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Farmerjoerva t1_isx8q71 wrote

Oh no there’s a female that works there with braids. She’s nice. I’m pretty sure this is on Brooklyn pkway


Woodsman1993 t1_isxdwd4 wrote

I have seen her put up with some absurd people with a very pleasant attitude hahaha I like that post office.


lady_lowercase t1_isxgob1 wrote

> a female

wait, is she a human? or is this one of those francine at lowe’s situations? because if it’s the latter, i must see pictures.

i’ll just leave this here.


Farmerjoerva t1_isxi60s wrote

More just distinguishing that the person that works there isn’t the homophonic male that this post is about.


WEGCjake t1_isy4397 wrote



lady_lowercase t1_isy6980 wrote

eh, based on the other comment, looks like farmer joe is just too used to being among his livestock.
