Just wanted to let out a quick rant here about the infamous Broad street. I hate leaving the house now to begin with but mustered the courage to go and drive to Chanellos. As I’m driving near VCU on Broad street this punk who is weaving in out of traffic completely cuts me off and I have to slam on my breaks to avoid a wreck. It scares me so much and of course with my luck I end up right next to them at a stop light. They’re just smiling and shit and laughing looking at me as I am visibly upset trying not look. Then they drive off and keep honking the horn. Like I know it’s not a big deal but why are people such dicks sometimes? They wanted a reaction out of me like that’s funny for some reason. Anyways rant over I’ve had much worse happen before but man broad street is the absolute worse to drive on especially at night. Just please stop treating the road like you’re playing GTA, thanks. 🙏🏻
a1iendays OP t1_ith94xm wrote
Yeah, I understand.
Standard_Bat_8833 t1_itha9aq wrote
What’s up with everyone in Richmond not liking leaving their house?
iMelancholyKid t1_ithbka6 wrote
Can't imagine if you were on a bike and that happened.
glad your okay. broad street is treacherous
GinHalpert t1_ithmmyu wrote
Are you going to survive
catmmy50 t1_ithoht3 wrote
People can't drive. Post Covid some people drive aggressively and dangerously
a1iendays OP t1_ithpq2v wrote
Prob not I guess
a1iendays OP t1_ithpt4q wrote
God I can’t imagine what bikers go through on Broad street
a1iendays OP t1_ithpz59 wrote
Idk man there’s lots of factors to that question but living in a post pandemic world is not fun 😄
[deleted] t1_ithscwa wrote
PickanickBasket t1_ithwfei wrote
I feel like every single time I'm on the road now I have a heart-racingly close encounter with some asshole or lunatic on the road. Used to happen maybe once a week but now it's every day, often multiple times a day. I've been side swiped twice by people just pulling into my lane without looking out caring, and driving off. Some loon PULLED OUT A HANDGUN AND FIRED IT INTO THE AIR while cutting me off at the intersection of Broad and 18th. I dunno what happened during the pandemic but it ain't good for my anxiety.
mah658 t1_ithymqn wrote
Buy a dashcam if you don't have one already. Saw an accident just the other day where the at fault lady was blaming the visibly upset lady that had been hit to the point she was in tears. Luckily it all happened in front of a city bus that got it all on camera. Otherwise the victim would have had a tough time proving otherwise.
DirtyJamesmydia t1_itiajir wrote
Take Leigh st. next time. You can take it all the way to boulevard and you'll never have to be on broad st.
1yellowstoneguy t1_itibhet wrote
Am I the only one who fantasizes about having a bazooka in my car that magically blasts assholes like that off the road into a ditch, destroying their car but miraculously leaving them and everyone else unscathed? Lol
farte3745328 t1_itidnmu wrote
I literally never drive on broad if I can help it I always take main and cary
Sporktoaster t1_itijptz wrote
Often it’s a windshield.
orcawhales t1_itijqlf wrote
people have never been able to drive in the south
trillbabyprime t1_itisvhg wrote
Come down to the part of broad street by the murder mcdonalds and I will show you a place that is hell on earth for both cars and pedestrians
[deleted] t1_itiuhhh wrote
catmmy50 t1_itiylu7 wrote
Speak the truth.
[deleted] t1_itj0ry4 wrote
slipknot90 t1_itj35qz wrote
Please tell me why
ChuckBS t1_itjanhk wrote
Leigh street is the way.
lap_doggie t1_itjc4e5 wrote
This is true in my experience. I have grown up in the south and lived here a total of almost 30 years, whilst also spending years in Colorado and in Florida and plenty of big city, cross country, and mountain driving and international. Basically just lots of driving lol. I've only been in Richmond 6 months and it is by far the most reckless and mindless driving I have ever experienced. People are bad in other places, but I've never seen such a large percentage of people straight up not pay attention, talk about drinking and driving like it's absolutely fine, not even pay attention to the lines and be absolute pricks. Also speeding on one ways or neighborhoods, parking lots. I've developed extreme driving and car paranoia in the last 6 months.
I think it's because people know this town like the back of their hands and just are too comfortable tbh. The roads are some of the weirdest and most nonsensical I've ever experienced.
Edit to delete the I'm sorry cause I'm not 👌
lap_doggie t1_itjceer wrote
Wow, that's really bad. I sympathize for you and feel similar paranoia. I think my ideal state of being would be to call the non emergency line and report behavior like that. Though I've never done. I regret not doing it though.
Geowench t1_itjdqv1 wrote
I like to throw “grenades” (pretending to pull a pin with my teeth and whistling as I “launch” it). it’s harmless and makes me feel better when an asshole pulls something.
Upper-Discount5060 t1_itjg393 wrote
Non-Sensical 100%! I was down there recently (from NJ) and the roads and how they connect and merge and all that was very illogical. That being said, it’s an amazing place and really had a great time visiting and exploring!
lap_doggie t1_itjgalf wrote
Oh heck yes, I absolutely love richmond.
FalloutRip t1_itjlspz wrote
Have you been outside? There are people out there. No thank you.
RufusDelgado t1_itk0jcu wrote
Vcu kids.
Richmondisjustok t1_itksl5q wrote
Try taking transit. It’s free!
fractalflatulence t1_itkudcg wrote
Some of you are so dramatic, it blows my mind.
“Afraid to leave my house” “Post-pandemic world” “Chanello’s” “Visibly upset”
That’s not normal, just FYI
fractalflatulence t1_itkuj3r wrote
I think you mean what’s up with people on r/rva not wanting to leave the house….
puppyciao t1_itl3b0w wrote
No, fuck that. Driving is scary and you had every right to be upset.
puppyciao t1_itl3hmk wrote
It’s a normal reaction to abnormal events (a pandemic)
puppyciao t1_itl3irj wrote
Why post?
Rodzilla_Blood t1_itlanfd wrote
Use Leigh or Marshall
PayneTrainSG t1_itlexnx wrote
about 2/3 of richmond drivers should have never been given a drivers license. almost half of that remaining number could stand to be retested frequently and stringently.
Broken_Stylus t1_itlomhu wrote
Are we getting speed cameras at any point? I know they voted to permit them, but only within construction and school zones I think. We could use them all over tbh.
Roger_the_Shrubber11 t1_itlv9ee wrote
Yeah, and those are pre-covid numbers.
fastshap t1_itmedu5 wrote
It’s certainly a reaction to abnormal events.
BillyWilly2019 t1_itmso1g wrote
When I did deliveries I avoided Broad and also Parham as much as possible. Took slightly longer, but way less stressful.
easy_Money t1_itmv7uh wrote
All my stuff is there and I don't like people
jatoskep t1_itn4x93 wrote
I'm certain the answer is no, but is there anything that can be done with footage like this if OP had a dash cam and someone is clearly recklessly driving or is it only good in a case where you need to prove fault in an accident?
Even with footage of the reckless driving and the license plate I assume there's nowhere you could send it so the person could be ticketed or fined? I've seen so much abhorrently bad driving around Richmond in the last few weeks since moving back and it's insane that there's nothing to be done about it.
systematical t1_itp8jbj wrote
It's true. Every state thinks they have the worst drivers. I've lived in four states now and Richmond is the fucking worst. I've almost been hit on my bike multiple times, constantly see people run red lights, watched a lady drive into a tree a few houses down from and whoever thought this city could handle roundabouts on Jefferson is clearly a fucking moron. Then you have RVA fast and furious fucks and the amount of cars with fart nozzles attached to them is absurd.
systematical t1_itp8sow wrote
I've been longing to build an EMP cannon. Its the non-violent version of your dream. Ideally remote controlled so I can take out cars with fart nozzles driving by my house from the comfort of my couch.
systematical t1_itp953s wrote
As a lifelong introvert I am content going out to mingle with people once a week.
mah658 t1_itsd5om wrote
It's in case to prove fault in an accident. RPD doesn't care about reckless driving, or any driving infractions for that matter. In case of an accident, insurance companies will take that video, figure out who owns the vehicle, find their insurance, and recover the money needed to fix your car or pay for your medical bills.
TL:DR Police don't care, insurance companies do
KDRadio1 t1_ith8xno wrote
They wanted a reaction and got one. I know it can be tough but try not to let it impact you so much.