver and you're meeting up with friends who don't have kids or a dozen other reasons for adults to get together while also having children.

Brambly Park at 2pm on a Sunday isn't the same as a baby in a carrier at a drive bar at closing time.


read_andrun t1_jeffruy wrote

I went there with my coworkers about two years ago and was charged a totally different price for our bottle of wine than what was listed on the menu. Checked the website and there was a different price there too. When we called to figure out what was going on they said there was nothing they could do about it and customers needed to get used to their pricing. Obviously we've never been back.


Obvious_Bat_5547 t1_je9dc37 wrote

Richmond became short pump east 10 years ago why are people surprised😂


PancakesAndAss t1_je6g8ut wrote

The number of open tables does not mean there is someone available to serve you.


Jackal5witch t1_je6lqg1 wrote

The restaurant was willing to seat/ serve OP’s group when they were sitting outside, so it doesn’t sound like being short on servers was the issue.


PancakesAndAss t1_je6xm35 wrote

Different servers have different sections, and they probably have a limited number of locations that can handle a party that large and it sounds like that section was already in use by another large party.


Jackal5witch t1_je7654y wrote

The servers assigned to outdoor sections probably lost most, if not all, of their tables when it started to rain. There were open tables inside and the online reservation system showed plenty of availability, so it’s not like all the indoor seating was booked up. OP’s group was already there and more than willing to separate into smaller groups so they could continue to stay at Brambly. They even assured staff they wouldn’t hang between tables, but still got pushback.


PancakesAndAss t1_je7d3zg wrote

People always say that, but they never do.

My guess is that there are two sides to this story.


Cosmicgermanshepard OP t1_je7iu8h wrote

There wasn’t.. lol.

Haha considering other people are saying the same things as me in the comments seems it’s pretty common


Cosmicgermanshepard OP t1_je7ipse wrote

Correct. Literally if they didn’t know we were together and came in and got two tables they would have sat us. And yes they were serving us drinks outside but we wanted more drinks and to get dinner. I have worked in the service industry as stated above


PancakesAndAss t1_je7jmt4 wrote

And they would have sat you at different parts of the restaurant.


Cosmicgermanshepard OP t1_je7krpw wrote

That would have been fine. We just wanted to eat lol but since they knew we were together they wouldn’t even do that. Hence the fact I said can we pretend we don’t know each other and sit completely separate. They obviously knew we knew each other because we had a drink outside and served us then. Seems very weird and now I see others experience the same


rabit_stroker t1_je93jlq wrote

Sounds like they were shortstaffed and you were being a dick
